Belisle upbeat despite rough outings
By Marc Lancaster
Post staff reporter

LOS ANGELES - So, Matt Belisle, about those last two nights ...

When the conversation began like that prior to Thursday's game, the young pitcher buried his head in his hands in mock dismay.

Belisle has had a few bumps in the road during his first full season in the majors, but this week's events at Dodger Stadium have been particularly tough. Two nights in a row, the right-hander was brought out of the bullpen to protect a lead and failed, allowing the Dodgers back in the game. The Reds lost Tuesday night and won Wednesday night, softening the blow a bit, but the disappointment remains.

As does Belisle's competitive optimism.

"My location was just a little bit off the last couple days," he said. "But I still feel great, and I'm loving the situations."

Designated as the junior member of the late-game trio in the Reds' bullpen, along with David Weathers and Kent Mercker, there's no doubt Belisle still has the confidence of manager Jerry Narron.

Narron made a point after both implosions to tell reporters that Belisle would get the ball again, as soon as possible, in a tight situation. He told Belisle the same thing.

"It's been great, him showing that confidence in me and verbalizing it," said Belisle. "Even after (Wednesday) night, he looked at me and said, 'Matty, keep on throwing, you'll be back out there again.'"

The overriding positive in the entire situation to Narron is that Belisle is learning on the job. All 123 of his career minor league appearances were starts, and he started five games for the Reds earlier this season. The instant amnesia required of relief pitchers is new to the 25-year-old Texan.

"For a guy that's never been a reliever to go out there and throw one inning, it's not easy," Narron said. "The biggest thing about guys out of the bullpen that they have to deal with is when they fail and then come back the next day and get guys out. He's going to get that chance. This game is about dealing with adversity, it's about dealing with failure. He's going to have to go back out and get back to where he was a couple weeks ago, and I think he will."
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