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Thread: Draft or avoid?

  1. #1
    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    Draft or avoid?

    What do you make of the following players; do you take them if they are available at a suitable point in the draft or do you avoid them like the plague?

    Bobby Crosby
    J.D. Drew
    Gary Sheffield
    Barry Bonds*
    Morgan Ensberg
    Luis Gonzalez
    Mike Lowell
    Chris Shelton

    Bartolo Colon
    Pedro Martinez
    Roger Clemens
    Eric Gagne
    Mark Prior
    Octavio Dotel
    Kerry Wood

  2. #2
    Team Leader Witlon's Avatar
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    Crosby - I tend to avoid, not that I wouldn't take him if I had the chance, but in 4 leagues I'm a little bit better than him with Reyes, Ramirez, Drew and Jeter. Normally my bench gets filled with pitchers and OFers, as well, so he'd just go undrafted in most of my leagues.

    Drew - Avoid. Much better players out there in my opinion like Carlos Quentin, Chris Duffy and Jeremy Hermida available after Drew goes, no reason to take a player before a more valuable one.

    Sheffield - Goes to early for me to consider, I prefer a guy like Alexis Rios as my #2 outfielder, who can help in more than 2 catagories.

    Bonds - Too early again, everyone drafts him on his name, not his production. I never even get to consider him, but he'd be nothing more than a 3rd or 4th outfielder for me anyway.

    Ensberg - I'd draft him. Problem is, 3B is so deep that if I don't get a guy like ARod, Miguel or Wright, I tend to forget about it until late draft and grab a guy like Teahen, Gordon, Crede or Chavez who have been available in the 16-17th rounds.

    LuGo- No intrest, I wouldn't draft him even if he was on the board.

    Mike Lowell - Draft. As a backup, his multi-position eligiblity is nice to have. I prefer a starting Wilson Betemit to him, but he's probably my second choice as a multi-guy late.

    Chris Shelton - Aviod. No starting job, not young. No intrest, especially at a deep position.

    Bartolo Colon - I tend to aviod, Barry Zito is available later, as are guys like Rich Harden and Scott Olsen.

    Pedro Martinez - Draft. Especially if I get a couple good starters early like Halladay, Peavy or Webb. I can stash him on the bench and run with all the relievers in the other spots.

    Roger Clemens - Aviod. Until he says he's playing, I have no intrest.

    Eric Gagne - As a second closer, he's probably my 2nd favorite guy, behind CoCo. I'd take him.

    Mark Prior - I used to take Prior as early as the 1st round, now, I get my ace and he's gone by the time I take my second pitcher. I prefer Pedro, Zito and others in that area better, anyway.

    Dotel - He's my 26 or 27th ranked closer, I'd take him late, but I prefer Pineiro's ability to use as an SP, at least until he doesn't have a shot at the job.

    Wood - No intrest, if he somehow got the closer job and was available, I'd probably change my opinion.

  3. #3
    14,558 Unread Posts browntown653's Avatar
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    Bobby Crosby - Take, SS isn't one of the strongest positions in the AL
    J.D. Drew - Avoid, unless you trade him after 50 games
    Gary Sheffield - Take, he'll be rejuvenated in that Tigers lineup with a guy he likes in Leyland
    Barry Bonds* - Take, motivated to get to 756*
    Morgan Ensberg - Take, he still plays in Houston and now has Carlos Lee aroud him
    Luis Gonzalez - Avoid, injury prone and in Dodger Stadium
    Mike Lowell - Take, one of the better hitting 3B in baseball
    Chris Shelton - Avoid, won't/shouldn't be the full-time starter with Casey there

    Bartolo Colon - Avoid, probably won't make many starts this year
    Pedro Martinez - Avoid, see above
    Roger Clemens - Avoid, see above
    Eric Gagne - Take, I'm feeling a breakthrough season from this guy for some reason
    Mark Prior - Take, same as Gagne...just a gut feeling
    Octavio Dotel - Avoid...Royals closer? 'Nuff said.
    Kerry Wood - Avoid, he'll probably break his thumb on a pencil point
    I did a lot of good things as a sim league GM.

    Ah, give me something clever to say here.

  4. #4
    59 W, 678 2/3 IP, GOAT Dry1313's Avatar
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    Bobby Crosby Draft, later
    J.D. Drew Avoid, unless late
    Gary Sheffield Draft, Later
    Barry Bonds* Avoid, all together
    Morgan Ensberg Draft, middle
    Luis Gonzalez Draft, later
    Mike Lowell Avoid, unless a steal
    Chris Shelton avoid, no time

    Bartolo Colon draft, late, hes injured
    Pedro Martinez draft, late, not top
    Roger Clemens avoid, search the waivers
    Eric Gagne draft, late only
    Mark Prior draft, high, good shot at a rebound
    Octavio Dotel avoid, he couldnt hit his spots
    Kerry Wood avoid, waste of a pick.

  5. #5
    Hall of Famer ATLien's Avatar
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    avoid, all.


  6. #6
    Crosby: Avoid, but not necessarily because of his injuries. Rather, the SS pool has good players at all tiers this year, so even if you miss on Jeter/Rollins/Reyes, there is a FeLo/Hall/Furcal there, and more and more. Some are multipositional too. You can take a shot on him on the chance he blooms, which is possible, or you can go with a relatively sure thing.

    Drew: Take him, probably around or a little lower than where Yahoo has him. A lower-end starter but preferable benchie. Boston has not been kind to anyone in the injury department, and Drew's risky.

    Sheffield: Considering he isn't a late round pick, avoid. I can't see him breaking out in Detroit, even if he is happy, he has so many things to catch up with him: age and injuries to start.

    Bonds: Take, but not where he is going. He's going way too high for my tastes, even if he is a 30/100 guy. His SBs and BA don't warrant a high pick, as he is a 3 category OF and two of those depend on others to work. He's a solid 3rd OF, even 2nd if needed

    Ensberg: Take him late but don't lean on him too much. If he can be the 2005 version, you've got a bargain, but if he's anything like the end of 2006, there are better and more versatile options out there.

    Gonzalez: No reason to take him when moderately reliable hitters like Giles go late. How about Chris Young instead...maybe I should go get Chris Young off my waiver wire. Is he starting?

    Lowell: I'd say avoid. Even if he does hit, there are many better 3Bs out there, some of which play more than 3B. At best, backup 3B.

    Shelton: When a guy like Prince Fielder is available in the 11th round, why even go after Shelton?

    Colon: His 2005 looks like an aberration and his weight/height along with age is catching up to him. Maybe late, but as a flier. Even then why not take a flier on a Scott Olsen?

    Pedro: I don't like half-year pitchers, especially fragile ones. Pass.

    Clemens: Don't spend much if you do. You may get a good July, who is out of shape.

    Gagne: Considering the crap available at the end of the draft for closers (in a closer battle or in a weak pen/team), why not take a shot that Gagne comes back? I'd take him middle range, when you get past the reliables like Cordero and Ray.

    Prior: Eh, once you get into the late portions, he'll probably be gone, and any earlier than that is a notable risk when someone like Barry Zito can be had in the early teens.

    Dotel: He pitched 10 innings last year and he may close...for one of the worst teams in baseball. Only if you need a 2nd/3rd closer and he is one of the last available.

    Wood: Why even try anymore? He has a partially torn rotator cuff and if that goes, he goes. Why not just take a chance on someone who is likely to make it over 125 IP?

    Then out of fairness to the others you will be Slagathor.

  7. #7
    Hero ball. Kingdom's Avatar
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    Bobby Crosby- avoid

    J.D. Drew- draft late, cause he's pretty good when healthy

    Gary Sheffield- draft

    Barry Bonds*- avoid

    Morgan Ensberg- avoid

    Luis Gonzalez- avoid

    Mike Lowell- avoid

    Chris Shelton- avoid

    Bartolo Colon- draft

    Pedro Martinez- draft

    Roger Clemens- avoid now, obviously

    Eric Gagne- avoid

    Mark Prior- draft late

    Octavio Dotel- avoid

    Kerry Wood- avoid
    Marshall: MILSWANCAs?
    : Wait, I can get this. Mothers I'd like to sleep with and never call again.
    Barney: Circle gets the square!

    The 2074 MSL NL Gold Glove Recipient at Third Base.

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