Hey guys. I first want to apologize for not being around much recently. I've been swamped with...well...life. Finals, radio station stuff, fraternity stuff, it's been crazy. I promise, I've been keeping on my sim league team! But I wanted to share something with you all because I'm proud of it and I think you would all enjoy it.

This is my final project for my web journalism class. I went to Orlando to spend the weekend at a professional Halo 3 tournament. I was profiling this kid from Baldwinsville, NY which is right outside of Syracuse. He's one of the original MLG professionals and he's one of the best players in the world. He makes upwards of $500,000 playing Halo 3 annually, and he's ridiculous.

Local X-Box master conquers gaming world | NewsHouse

That's the link to the story on the website I worked on in the class this semester. I used a program called VuVox to make that slidey thing. You can click on portions of the pictures called Hot Spots and videos will come up. Hope you guys enjoy it! Feel free to post here what you think. I'd love to hear both what you liked and constructive criticism, mostly because I have a week to revise the project before I get my final grade. My professor said currently it's a B+, and it has A+ potential with a little revision. I know there are a few technical problems with the final video, the tournament profile (such as a frame dropped out and some of the nat sound getting a little loud at parts), but that will all be taken care of. So let me know what you think!