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Thread: The official packers v bengals thread

  1. #16
    In America we appreciate proper grammar, or close to proper grammar. Learn how to use periods and commas. Geez, 5 ints. He's starting to make Harrington looks good.

  2. #17
    yea i no i think its time to fire favre right now

  3. #18
    Fire Favre? You can release him or trade him. But I doubt they do that. Favre has a big contract, best thing for Favre to do is get it together and start performing or retire. Doubt he does the latter. Sherman is the one that needs to get fired.

  4. #19
    no shearmans been hurt bye injuries one bad season whitch isnt your fault and you get fired think not.

    we could get someone decent for favre tough

  5. #20
    horay we wont lose bye 21 we intercepted it well lose by 14 instead

  6. #21
    Doubt anybody takes on an old QB with a huge contract. Trading is something that doesn't happen very often in the NFL.

    I just don't buy the whole injury thing, yah Packers have been hurt by injury, but Sherman is just a horrible coach. Hopefully you're getting the hint that I'm just not a big fan of Sherman.

  7. #22
    yea true but you cant leave it all to ted tough

  8. #23
    Yah Ted didn't have the greatest draft last year, but atleast he got Rodgers. Rodgers should be the future QB of the Packers, and hopefully they bring in a better coach than Sherman to help out this team. With drafts, you can really never tell, they're a risk no matter who is the GM.

  9. #24
    yea true how do you no arons all that great

  10. #25
    well packers get a td back21-14 now.

    I bet you the bengals run as much time off the clock as possible then hold us to 3 and out or a int or fumbel no way packers win

  11. #26

  12. #27
    I'm a Patriots fan, but you'll find me to be a closet Texans fan. (Guess really not all that closet, if I come out about it). Anyways, Rodgers has a lot of talent, as long as he can correct his throwing. Tedford always messes up QBs with that damn throwing stance. Anyways, it's always smart to run the close and control the game.

  13. #28
    well anyway hes young so i say when the packers fate of there season is decided then we give rodger 1 or 2 games

  14. #29
    Yah give Rodgers some experience, let him get the feel of the NFL. Hopefully the QB coach can work with Rodgers. Coaches can do so much, if Rodgers wants to be great, Rodgers will have to study tape, practice, study tape, and become a leader of that team.

  15. #30
    yep slowly does it just like favre hey were agreeing now .

    Packers watch:The Bengals now have a 4th and 4 timeout bengals on time remaining in that game is 1 muinuit and 10 seconds.But however all gets screwed up when avre throwa another pik no way favre throws a td then the packers defence send it to ot and then the pack win it no way.

    P.S I hope my second best team Miami win

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