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Thread: March 13, 2007 News

  1. #1
    Koch SLAM's Avatar
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    Blue Jays March 13, 2007 News

    Jays want Gus to pick it up
    March 13
    Toronto Sun: "The Blue Jays have a message for Gustavo Chacin -- hurry up. Chacin, the lone left-hander in the Jays' rotation, is far from being the quickest worker on the mound and both manager John Gibbons and pitching coach Brad Arnsberg would like him to pick up the pace. "
    Memories of spring, nearly 3,000 kilometres later
    March 13
    Toronto Sun: "The worst day: Sitting in the scouts section behind home plate before a game at Bright House Field in Clearwater, Fla. Scouts were verbally jabbing each other. Comedy Central with sun tan lotion."
    Competition for final three spots in Jays' rotation still open
    March 13
    Globe and Mail: "Through 12 Grapefruit League games the Jays have played — they lost their sixth consecutive spring outing, losing 3-0 to the Reds Monday — none of the candidates for the final three openings in the rotation has done anything to be dropped from the race."
    Zaun's plate is full
    March 13
    Toronto Star: "While everyone else is in the back having lunch, there's a small window of opportunity for Gregg Zaun to get organized."
    Gibbons' lineup looks to be set
    March 13
    Toronto Sun: "There are 19 days remaining in spring training, but as far as manager John Gibbons is concerned, the ballots have been counted. Although the final makeup of the bullpen and starting rotation has some question marks, there are none when it comes to who will be on the bench in a backup role. "

  2. #2
    Hall of Famer Halladay_is_God's Avatar
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    Yesterday I saw that Gibbons named Clayton been named the starter at Short-stop.

    I still hate that signing.
    S3SL: Toronto Blue Jays' GM - rebuilding to division winner

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