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Thread: Hot Seat Answers #53 - giantsfan5689

  1. #1
    Administrator HollywoodLeo's Avatar
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    Hot Seat Answers #53 - giantsfan5689

    giantsfan5689, your Hot Seat questions have been asked in this thread. You have up to 7 days in which to answer these questions, should you choose to do so. Once you have done that, please select the next Hot Seat participant. Thank you for participating. The next Hot Seat (#54) will begin on Tax Day 2008, or when you're done answering, whichever comes first.
    LeagueTeamyearsRecordWild CardDivisionPennantsTitles
    MSLSan Diego Padres2034-20592,217-1,9951631
    TBLArizona Diamondbacks2005-20181,216-1,0531963
    TSSLSan Diego Padres2015-2021, 2024-20281,017-9280732
    TSSLTexas Rangers2029-2033396-4140000

  2. #2
    Pay me in gum NYgiantsfan5689's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #53 - giantsfan5689

    Reefer Lovin':
    If you had a gay guy on your back, would you beat him off??
    Which was your favorite Tony Danza show? Who's the Boss or Taxi?
    If you had three places to go back in time to see, what would they be?
    1: Absolutely. I got nothin against 'em, but no hitting on me thank you very much.
    2: I don't watch much TV, so I don't know who Tony Danza is nor do i know any of his shows.
    3: Thats a good question. I guess I'd see the dinosaurs, I'd see if Jesus actually did what that giant book says he did, and I'd see Babe Ruth, because he's one of the most interesting sports characters ever.

    Why do you have a chinstrap? They're dirty, don't look cool, and suggest you want to live vicariously through a football player.
    If you could pitch in the Majors and be Jim Deshaies in 1994, or hit in the majors and be Rob Deer in 1991, which would you do? I just want which player (don't base it off team or the fact you like hitting or pitching more)
    Father, Mother, Brother, Sister: assign one to each of these 4 members: DirtyKash, love_that_reefer, Kingdom_of_Zito, Dam8610.
    1: I actually shaved it. I got it because 1, I can grow it in about 6 days (i'm Italian, don't be surprised). 2, it makes me look older. And 3, I kind of liked it. I think I look better without it, but sometimes I bring it back for the hell of it.
    2: Deshaies. You don't want an explanation so I won't give you one.
    3: Father: Zito cause he likes to put me in my place. Mother: DirtyKash cause his avatar is a hot chick. Brother: Dam cause he seems like a cool guy. Sister: Reefer cause he's the last one left in the 4.

    My clone:
    1. Who is your least favorite Yankee of all time? Give me a detailed explanation of why you hate this player.
    2. If you could be any character from a movie for a day, who would you be, and what would you do?
    3. Where does the Giants Super Bowl win rank among the greatest upsets in sports history?
    1: Kyle Farnsworth, has been for quite a while. I think that's self-explanatory, but incase you are still wondering, it's because he's real bad and he's an asshole to people. Don't like him at all. I have to be honest and say, because I really don't know sports history as well as I know current and very recent players (I think it's just because my memory is so god-awful) that I don't really hate any former Yankees.
    2: Optimus Prime. And I would do whatever Optimus Prime does. End of story.
    3: As far as ones I've seen, it's #1 by a long shot. If a baseball team ever came back from 3 games down in the ALDS, that would rank pretty high up there too, but that's never happened before as far as all-time, like I said before, I'm not really too big on sports history, but I'd have to say somewhere around #3 or so. I remember reading this question before and thinking that, but I don't remember what I though as #'s 2 and 1, so I can't really say right now. I'll edit this post if I ever remember.

    Kingdom of a former really good A's Pitcher:
    1. Who wears the pants in the relationship, you or browntown? Ok, ok, I'm kidding. So Syracuse next season, do you see Harris, Flynn and Donte Green all returning?

    2. Eli Manning, is he actually made that step to being great or is he the luckiest cracker ever?

    3. What player in any sport gives you chills just seeing him play on T.V.
    1. Haha, I see them all coming back. Greene is the only one with a chance at the NBA this year, and he's really not all that good yet, and he wore a shirt a student made for him multiple times that read "Don'te Leave" so I think he'll be back. He's a complete asshole if he doesn't. Syracuse is primed for an EXCELLENT season next year, and I'm not just saying that because I go here. They are returning every starter, plus they get Devendorf and Andy Routins back, and Ongenaet has progressed exponentially as a basketball player.
    2: 2 years ago, if you had showed me the future that the Giants would win the Super Bowl, knowing the Eli Manning of 2 years ago, I'd no doubt say he was the luckiest cracker ever. But just seeing him play this season, I really honestly believe he's progressed into a top-notch quarterback. His accuracy and poise have both increased dramatically. And let's be honest, a little luck is a necessary part of any championship team in any sport.
    3: There are a few. Tiger Woods. His poise is just un-f*cking-believable. I would NOT want to get into a staring contest with that man, lest I be sent home crying. Bill Romanowski and John Lynch. They're f*cking beasts. Aaron Rowand. I don't know why, he's just awesome, and he seems like a scary guy.

    The evil twin (that's Doppelganger for all you lazy folks out there):
    1) Would you have pulled the trigger for Johan?
    2) Will the Empire win the WS this year?
    3) Why so serious?
    1. Absolutely not. Melky Cabrera and Joba/Hughes/Kennedy are too valuable to give up for a guy who will only play once every 5 days. That's my philosophy on pitching. Hitting to me is more important because they are players who can make an impact for you in 162 games. A starting pitcher will only make an impact in about 35 tops. As amazing as Johan is, Melky is showing that he is a spark in that Yankees lineup and in the field. His bat and his arm are invaluable.
    2: No. Plain and simple. Too many other good teams, and the Yankees are too streaky of a team. They get hot, and then they just freeeeeeze up.
    3: Why not?

    - Do you think the New York football Giants got the better deal in the 2004 draft day trade?

    - If you took over as GM of the Yankees today and Kevin Towers called you and told you he's willing to trade Jake Peavy, but the asking price is steep how much would you be willing to give up? (make an offer)

    - If you were a closer for a major league baseball team what would you want as your entrance music?
    1: Yup. Philip Rivers has yet to prove himself completely to me and to many NFL experts. And the loss of all the extra draft picks was a non-factor because the Giants' front office has proven they can draft effectively in the later rounds.
    2: Wow, that's tough. I would say I would not be able to offer anything Towers would accept. Because of the reasons I gave above about the Johan deal.
    3: That is my favorite question of the whole thing. Here's my answers in order of liking:
    -For Those About To Rock by AC/DC - it has one of the sweetest intros ever, and the lyric in the beginning "we are the dealers, we'll give you everything you need" is perfect for a closer
    -I Don't Wanna Stop by Ozzy Ozbourne - Just one of my all-time favorite songs, and I love the solo
    -Thunderstruck by AC/DC - great intro as well, and a great pump-up song
    -Click Click Boom by Saliva - great pump up song, but I think someone already uses this...can't remember who
    -Black Sunshine by Rob Zombie - I find Rob Zombie to be one of the best pump-up artists for me personally

    Porter 100-1:
    Could you close for the M's the next two weeks?

    Is NASCAR becoming the MLB of Auto Racing and WHY?

    The world record for beating Mario Bros on the Nintendo is 5 minutes and 11 seconds, could you beat that?
    1: Yup
    2: I'm not really sure what you mean here, but I will say that NASCAR, due to the publicity it's getting from ESPN, is definitely on the rise. I'm a fan, not saying I watch every race, but if one is on and I'm not doing anything important, I'll watch it. And for all those who say it's not a sport and it doesn't take athletic ability, here's what I have to say to that: It has been proven scientifically that athletic ability is absolutely required to sit in a car at 180+ mph for 4 hours. You need cardio endurance, you need strength to fight the wheel at those speeds, and just like flying a fighter jet, your body needs to be able to take stress and G forces, which takes an incredible amount of athletic ability.
    3: No. That's y it's a world record. Classic game though

    LJ "Not So" Shorty

    1) Who is your favorite Red Sox player ever, and why?
    2) Most worrisome part of the 2008 Yankees, and how YOU would fix it(assuming you were Brian Cashman)
    3) Will Donte return? Will he show signs of improvement? Will Cuse return to the NCAA tournament? and don't you regret not camping out with me and Baer?
    1: Jacoby Ellsbury and Papelbon. Ellsbury because of his electric speed and his desire and determination. Papelbon because of his desire and determination as well as his intensity. And Papi because........he's Papi and he's so cool. If he weren't a Red Sox, I think he would be up there with Peavy.
    2: LaTrash. If I were Cashman, I wouldn't have signed him. I can just tell Girardi wants him to be a workhorse for them, and that's just not going to be good at all.
    3: Yes he will return. Yes he will show improvement. Yes they will return to the tournament. No I don't regret camping out with you two. Too much homo-eroticism in that tent. PS: You know what Baer asked me to do today? PAINT MY FACE AND GO TO AN SU SOFTBALL GAME. You know what I said? NO. GET A LIFE.

    "I ask" Dirty "Questions" Kash
    Question 1
    One day, Dick Vitale comes up to you and tells you that he has been diagnosed with fatal testicular cancer, and that his only chance of survival is if you donate one of your testicles to him. You are the only person in the whole world who is a perfect donor match. What do you do, knowing that if you do choose to donate, Vitale will live for another 10 years. If you choose to ignore him, he will die within the next few hours.

    Question 2
    It is the year 2015. You have been hired as the new manager of the New York Yankees, replacing Joe Girardi who is off to retirement. The Yankees, your favorite team ever since you were a little boy, have won 6 of the last 8 World Series that have been played. Your task in succeeding Girardi and following in his footsteps are obviously difficult; the expectations are immense. Upon meeting with your players, you discover a shocker: every Yankee player from 2008 to 2015 has used steroids and human growth hormone. As well, you discover hundreds upon thousands of DVDs that contain film of every other team's gameplans, meetings, secret signals, etc. Basically, the Yankees have been cheating the entire time Joe Girardi was the manager; however, by cheating, they have "won" 6 of 8 World Series. As the new manager, what is your course of action? Do you continue the Yankees' cheating ways, knowing that you will likely win countless World Series in doing so?

    Question 3
    On a sunny Saturday morning, your doorbell rings. You open the door. There is a man wearing a suit who greets you. "Good morning sir!" As he says that, he opens a briefcase, which is packed full of money inside.

    You think to yourself, "Wow! There must be millions in there." So the dude at the door says, "Sir, there is $5 million in cash right here in this briefcase. It is yours if you let me do one thing." You think to yourself, "shit. Now what?" Dude says, "If you let me urinate in your mouth, the money is yours. You have to swallow every drop." As a Syracuse University law student, you are currently tens of thousands of dollars in debt. Also, your girlfriend recently told you that she is pregnant with twin babies, so there is no doubt that the money would greatly help you. Do you accept? Why or why not?
    1. Yes I would give it to him because 1, I have another testicle. 2, I would be famous and probably rich for saving Dick Vitale's life. Then I would kill him in his sleep and hide the evidence.....haha jk! I wouldn't do that But yes I would do what you asked.
    2. Ugh. That would be such an awful situation. I really don't know, because I'm torn. If I told people, not only would I be disgracing my favorite team, I would undoubtedly be fired from my dream job by the front office who probably knew about all of this. But I have such an awful guilty consience. The steroids wouldn't be the hard part because that would be all on the players. That would have nothing to do with me or the organization as much. The tapes and cheating would be the hard part for me. Here's what I would do: I would burn the tapes secretly, and nobody would ever know about that. And I think I would have to rat out the players who did steroids. If I were to somehow eliminate that internally and secretly, then I would look stupid because the team wouldn't dominate anymore, and I would look like an awful manager. So yeah, that's what I would do.
    3: I'd do it. $5 mil is a freaking lot of money, and as gross as it is, piss isn't THAT bad for you.....there would be much washing and hospital visiting afterwards though. And I'd make him get an AIDS test first, cause I'm pretty sure piss counts as a bodily fluid.
    Quote Originally Posted by missionhockey21 View Post
    Life: Its gots to be funky.

  3. #3
    Pay me in gum NYgiantsfan5689's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #53 - giantsfan5689

    no one sent me a request to be nominated, so if you would like to do it next, PM me and I'll nominate you here. If I don't get a PM in a day or two I guess I'll just pick someone
    Quote Originally Posted by missionhockey21 View Post
    Life: Its gots to be funky.

  4. #4
    Furcals Designated Driver realmofotalk's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #53 - giantsfan5689

    Quote Originally Posted by giantsfan5689 View Post
    1: Yup. Philip Rivers has yet to prove himself completely to me and to many NFL experts. And the loss of all the extra draft picks was a non-factor because the Giants' front office has proven they can draft effectively in the later rounds.
    Brutal. Suck it hard, Charger fan.

  5. #5
    Hall of Famer ljshorty89's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #53 - giantsfan5689

    the only reason you don't regret not camping out is because you got to spend more time with ur clone

  6. #6
    Pay me in gum NYgiantsfan5689's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #53 - giantsfan5689

    nomination: Doppelganger
    Quote Originally Posted by missionhockey21 View Post
    Life: Its gots to be funky.

  7. #7
    Hall of Famer ljshorty89's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #53 - giantsfan5689

    Quote Originally Posted by giantsfan5689 View Post
    3: Yes he will return. Yes he will show improvement. Yes they will return to the tournament. No I don't regret camping out with you two. Too much homo-eroticism in that tent. PS: You know what Baer asked me to do today? PAINT MY FACE AND GO TO AN SU SOFTBALL GAME. You know what I said? NO. GET A LIFE.
    So, it took you like 3 whole days to be wrong. Nice going Kyle

  8. #8
    De Facto Baseball God
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #53 - giantsfan5689

    My question: If you had a gay guy on your back, would you beat him off??

    Answer: Absolutely. I got nothin against 'em, but no hitting on me thank you very much.

    Fcuking priceless!

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