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Thread: Mark Grace on TM

  1. #1
    Hall of Famer Steak's Avatar
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    Mark Grace on TM

    When TM pitched Tuesday night in Phx, Grace, who does the D-Backs games, was raving about TM as a pitcher, teammate, and a person. Grace talked about how TM was a warrior. A reliable guy who would win when he had to. He talked about how TM was a great teammate and a guy in which when TM talks, players listen. TM would hold clubhouse meetings with the Cubs and the Cubs would respond. Grace talked about how TM was the reason why Kerry Wood became a success and that Wood never became the same when TM left. It was really beautiful to hear. When a guy like Mark Grace praise Mullholland, that means something.

    Twins are so lucky to have him on his team. I really hope the Twins are his last stop. I hope he is here for a very long time. I love to see him here till he is 60 years old if possibly.

  2. #2
    Thread Killah/Angels Mod riverdunesrat's Avatar
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    Mark Grace is a buffoon.......even if he says good things about your guys.
    ................ ..................

  3. #3
    Hall of Famer Steak's Avatar
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    rdr: What do you think about Mullholland? It seems patriot and Lynch have made it a point to savage TM. I think TM has been fantastic for the Twins. He has done a great job when he is being called on.

    I tell ya what. Grace has done a great job doing his homework on the Twins this entire week. He is a lot better than last year. I will take listening to Grace over the idiots at the YES Network.

  4. #4
    Rookie DiamondGirl's Avatar
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    Steak, I'm with you. I can't stand to listen to those YES homers. They drive me crazy. When the game is bad - which it has been a lot lately, they start talking about other things like they aren't even watching the game they are supposed to be calling!

    I wasn't quite sure about Grace on the first night but he has grown on me the last couple of nights. He is a perfect figure for that market in AZ. He's funny, witty and knows his game - he doesn't try to talk over people watching the game. Of course he can't hold a candle to Bert and Dick but who can?!?!?!! And he's not boring me to death like the ones from KC or Anaheim! And I really don't like the guys in Cleveland - I don't think they are paying attention most times!! And I won't even start with the Whiney Sux guys - we all know how we all feel about them!!

    Let's go Kyle.

  5. #5
    Thread Killah/Angels Mod riverdunesrat's Avatar
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    You guys are listening to the same broadcast I am? What a trip. You mean you gotta listen to all the BS and side conversations and everything else going on all the time? How embarassing.

    As for Grace, I'll probably never like him. I've listened to him for the last one or two years, how ever long it's been, and I just don't dig the guy. You are right about one thing, he has gotten better in regard to his criticism and bias so far this season as I've noticed. He was horriblly judgmental before and said some real dumb stuff about oposing teams. Even last year when they lost 111 games. I still shake my head at that.

    Just one more thing.....the T-wins gotta start winning.
    ................ ..................

  6. #6
    Hall of Famer Steak's Avatar
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    DG: Bert and Dick rocks. I love listening to those two. It's a shame MLB.TV rarely gives me the Twins feed. I always get the other team's announcers. I enjoyed listening to them and it was treat to listen to Grace and Brennaman. I love listening to Sanders, Hegan, and Rick Manning of the Indians. They are very complimentary towards the Twins and Terry Ryan and Gardy are always the guests on Tribe Time (Indians pregame show on FSN Ohio). Yeah FSN Ohio telecast tends to focus too much on the Indians/Twins brawls by showing highlights on it, but I understand their thinking as they are trying to incite interest to the fans. You know the saying about how bad publicity sells. There is no one worse than Michael "Twins should be contracted" Kay and Ken "I hate the Twins" Harrelson. Kay is a complete idiot. He is not well-liked by the Yankees fans for God's sake. Paul O'Neill and Jim Kaat constantly take shots at Kay in the telecast. Bob Raissman, the fine critic of the NY Daily News,always makes it a point to make fun of Kay in his column three times a week. Kay brings this upon himself. As for Harrelson, he is POS. That's the best way to describe him. Harrelson picks fights with guys like Kent Hrbek, Jay Mariotti, members of the media, Harrelson is the only PBP man that admits that he hates a particular team on the air. Harrelson said last year about how he hates the Twins and how he does not like the Twins for what they stand for. What professional announcer would go out of his way to admit who he publically hates. I guess you gotta give him credit for being honest, but there are better ways to say how you hate a team. I understand that Harrelson does not like it when the Twins beat his team and the fact that Kent Hrbek almost killed him, but geez. It's only a ballgame, Ken.

    BTW, there is a website which is updated in I showed you that last year. The webmaster redid it and it looks beautiful. He really spoke his mind on the Hawk. Check it out.

    Vin Scully is starting to grate me. I couldn't stand listening to him last night. I listened to him last year when I got the MLB.TV package. He bored the hell out of me and he said lot of stupid things. I know he is catering to the LA audience, but geez. He is a legend, but I think he needs to retire. When I was a kid, I listen to Scully do the games on NBC Sports and he was awesome to listen then. Now he is just a shell of himself. He does not do his homework on the other team and he seems so clueless about the Twins. I am really sad to say this since I enjoyed Scully. Maybe my hatred towards the Dodgers has cloud my thinking. I don't know. Scully is not as bad as Kay or Harrelson though.

    Bob Davis and Paul Splitoff are fun to listen. It's hard to do a game when a team stinks. You can only do so much. That's why I loved listening to Dick and Bert. Those two made it fun even when the team stunk in the 90s.

    Physoic is solid. Hudler can go off the deep end, but he can be good when he has to.

    rdr: I think your hatred of AZ has cloud your thinking. Grace has lot of work to do and he is still learning. I think he has gotten better. That's more than what Jim Traber and Steve Lyons can say. Besides Thom Brennaman is the guy that starts the BS conversations and he says stupid things that I don't even care for.

  7. #7
    Rookie DiamondGirl's Avatar
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    I can't believe you didn't like Scully last night. I thought he did a great job and had all sorts of stats and history - especially of the Twins. To me he seem well prepared - and to do all that alone in the booth (other that Stats folks) is amazing to me. Again, I guess I'm old school when it comes to booth guys.

    And thanks for the update on the Hawk site - I'll check it out later. I do remember you gave it to me last year. I always have to mute their broadcast if I'm flipping through games during a commercial break in the Twins game.

  8. #8
    Hall of Famer Steak's Avatar
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    DG: Well I hate the Dodgers so maybe I have an ax to grind. I don't know. I just found Scully really annoying. I wish he would talk a little bit more on the Twins, but he never mentioned much about them. The only reason he mentioned Juan Castro was because he was a Dodger. Yeah he did talk about the 65 World Series and he mentioned about Allison's catch, but then he went on and on and on about how the Dodgers beat the Twins, but never mentioned the Twins wins over LA at the Dome in the 65 World Series.

    I am so glad that site was updated. I was starting to wonderi why he spent a lot of money to build a site and do nothing about it. It's good to see some substance.

    Did you know Hawk apparently went up to Reinsdorf and got his color analyst, Tom Paciorek fired and then he had the gall to mention Tom's sex abuse on the air not to mention how Tom would go out with ladies. With friend like that, who needs enemies. Also Hawk manipulates Darrin Jackson pretty good and I think Hawk has destroyed Jackson's growth of being a color analyst. That's too bad since DJ does not bother me much. I blame this all on Hawk.

    Also MLB should have suspended Hawk Harrelson for trying to start a fist fight with Jay Mariotti, the Chicago Sun-Times columinst last year at the Metrodome. What type of PBP would go out and start throwing punches at a writer. It wouldn't suprise me if this fool starts a fight with a PBP guy one day.

    Hawk is simply a low-class jerk. He is not a nice guy.

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