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Thread: Breaking News: Terrorists Attack London

  1. #46
    Hall of Famer McKain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Generalissimo
    I didn't say every Muslim is a terrorist. I simply stated that if the Middle East were wiped off the face of the earth, I would not miss it.

    If the Middle East were wiped off of the face of the earth, it would not take long before you realized how much you missed it.

  2. #47
    GFX guru is back. Element's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McKain
    If the Middle East were wiped off of the face of the earth, it would not take long before you realized how much you missed it.
    I think he ment the people, not the oil.
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    Circular logic aside, Mr Mims, you have yet to provide a single credible reason why you are, in fact, hot.

  3. #48
    Hall of Famer McKain's Avatar
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    You can't remove the people without destroying everything there.

  4. #49
    GFX guru is back. Element's Avatar
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    Well it was just a hypothetical statement. I don't think the Middle East is going to be wiped off the face of the earth anytime soon.
    Mariners Artwork | Request a Sig
    Circular logic aside, Mr Mims, you have yet to provide a single credible reason why you are, in fact, hot.

  5. #50
    Hall of Famer awefullspellare's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bosox21
    Enough of the Islam bashing. I assume most of us are Christians, we should'nt be talking, our history isnt all peacful (i.e. spanish inquisition). As far as the Koran promoting viloence, read the bible it has some things in there that would make you scratch your head. (Touching the skin of a pig is also an abomination (11:6-8) - but do we really have to stone to death the entire National Football League?) SO lets lay off Islam

    As Far as the Brits go they are a very tough people. As Big Counrty brought up they've dealt with bombings for years with the IRA. So im confident they'll pull through this. On a side note I bet Jacques Chirac has to feel HORRIBLE today. I mean he bashes London during the Olympic bid, and then this happens, bad timing on his part.
    Not sure what book you were quoting from the Bible but it was like OT and that would mean the OT Law. That is no longer in effect for Christians. Not sure what Judism belives but I know for Christians the OT Law isn't the same anymore.
    I aim to try
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  6. #51
    This is really tragic. May people rest in peace, and wish the wounded to a fast recovery.

  7. #52
    Retired Hmark6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Killah Sith
    While I don't know a lot of the details yet, it's yet another sad day to the good people of this world. I'm not sure why people are so shocked though, it was bound to happen and it will happen again on our own American land. The war on terrorism got sidetracked the day Bush decided to invade Iraq. Some refuse to believe it, but it's still true.
    Do you honestly think that the Iraq Operation has anything to do with this attack? There have been Islamo-fascists bombing innocent people before the US was ever in Iraq, and there will be Islamo-fascists bombing innocent people until America spreads liberty throughout the world. Its only a matter of time until the Left jumps onboard with America. The only way to end terrorist networks is to end tyranny. The only way to end tyranny is to spread freedom by setting up democracies. If you think the war on terror ends with the capture of Osama bin Laden, you are sadly mistaken.
    Quote Originally Posted by Killah Sith
    These extremist Muslims who kill for their God are just as wrong and evil as the Christians who have killed millions for their God.
    What millions have Christians kiiled?

  8. #53
    I think he's referring to the Crusades. Millions did not die. Arguably, thousands did.

    You can just as easily counter that with the Islamic expansion into the Byzanthine empire and the ravage, rape, and torture (not to mention murder) that went on then.
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  9. #54
    Retired Hmark6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Generalissimo
    I think he's referring to the Crusades. Millions did not die. Arguably, thousands did.

    You can just as easily counter that with the Islamic expansion into the Byzanthine empire and the ravage, rape, and torture (not to mention murder) that went on then.
    The Crusades were in the 12th Century, and aren't relavent to this conversation. Christians have made progesses and have become civilized, compassionate human beings, while Muslims are still stuck in the 12th Century with their barbarism. I know not all Muslims are like this, but unfortunately, the clergy are the fringe. No high ranking Muslim cleric has been notabley vocal in denouncing the actions taken by terrorist groups in the name of Islam and more importantly, no high ranking Muslim cleric has taken a proactive position on ridding the world of these animals. Hence why you get the reaction that A'sdiehard is displaying, and frankly, I can't blame him!

    [EDIT] I stand corrected: Some Muslim leaders are denouncing the attacks: Now its time to join the fight to stop future attacks. Don't talk about it; Be about it!

  10. #55
    Blow My Fuse A'sDiehard's Avatar
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    "Kill the Mushrikun (polytheists, Christians and non-Muslims), wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-salat (public prayer with Muslims) and give Zakat (Islamic alms), then leave their way free. Allah is oft-forgiving, most merciful' (Surat At-Taubah 9;5).

    In the words of Sun Tzu:
    If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.


  11. #56
    I didn't say that the war in Iraq had anything to do with this bombing, not even close. And I never said or even hinted that capturing Bin Laden would end the war on terror, far from it. Sadly, this so called war on terror will never truly end and if anyone believes differently, then they are naive. I am simply stating that when Bush decided to invade Iraq, which anyone has yet to prove to me that it actually had anything to do with the "war on terror" he lost focus on the true and immediate enemies. While I'm as happy as anyone Saddam Hussein is out of power, we are not stuck in a country that wasn't a threat when real threats persist.

    As for the millions of people whose blood is on the hand of christians, don't the Native Americans and Africans count? How about every black and jewish person that has been killed by a KKK member? They do it for the Christian God. Even this war in Iraq has religious undertones, despite what Bush wants us to believe. I believe even Hitler was considered himself a Christian. I doubt that I've even scratched the surface. Now that doesn't mean that all Christians are bad, unless you keep the same philosophy that "some Muslims are bad therefore they are all bad." Fact is that there are evil people in all faiths and in none is it relevent to everyone of that paticular faith.

    And as for anyone who believes nuking the Middle East would solve our problems, they are the ones who are truly mistaken. IF that happened there's a good chance that we'd get nuked as well. And if we somehow avoided or survived that, kiss goodbye to all the freedoms that you are trying to defend. Some of those crazy radicals would probably accept this scenerio.

  12. #57
    "Christians have made progesses and have become civilized, compassionate human beings, while Muslims are still stuck in the 12th Century with their barbarism."

    There's absolutely no reason in continuing this conversation if you're stuck in that way of thinking.

    Then out of fairness to the others you will be Slagathor.

  13. #58
    While not a Muslim myself, I am aquainted with several who practice Islam not one I know feels this way. But even if true, how is that different than the so called Christians who want to wipe out Islam?

    Quote Originally Posted by A'sDiehard
    "Kill the Mushrikun (polytheists, Christians and non-Muslims), wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-salat (public prayer with Muslims) and give Zakat (Islamic alms), then leave their way free. Allah is oft-forgiving, most merciful' (Surat At-Taubah 9;5).

    In the words of Sun Tzu:
    If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.


  14. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by A'sDiehard

    Recently I received a warning about the use of the
    above politically incorrect term. Please note: we all
    need to be more sensitive in our choice of words.

    I have been informed that the Islamic terrorists who
    hate our guts, our religion, our freedom and our way
    of life in general - and want to kill all of us for
    the greater glory of Allah - do not like to be called
    "Towel Heads". This is because the item they wear on
    their heads is not a towel but actually a small,
    folded sheet. Therefore, from this point forward you
    should only refer to them as "Little Sheet Heads."

    Thank you for your support and compliance on this
    delicate matter
    rack 'em......LOL
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    A)A bowl of chili, or
    B)Curt Schilling's mouth

  15. #60
    I'm gunnin' for ya! Lynch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ATLien
    Watch the religion bashing, please. I understand emotions are high this morning, but no need to bring intolerance into the discussion.
    um, I don't think he was so much bashing the religion as he was showing his frustration in what most of clearly see. When there is a group of religious fantatics who are killing innocent people and all in the name of "allah" (or whoever), I'd never question someones right to ***** and/or complain about that religion. We don't see greeks killing people in the name of Zeus. We don't see baptists killing innocent people in the name of Christ. But we continually see muslims killing in the name of their god.

    The post was a reactive comment, nothing more. If it continues all over the place, then perhaps it could be considered bashing, but in the context of this thread, I think it can also be found as acceptable (possibly reviewable if complaints are made).

    Quote Originally Posted by Atlien
    If you want to bash Islam, go to thenflforums.
    Why is that? Its' not more acceptable to bash Islam, Christianity, Hindus or Pagans over there than it is over here. Why would you even say this?

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