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Thread: 7 Year Anny of 9/11

  1. #16
    Hall of Famer
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    Re: 7 Year Anny of 9/11


    Sorry to hear that.
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  2. #17

    Re: 7 Year Anny of 9/11

    I was in 8th grade technology class when the first plane hit. It was such a horrible day and I am sorry for all that lost love ones or close friends.

  3. #18
    Hall of Famer GiantsFanatic's Avatar
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    Re: 7 Year Anny of 9/11

    I was a senior in high school, I didn't find out about this till my second period I believe, I was saddened and in disbelief. I had a weird feeling about that day after the tragedy.

    On my way back home I was on the bus(city bus) the bus stopped at downtown as I changed buses, I had my headphones and listening to music, and then this one guy looks at me and made these hand jestured, basically drawing a scene from those plane crashing into the WTC and looking at me as if it was my fault, and he said "Why did you guys do this?"(something allong that line) I was a little nervous at that time and just ignored it starting praying to god hoping that this bus ride wasn't my last bus ride of my life thats how scared I was.

  4. #19
    Hall of Famer nyjunc's Avatar
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    Re: 7 Year Anny of 9/11

    I worked at a radio station in NYC at the time and I was actually supposed to be taking a subway down to the WTC area(getting off at the WTC) late that morning but obviously plans changed.

    I remember sitting at my desk and the radio would play through the loudspeaker and they were talking about the Giant-Bronco game from the night before when one of the guys that worked for that show called in and said a plane hit the WTC so IO went to the control room where we have TVs and was amazed at what I saw. The reports were a small plane but it was clear by the hole it wasn't a small plane and I remmeber thinking how could they possibly put this out? Then a few mins later watching live we see the 2nd tower explode and wondered if a bomb was planted util we saw the replay and sae the 2nd plane hit and then we obviously knew we were under attack.

    All phone lines were jammed, It took me an hour to get through to my Wife's office and when I did they told me she wasn't there and then I got worried. She wasn't in that area as she worked in midtown but she would take the subway and at that point we didn't know where these attacks would end. Eventually we connected and she was stuck on a train for a while but was ok. I was then wondering who I knew that got trapped there? I didn't know anyone firsthand but my Wife lost a friend and my Wife's Family lost friends.

    Just watching the towers on fire then watching the reports of the Pentagon and then Flight 93, we just didn't know when it would end. In the afternoon a bunch of us went to donate blood and all we could see was that incredible smoke covering the WTC area and there were fighter jets in the sky which made me feel better and worse at the same time.

    It was then a few hours later when they opened up the bridges again and I headed for home. It was completely eery b/c I was the only car on the bridge w/ a great view of the NYC skyline that I looked at every day that now was in smoke.

  5. #20
    Pay me in gum NYgiantsfan5689's Avatar
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    Re: 7 Year Anny of 9/11

    I was in 7th grade as well, and I remember I was in French class when the principal came on the loudspeaker and told everyone the planes had hit but no one really knew what was going on. Then I was in history when she came on again and told everyone the towers had collapsed. I really didn't know the magnitute of what had happened right then, since still in 7th grade I didn't fully grasp the meaning of it. I specifically remember the first thing that went through my mind was "damn, now when I go over the GW bridge on my way to Giants games, I can't point out the towers any more." I used to always point them out for some reason, I guess just a thing my dad used to do when I was younger that I had picked up.

    When I got home, our phone was OFF THE HOOK. My dad is a pilot, and although he flies for FedEx, some people forgot this and were checking to make sure he was ok. People we hadn't heard from in years were calling. Our voicemail inbox almost got full (that's what people leave when they call you but you're already on the phone). It really is a testamet to how this event really brought us together as a country.

    Here's my beef: why didn't we see all these flags and shit BEFORE an event like this. Why does it take an event of such catastrophic measure to bring out the good and the patriotic in us? I will always, without fail, have a flag flying in front of my house when I get one. That is a priority of mine. It doesn't take the death of 6,000+ people for me to show how much this country means to me.
    Quote Originally Posted by missionhockey21 View Post
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  6. #21
    14,558 Unread Posts browntown653's Avatar
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    Re: 7 Year Anny of 9/11

    - My uncle is a (now retired) NYC firefighter. He was off duty that day and since he lives out east on Long Island, didn't get into the city until after both planes had hit. He ended up helping a lot with the cleanup but was fortunate enough to be off that day, although he lost a lot of friends.
    - My (then) next-door neighbor worked on the 100-something-th floor of the WTC. He was late to work for the first time in his life that day and got into the city after the planes had hit. Very fortunate.
    I did a lot of good things as a sim league GM.

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  7. #22
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    Re: 7 Year Anny of 9/11

    For the record, I wasn't trying to politicize anything. As an American, I feel it is a damn shame that the mastermind behind 9/11 is still out there recruiting a new army to cause us harm. Our government failed us, Republicans and Democrats. It's tragic!

  8. #23
    Administrator HollywoodLeo's Avatar
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    Re: 7 Year Anny of 9/11

    Quote Originally Posted by love_that_reefer View Post
    For the record, I wasn't trying to politicize anything. As an American, I feel it is a damn shame that the mastermind behind 9/11 is still out there recruiting a new army to cause us harm. Our government failed us, Republicans and Democrats. It's tragic!
    I agree with you in every sense of the word, it's just that pointing that out could turn this thread into something that it's not meant to be if someone who happens to disagree with you reads it and chooses to respond.
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  9. #24
    De Facto Baseball God
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    Re: 7 Year Anny of 9/11

    Sorry but that's what I think of when I hear 9/11.

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