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Thread: Herb Carneal needs to retire

  1. #1
    Hall of Famer Steak's Avatar
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    Herb Carneal needs to retire

    You know I hate to rip on Herb and all. I never got to listen to him on the radio until this season. I think Herb has lost it for good. I don't think he seems interested in doing the games and he just does not paint the pic well. He is just dull. I tried to listen to the Twins game on the radio this weekend and I just couldn't get into it. I refuse to watch Al-Yankeezera (YES Network) so I tried radio. Little did I know the Twins radio team was this bad. Gladden is solid. Gordon and Carneal though are just not that good. Carneal's lack of enthauism and his lack of ability to paint the picture is not very good. Gordon seems more interested in being funny with Gladden.

    I am for all for guys staying, but if they are not good enough, then something has to change. I just think Herb has reached this point. It pains me to say it, but that's just the way it is.

  2. #2
    Rookie DiamondGirl's Avatar
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    I hear what you are saying Steak. I've never been a Gordon fan - he seems to be a step behind most of the time and during spring training coverage he would say he'd rather be on the golf course than in the press box! So go!!!!!

    As for Herb - he is such a nice man and the Twins are all about family and he has been a part of the Twins family for years. As it is now, he only does a few innings (I think 4) and then Gordon and Gladden take over the remainder of the game. I like Herb but I will admit he has slowed down considerably. But the knowledge he has of the game and of the Twins history, that just can't be replaced. Therefore, I'd listen to Herb anyday because there are so few of his kind around anymore. I'm an old-schooler!!

  3. #3
    Hall of Famer Steak's Avatar
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    Listeing to Gordo is like understanding French. Heck I think French is probably more easier to understand than listening to Gordo. BTW, I took Spanish as my foreign language at high school and in college.

    Herb is a great guy, but it does not look good when he loses track on PBP, misprounuces names, or etc. The late Bob Murphy who used to do the Mets games on the radio may have stayed way too long. I thought he did the best he could and I thught he was more understandable to listen than Herb in his final years, but there were times that he had no clue what he was saying and I felt bad for Bob at times when he got lost.

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