Jason Kendall, Catcher, 33 yrs - Could help a contender

Derrek Lee, First Base, 32 yrs - One of the better bats in the league. Also 4 popularity, which I'm sure some people will like. His batting average was down, but the league as a whole doesn't hit. Guys hitting in the .290's made the top 10 batting averages. So his .240 is more like a .270

Mark DeRosa, Second Base, 33 yrs - Good utility player who can hit lefties for you.

Jacque Jones, Rightfield, 32 yrs - Great against righties. Get Jones and DeRosa together and you have a good RF platoon.

Matt Murton, Leftfield, 26 yrs - Young, and will probably fill out this season but I don't need him.

Mark Prior, Starting Pitcher, 27 yrs - Need a 27 year old almost filled out ace?

Rich Hill, Starting Pitcher, 28 yrs - Or a 28 year old almost filled out ace?

Sean Marshall, Starting Pitcher, 25 yrs - Or a 25 year old No. 2 maybe No. 1 lefty?

Jeff Suppan, Starting Pitcher, 33 yrs - Would make a good 4 or 5 on a contender

Jason Marquis, Starting Pitcher, 29 yrs - No. 5 with No. 3 potential

Kerry Wood, Closer, 30 yrs - Might be able to start for some teams, but overall would at least be a good pen arm for someone.

Will Ohman, Reliever, 30 yrs - Could help someone... I hope.

Scott Eyre, Reliever, 35 yrs - It's Scott Frickin' Eyre.
I'm looking for young talent. Mainly pitching and infielders. I don't really need outfielders unless it's a monster bat.