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Thread: President Barack Obama

  1. #76
    Hall of Famer ljshorty89's Avatar
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    Re: President Barack Obama

    I can agree with that. The question, is how they can have clues(because it's pretty clear they did), and find them not worth protecting against, only to have them be real.....Ya know what I mean?

  2. #77
    Pay me in gum NYgiantsfan5689's Avatar
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    Re: President Barack Obama

    Yup. I hear ya. But if that is indeed the case, it's ABSOLUTELY NOT the first time in history it's happened

    definitely not making excuses though, if that's the case, it's inexcusable
    Quote Originally Posted by missionhockey21 View Post
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  3. #78
    Token White Guy Dam8610's Avatar
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    Re: President Barack Obama

    Minor annoyance: Barack Obama is not President for another 2 1/2 months. Why does everyone keep calling him President? As of now, he's President Elect Barack Obama. I'm not trying to sleight him or anything, I voted for him, I wanted him to win, and I was happy when Indiana (my home state) gave him our 11 electoral votes (the first time Indiana has been blue in 44 years), but the man does not become President until January 20th, 2009.

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  4. #79
    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    Re: President Barack Obama

    Minor annoyance: Dam8610 pointing out small details which don't really matter in the long run.

  5. #80
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    Re: President Barack Obama

    Quote Originally Posted by DiamondDave View Post
    maybe you ought to look up the history involving the economy and foreign policy **** ups thanks to the worst President in the 20th century in Jimmy Carter....

    Bush is not and will not be considered a great president... he did much better in his first 4 than his last 4... in terms of national security he did rather well.. he actually worked across the table with DEMs more than what the uber-leftists will give him credit for... he gaffed a lot after being warned about signs in the economy and not reacting to it well... As a conservative guy, he certainly ain't a favorite of mine, but he did an average job considering the various hands he was dealt in the past 8 years
    I am very aware of Carter's administration and it blew penis too but nothing compared to the all-time blunders of this president!! In terms of national security, Bush did well?? Are you ****ing kidding me??? Not only did his administration ignore the warning signs for 9/11, they also lead us into a war in Iraq that only fueled and recruited more terrorism!! He actually brought the terrorists closer to our borders! Carter never started a war of necessity and our economy is a lot worse than when Carter left it!! This is Great Depression like!! Conservatives give Bush a free pass and it is not deserved one bit!! Illegal wire taps, Hurricane Katrina, Terri Schiavo, the war in Iraq, "not worried about bin Laden", the economy, our borders are still unprotected, outing CIA agents, Tony Gonzalez, the unqualified cronies and the list goes on and on my friend. Carter screwed up but his screw ups didn't lead to as much death and deb than Bush's. Bush was no where near average and he will go down as one of the worst presidents of all-time and definitely started to new millennium on a very sour note in America. The time for defending the indefensible is over!!

  6. #81
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    Re: President Barack Obama

    Quote Originally Posted by Saber View Post
    My statement was to all you kiddies with no grasp of history, dipshit.
    I no you aren;t talking about me because I can talk history all day!

  7. #82
    59 W, 678 2/3 IP, GOAT Dry1313's Avatar
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    Re: President Barack Obama

    Minor annoyance: politics.

  8. #83
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    Re: President Barack Obama

    Quote Originally Posted by DiamondDave View Post
    Obama has less knowledge of a national economy... had great economic advisers including the crooks from Fannie Mae.. and made an even worse VP choice in the gaff machine and ignoramus, Joe Biden... what positive, besides buzzwords and slogans does/did Obama have going for him?
    LOL McCain's advisers are even worse than Obama's if you cared to realize which I doubt a conservative did. One adviser even called Amaricans a bunch of "whiners". At least Obama knows better not to stick with the same financial plans that have given America the biggest separation between rich and poor in this country's history. In case you haven't noticed, the Bush economic plans have failed us. Now Obama has plenty of time to get the best economical advisers to help bring him up to speed. And Biden was a lot better choice than McCain's pick. Palin along with McCain's flip flopping cost McCain the election. McCain might actually want to do his homework when picking a VP. You honestly want to talk about slogans??? Bush's entire 8 years were built around bumper sticker policies!! "They hate us for our freedom", "If you're not for the war then you're against us", "If you don't support the war, you don't support the troops" and the list goes on. Obama is a very intelligent man and realizes this country has gone in the shitter!! Obama has the whole world looking at America's election and has ignited interest in politics in a whole new way. He was a much better candidate than McCain and has already proved that by crushing him in the election and before that he had an all out war with Hillary Clinton. What more does he have to prove? He is the president now so time to get over it! Time for an real change in America and I know most are on board for change. Just hope the American people realize it will take a while to undo Bush's terrible decision making. Let's get behind our new president because we need it now more than ever!!

  9. #84
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    Re: President Barack Obama

    Quote Originally Posted by DiamondDave View Post
    Actually.. that was already debunked..
    what was debunked? that Obama is an Arab or that people were yelling kill him / I heard he was an Arab at McCain rallies? I never said he was an Arab...I'm referring to this incident:

    The Associated Press: McCain booed after trying to calm anti-Obama crowd

    And Bush did well on national security? maybe after 9/11...

  10. #85
    Hall of Famer Slyder's Avatar
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    Re: President Barack Obama

    Quote Originally Posted by love_that_reefer View Post
    I'm sorry but I have to disagree. At least we didn't have eight years of constant ****ups with any of those men!! Bush will go down as one of if not THE worst president of all-time. Johnson leads us into Vietnam with no plan, so did Bush. Ford and Carter didn't leave office with a depression-like economy. That is just two of Bushie's ****ups.
    Um ever hear of Stagflation? Carter has a legitimate case for leaving the 2nd WORST economy in history (I still believe 1932 was worse than both when you adjust for inflation). Ford got skewered by his pardoning of Nixon (and thats why people are reevaluating him).

    Bush can dream of being Truman with time but I doubt he'll ever be more than Hoover. But I don't see him getting that much credit for things.
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  11. #86
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    Re: President Barack Obama

    They are saying we are entering a stagflation right now in our credit crisis!! Hopefully a deflation will occur. Bush if things go the way they are, will leave office with the second worst economy beating out Carter. They are comparing this crisis to the Great Depression. Carter's debt when he left is nothing compared to the debt we have now. Not even close!! Carter did a lot more good than Bush. Ford wasn't president long enough to be even considered.

  12. #87
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    Re: President Barack Obama

    Either way you want to look at it, Bush for 8 years was far worse than four years of Carter and three years of Ford. I can say that with ease!

  13. #88
    Hall of Famer Slyder's Avatar
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    Re: President Barack Obama

    Quote Originally Posted by ljshorty89 View Post
    First off, McCain was involved with Charles Keading. So, if you want to bring up stupid affiliations, McCain was involved with his share of crooks too.
    McCain was cleared of any wrongdoing in that.
    McCain was cleared by the Senate Ethics Committee of acting improperly or violating any law or Senate rule, but was mildly rebuked for exercising "poor judgment." Reference to Arizona Republic and NY Times articles quoted on his wikipedia.

    Quote Originally Posted by ljshorty89 View Post
    Second, Biden was NOT a worse choice than Palin. Palin cost McCain his shot at the election. She alienated ANY AND ALL non-conservatives. The undecided moderates were turned off by her complete conservative ideals, and refusal to accept other though processes.
    What did he (McCain) have to lose? This election should have NEVER been in doubt. McCain had 1 card to play to even try as a hail mary and that was placate to the base. Anyone else and it would have been "oh well another boring white guy". He had to try and do something outside the box. If Biden was such a better pick why was he AWOL so long from the campaign trail?

    Quote Originally Posted by ljshorty89 View Post
    Biden, while he has a tendency to talk down to the voters and the people who governs, at least he is experienced, intelligent, and able to verbalize his thoughts without repeating the same three phrases over and over (Maverick, Joe Six-Pack, and Hockey Mom).
    Biden's a boring speaker

    Quote Originally Posted by ljshorty89 View Post
    Obama, while unproven, and no guarantee to be as good a president as many project, at least did not agree with Bush 90% of the time....I mean, Bush's approval rating is in the 20's, and McCain agreed with the vast majority of his policies and ideas.
    While McCain did have some fights with Republicans, Obama agreed with Speaker Pelosi and Sen Leader Harry Reid 100% of the time and Congress' approval rating makes Bush look like Clinton.

    The only reason Obama won was this was another Anti-Republican/establishment (on the dem side) year most every other election he probably wouldnt have gotten past the primary. The Dems have control of everything now and NONE] of the excuses. Time will tell if the Republican party can get going again after being left in (arguably) worse shape by Bush than even Hoover in 32.
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  14. #89
    Hall of Famer Slyder's Avatar
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    Re: President Barack Obama

    Quote Originally Posted by love_that_reefer View Post
    They are saying we are entering a stagflation right now in our credit crisis!! Hopefully a deflation will occur. Bush if things go the way they are, will leave office with the second worst economy beating out Carter. They are comparing this crisis to the Great Depression. Carter's debt when he left is nothing compared to the debt we have now. Not even close!! Carter did a lot more good than Bush. Ford wasn't president long enough to be even considered.
    Key word... Saying, plus the media is the last group I would turn to for fair economic news. Yes its bad but they ignored what caused this and ignored who allowed it to happen. And had such a blatent double standard this election that no one can argue they know what they are talking about.

    Difference being in 1976 enough of the south bought that Carter was "one of them", in 1980 Reagan came along, had the Dems had ANYONE with half a brain and wasnt a far leftist they probably would have beat Bush in 04. But the favorites were... John Flip Flop Kerry, John Edwards, and Howard Dean.
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  15. #90
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    Re: President Barack Obama

    Slyder, Biden's numbers were better than Palin's in every major poll. He wasn't AWOL from the campaign trial at all either. Why did Palin stop talking to the press in the weeks leading up the Tuesday?? The Congress' numbers suck because Bush shot down every majpr bill put forth which leads to nothing changing for the better. Plus Congress' numbers are never high nor should they. The only reason Obama won was because he was the better candidate! Obama was the only candidate talking about real change. the Bush/McCain connection alsohelped but do not deny who the ran the better campaign. America has spoken!

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