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Thread: Hot Seat Answers #58 - Foster

  1. #1
    Administrator HollywoodLeo's Avatar
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    Hot Seat Answers #58 - Foster

    Foster, your Hot Seat questions have been asked in this thread. You have up to 7 days in which to answer these questions, should you choose to do so. Once you have done that, please select the next Hot Seat participant. Thank you for participating. The next Hot Seat (#59) will begin on Thursday, June 19th, or when you're done answering, whichever comes first.
    LeagueTeamyearsRecordWild CardDivisionPennantsTitles
    MSLSan Diego Padres2034-20592,217-1,9951631
    TBLArizona Diamondbacks2005-20181,216-1,0531963
    TSSLSan Diego Padres2015-2021, 2024-20281,017-9280732
    TSSLTexas Rangers2029-2033396-4140000

  2. #2
    Going For It

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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #58 - Foster

    1. What are your general thoughts about Americans?
    2. Rank the 10 canadian provinces in order from 1 to 10 based on how you like them.
    3. Name 5 reasons why you hate living in Canada.
    From DK...

    1. I like them. The thing is though, my general experience with Americans has been in a different setting than many people would generally have. First visit was to the state of Maine, and it's basically Canada, only with an American flag. A place were snowmobiling, and the outdoors (2 things I love) still reign supreme. So I would generally like this.

    The other two experiences have also been associated with something that I love, racing, and moutain biking. Race fans are all a like. They wake up on race day, get ready to race, race, and than drink. Whats not to like about that? And by the way, this is short track racing, non of that big track NASCAR stuff. The local short tracks are were it's at. It's better than anything. Seeing guys race out of their own pocket, for a big pay day, brings out the great side of stock car racing.

    Mountain Bikers are all the same too by the way. They wake up, ride their bike, and than drink/smoke. Agian, what's not to like.

    1- Nova Scotia (Home)
    2- New Brunswick (Home for now)
    3- BC (the MTB mecca)
    4- PEI (Potatoe's anyone?)
    5- NFLD (George Street)
    6 - Quebec (Not a bad spot)
    7- Ontario (The self proclaimed home of everything in Canada)
    8- Alberta (thanks for the money)
    9- Manitoba (Ummmm)
    10- Saskatchewan (Wheat anyone?)

    I have only been to #'s 1-7. So the bottom three are based on what I think of off the top of my head.

    3. Good one

    1- Not a big fan of the conservative government, based on my experence with them through work. Cutbacks on Special Needs Childern?!?!?!

    2- The fact that a lot of people in Toronto think that the country spins around them. Come on now, there are a lot of other things in the country that deserve credit.

    3- I know that public health is a good thing, but the wait lines are moronic.

    4- One baseball team.

    5- The ability to see superbowl commercials during the game itself.

  3. #3
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #58 - Foster

    From "Flipper" aka Bon Bon

    1. What is your all time favorite sports movies?
    2. If you had to choose between living in Iraq or Iran which would it be and why?
    3. What job would you be didn't have the job you already have?
    1. Le Mans. I know many here would not consider Motorsports a real sport. But I do. And 24 hours of racing on an 8 mile track with 2 drivers is the best form of testing the driver, car, and crew. Steve McQueen shows this to a tie. The best part is, he drove in the race itself, they used real race footage for the movie, had authentic sounds, drivers, cars, and everything else to make a great race come to the screen. And the story didn't have an efect on the movie itself. They wrote the script as they filmed the movie, allowing for a story to develope out of the sport, instead of a story being the focal sport, and the sport being there for the hell of it.

    2. Iraq. I can see there being a future for me as a special needs, elementary school teacher there. It has a prospect rating of 5.0, where as I would think Iran has a 2.0.

    3. Some sort of journalist. I started out in University in the journalism program, but switched over after I took a couple of histroy classes. I'd love to write about something I love, and do it well.

  4. #4
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #58 - Foster

    From the Brewer's Fan, who has the number 19.

    1.) who is your favorite player of all-time and in today's game?

    2.) which position is your favorite and which position is the most imprtant in your opinion?

    3.) Favorite musical group/singer and your favorite type of music?
    All time, Nolan Ryan. I love power pitching, and this guy throws some big time power. I know some may not like his numbers, but heat is heat, and he had a lot of it.

    Today's game, Let's go with a Canuck, and lets go with Stubby Clapp, but seriously, Justin Morneau. I know many think he didn't deserve the MVP, but I still like he's style.

    2. My favourite would have to be SS. I loved playing it, and always thought that I could be good at it some time, but that never happened. My short and skinny frame never worked once I got older.

    As the most important position, I would have to say pitcher. The pressure, the siuations faced, and all the abilities that are needed make it something special. No other sport has anything that comes close to the type of player a pitcher is.

    3. At the moment, lets go with Joel Plaskett. Gotta love anything from the East Coast music scene. Great son writer and performer, who does some amazing live shows.

    As for type of music, I don't really have one. I have everything on the iPod from Johnny Cash, to Saves the Day, The Decemberists, Eric Clapton, Pearl Jam, Thrice, and on to We Are Scientists. Not a big fan of the rap, and hip hop stuff, but I have no hate for it.

  5. #5
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #58 - Foster

    The Kingdom presents....

    1. How's it feeling to always be looking up at me as I trash the S3F Fantasy baseball league?

    2. Still a fan of Vernon Wells? And do you miss Eric Hinske yet?

    3. Which Upton would you rather have, BJ or Justin?
    1. Sooner or later everyone will get a bad case of the Clapp

    But really, it sucks. I paniced and picked Ryan Howard with my first pick. What the hell was I thinking. The only thing I have going for me is Brandon Webb. But as I look at it now, he and 3 other pitchers are now DTD. I suck.

    2 Umm Kinda, Vernon can still come out on top if he plays well.
    Yes Can you imagine an outfield of Hinske, Wells, and Rios? How sick would that be now.

    3. I don't know. Both are good IMO. But I'll take BJ just for the for the comedy factor of his name.

  6. #6
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #58 - Foster

    Coming to us live from the Bay Area, it's hot_corner_gurl....

    Which Beatle is your favourite (assuming you're a Beatles fan)?

    Music or laughter - which one could you live without? And why?

    Speak any languages other than the obvious?
    1. Not a Beatle's fan. Sorry. But if I had to be, Ringo, just for the name alone.

    2. Laughter. I use music in so many ways, to run to, bike to, write to, drink to, dance to, and so on and so forth. I like to laugh, but I would perfer to listen to a good song, than hear a funny joke.

    3. As a Canadian, I think it's somewhat standard to take some French in school. I did this, and had some fun with it. I even went into HS taking some french even though I wasn't required too. My only wish is that I took more of it to become fully bi-lingual, as that would get me a job in teaching so quickly its not even funny.

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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #58 - Foster

    From a Glasgow Ranger's fan, otherwise known as my enemy, Hail Hail the Celt's are here, we have the "Bucker"

    One player that you would want to throw down with?

    What would you rather lose, your hearing, or, your eye sight? Why?

    Whats one thing about Canada (good or bad) that you wouldn't expect me to know?
    1. Roger Clemons. Enough said. But if he has to be playing now, I don't know.

    2. Even though I love my music, I'd rather lose my hearing. I don't think I can go without seeing things again. I know sounds pretty well, so I want to see the visual changes over my lifetime, and I got a lot to live, I hope.

    3. The Province were the nation was born, wasn't even a founding part of the Dominion of Canada.
    The Charlottetown Conference were the union of the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswock, and PEI was talked about, and legislation drawn up took place in 1864, in Charlottetown, PEI. But in 1967 when Canada was born, PEI wasn't one of the founding members. It wasn't until 1873 that the province became part of the dominion after Canada took over the debt of their railroad, and bought the lands of the apsentee landowners. In fact when the province was building the railway, the British Colonial Office (who were the defacto government at the time) began negotiations with the United States of America about taking control the island.

  8. #8
    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #58 - Foster

    Quote Originally Posted by Foster View Post
    But in 1967 when Canada was born, PEI wasn't one of the founding members.
    1867 rather

  9. #9
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #58 - Foster

    HAHAHA, and I call myself a history major.
    Thanks St Thomas University.

    P.S. My Bad.

  10. #10
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #58 - Foster

    From The Dry one, with the double 13's....

    1. What is the best and worst team names in the S3F sim league, and why.
    2. Kill, give up in a plea bargain, and marry: Shannon Stewart, BJ Ryan, and Sal Fasano
    3. Why did the BJ's pay Vernon Wells all that money? He gets hurt a lot and isn't that good.
    1. Umm, I don't really have any opinions on this. If someone names his team, I am sure he has a good reason for it. Can't knock a man, or woman down for something he likes.

    2. Kill BJ Ryan, give up Shannon Stewart, and marry Sal Fasano, he seems like a nice guy.

    3. They thought that another team, one from Texas was gonna pay him that tupe of money. And JP sucks, so there you have it. I great player that is still somewhat overpaid. Happens all the time in sports saddly.

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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #58 - Foster

    From the "Ghost Face" Killah Sith...

    1. Have you ever watched the movie "Strange Brew" and if so what did you think of it?

    2. In your opinion, what do the Blue Jays need to do to overcome the Yankees and Red Sox?

    3. Is it true that gun related deaths are rare in Canada?
    1. Saddly no. Is it good?

    2. Start developing a couple of their own players. I know its nice to have the good ones, but I'd like to see them develope them in house, instead of the FA way. Yeah we have the money, but there's no need to flaunt it in the market, invest a little in the farm, develope a couple of guys, and it brings the whole team around. And when they need a guy, than don't overspend for someone like Eckstein, and pay a fair amount. Othewise, Fire JP.

    3. One third of murder in Canada is done with the gun. The homicide rate is 1.9 percent for each 100,000 persons in Canada, with the total popualtion being estimated in 2008 at over 33 million people. So yes it s true. Most guns are hunters, and target shooters, and they only shoot clay pigeons, and deer.

  12. #12
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #58 - Foster

    Live from New York it's browntown653....

    1. What is the biggest stereotype about Canadians?
    2. What did you think of Transformers? If you didn't see it, just agree with me that it was overrated.
    3. Explain your username
    1. We're all hockey players. The majority may be, but not all of us. And those that are, aren't always good.

    2. I didn't see it, so I'll agree with you. I was a big fan of the Beast Wars, Beast Machines series when it was on TV. So I can only assume it wasn't as good as those series'. I don't know much of the Transformers world, so I don't know how much it interacts with the original series, and the subsequent spin offs. If the story line fails to come close to the original story line, than I would say it wasn't a good movie.

    3. My last name. There were too many Chris' in HS, so I started being called "foster" and it stood the test of time. Other names were all present at the time including, "The Fos", "Fossy", "Fostenator", and other names that somewhat invole "Fos". All of which are better than "Chris Piss", which I recall from elementary school days.

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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #58 - Foster

    From the lord of the hotseat himself....

    1. Is this the greatest moment in World Series history?

    YouTube - Carter Beats the Phils

    2. Blue Jays win the World Series this year, then finish in the gutter for 20 seasons straight? Or Blue Jays win the AL East for 20 years straight (tremendous feat with Boston and New York in the division) but never win the WS?

    3. What's the best Canadian beer on the market that I can find in the states?
    1. Does a bear poop in the woods? I think so.

    2. Wining the East for 20 straight years would be awsome. Just knowing that the team is beating the Sox, and Yanks every year would bring a tear to my eye. Plus I'am an Ottawa Senator's fan, so I know what it's like to always be in the playoff's but never win anything, and I'am alright with that.

    3. It's hard to say. The thing is, you gotta make sure it's imported. I know from working in the state's, and drinking the American beers, and than drinking the American beers brewed in Canada, that there is no comparison. An import is the way to go, so double check the label.

    The ones that I know off that are offered would be Molson Canadian, and Labatt Blue. Not a big fan of either, but would turn to the Blue if I had too. At the moment I'am big on the Rickard's White, a Pale Ale. It's from the MolsonCoors company, so check it out, you may be able to get some. Another one I like at the moment is Sleeman's Original Draught, but I don't think you'll get it down were you are.

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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #58 - Foster

    So, who's next?
    LeagueTeamyearsRecordWild CardDivisionPennantsTitles
    MSLSan Diego Padres2034-20592,217-1,9951631
    TBLArizona Diamondbacks2005-20181,216-1,0531963
    TSSLSan Diego Padres2015-2021, 2024-20281,017-9280732
    TSSLTexas Rangers2029-2033396-4140000

  15. #15
    59 W, 678 2/3 IP, GOAT Dry1313's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #58 - Foster

    Quote Originally Posted by Foster View Post
    2. Kill BJ Ryan, give up Shannon Stewart, and marry Sal Fasano, he seems like a nice guy.
    Exactly what I wanted to hear.

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