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Thread: A few observations about the Boston series

  1. #1
    14,558 Unread Posts browntown653's Avatar
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    A few observations about the Boston series

    - I have a good feeling about Clemens should we head to the postseason. He was certainly motivated to go out there with an awesome performance in his return to Fenway and showed that even without his greatest stuff he can shine on the big stage. If we make the playoffs, I wouldn't be surprised to see Clemens in Game 2 between Pettitte and Wang.
    - Speaking of Wang, he hasn't been pitching his best lately. It's obvious what his problem is - you can't leave the ball up in the zone. His stuff is ground ball inducing to the max, and when he leaves it up he's not even close to being as effective as he is when he keeps it down. An interesting stat though is that his ERA is practically 2 full runs better at home so expect to see him in Game 3 if the Yanks make the ALDS.
    - It's safe to say Jeter appears busted out of his slump, 2 hits and a lot of good swings against Schilling, not to mention an absolute bomb off Beckett and of course, one of the biggest HRs of the year off Schilling. (PS - I called it )
    - Giambi looks like he's back to productive Giambi mode. Some good swings off Okajima and Schilling leading to big hits in the 2 wins. But we CANNOT live with him at first base in the playoffs, especially if we face the Angels who love the whole "small-ball" approach. He'd been playing better but he was horrific in this series when he played. Dougie on the other hand continues to be one of the best defensive first basemen I've ever seen, and with Giambi at first we would have lost yesterday.
    - It was about time Joba gave up an earned run, but no worries as he was great otherwise. Not an awful pitch, Lowell was just looking first pitch fastball and got one he could drive. But Joba did sport a beautiful looking curve last night.
    - Not worried about Mariano. We all know he historically struggles compared to everyone else against the Sox, and let's face it, they're a great hitting team. He got the job done and that's all that matters.
    - Are we ready for the playoffs? I think this team showed a lot of heart in Game 1 not lying over and dying down by 5 runs in the 8th inning and after a Game 2 debacle Clemens pitched a gem in the rubber match. Our remaining schedule appears easy but we're 4-8 against Baltimore, 8-7 against Tampa, and 8-6 against Toronto. It's time for Torre and the boys to forget about the past part of the year and beat these teams who we are clearly better than!
    I did a lot of good things as a sim league GM.

    Ah, give me something clever to say here.

  2. #2
    George: Dead or Alive?
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    AA ERA

    Re: A few observations about the Boston series

    A few things I'm thinking after this series:

    That was vintage post-2003 Clemens last night, he was even able to throw 93 mph with sprained ligaments in his elbow. Impressive.

    Melky Cabrera needs to figure out how to get on base again. He's killing this offense.

    Our bullpen is remarkably shallow. Saturday was a debacle of epic proportions. If Sean Henn makes the post season roster, well lets just say Sean Henn will not make the playoff roster.

    David Ortiz is fat.
    Save Phil Hughes

  3. #3

    Re: A few observations about the Boston series

    Nah, Wang is fine. He just sucks on the road.

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