There is no way I want to see him start anymore. I had enough of him. I am tired of waiting for his potential since 2001. I am tired of being patient. I am just tired of watching him pitch, then get hit in one inning after a big lead, then get taken out with that stupid look in his pitch. I am tired of him not going deep to the game. This guy clearly does not enjoy being a pitcher and he has no tools to be successful. Rick Anderson (Twins pitching coach) and Terry Mullholland has tried their damnest to help the kid, but it's not working. You can only say so much till you are a blue in the fact. I seriously like to see Scott Baker ASAP because this can't go on like this.

At this point, the Twins may have to get rid of him for nothing or get garbage in return which will likely happen. The experiment with him is just not working.

Knowing how the Twins operate, they will likely be patient with him forever. I mean this is the same organization that was patient through thick and thin with guys like Latroy Hawkins, Eddie Guardado, Frankie Rodriguez, Scott Killgenbeck, and Pat Mahomes. Why should things be different with Kyle Lohse?