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Thread: 9/11 Tributes around the league

  1. #1
    Hall of Famer Tobywan's Avatar
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    9/11 Tributes around the league

    Its already starting, already had to reach for the tissues in the Rays pre game show. The 10 year anniversary will be at the forefront throughout the weekend in cities across the country, TV specials and of course through all the sporting events.

    This was one of those altering events where everyone remembers where they were or how they heard the news of that day. I remember getting a call from a friend telling me about the first plane, I was off that day and turned on CNN. A few moments later I watched, like everyone else, in horror as the second plane hit. Then the realization that this was not just a tragic accident, but the US was under attack and stayed glued to the coverage all day.

    I took the tour of the observation deck of the WTC in May of 1995, took photos from the top of the NY harbor and of the buildings when heading down to Battery Park to take the ferry to Liberty Island, have included one here, I liked it because of the flag pole on the island showing up just to the side of the Towers. My heart sinks every time I watch a rerun of shows like Friends and the Law & Order series and they show up in skyline shots between scenes, but am also touched that they don’t edit them out.

    Never Forget.

  2. #2
    Furcals Designated Driver realmofotalk's Avatar
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    Re: 9/11 Tributes around the league

    If Walter White was giving a pep talk about 9/11, he would point out that neither tower was fully occupied when it collapsed.

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