After failing in their bid to sign Mike Lowell, the Phillies are reportedly interested in Melvin Mora.
Mora said earlier this month that he'd waive his no-trade clause if the Orioles decided to deal him to a winning team. Mora is set to make $8 million in 2008 and 2009, with a club option for $8 million in 2010 that can be bought out for $1 million. At the moment, the Phillies have Wes Helms, Gregg Dobbs and Eric Bruntlett at third base.
Phillies wouldn't have to give up much I wouldn't think. His power has tailed off the past two seasons as has his defense. Plus he will be 36 next year. He would love hitting in Philly in that park and in that lineup though. If the Phillies don't have to give up any prospects i say go for it.