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Thread: This is the year to deal Casey

  1. #1
    Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Kingsport, TN

    This is the year to deal Casey

    With all eyes on the Reds and their available talent to help push all other teams into a layoff race, would Casey be our best option to deal? I think it is definitely the best way to go for two reasons.

    First, while Casey is the best hitter on this team, he grounds into double plays far too often. While Casey is a great personality, he is not the leader Larkin was. And while these may come off as excuses and a bad way to make a very good player look bad, there is no doubt that he earns a lot of money. We have a better talent that could man 1B at or near the same price next season in Dunn.

    Secondly, this may be the best year to deal Casey with the limited amount of 1B available right now. Here is a portion of a New York Daily News article that touches up on this very thing.

    As for the Mets, well, there is nothing coming, certainly not in the near term, from Gary LaRocque's farm system. If they persist in their intentions to be trading-deadline buyers, it looks to be slim pickings in the first baseman market, with Milwaukee's Lyle Overbay not available and the Reds' available Sean Casey (16 DPs, 3 HR, none at Great American Ballpark, and owed $8 million next year) and Kansas City's Mike Sweeney (hurt too much and owed some $25 million) not viable options.

    Thing is, we all know that Dunn, Pena, Kearns, or Casey will be dealt. Would you guys choose Casey like I have? Or is there a better option?

  2. #2
    Banned Geki Ace's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Casey kills a lot of rallies, but he also starts a lot of them. He's the only consistent contact hitter the Reds have, and if Randa leaves, they're gonna be lacking in the non-power department. Still, if they can land something nice, it's worth it.

  3. #3
    casey is a way below average 1b

    trade him

  4. #4
    I agree with AD.

  5. #5
    I agree it is time to move Casey to get something for his talent. I won't say he is way below average, but not great either. They need to ensure that No'brain doesn't screw up the trade if he is able to work one out. That is the worst feeling, losing a good player and getting someone else's scrub (aka prospect) in return. NOW is the time to get a sure fired pitcher to plug into the rotation.

  6. #6

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