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Thread: Apathy firmly set in the minds of the Reds

  1. #1

    Apathy firmly set in the minds of the Reds

    It's so obvious. I mean, yeah Carpenter is a good pitcher and is on a roll, but he isn't THAT good, not great enough to shut out an offense like the Reds. Not even homeruns for the Reds tonight? Here's the Reds' best pinch-hitter and he stands there with a "who gives a sh*t?" look on his face as he takes TWO great pitches from Carpenter and flails away at an obvious ball down and in.

  2. #2
    Minor Leaguer Krazyredsfanguy's Avatar
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    did you see when taguchi robbed aurilla right over the reds bullpen? they were looking rather lackadaisial and uninterested with the enfolding play. if taguchi hadnt caught that ball i swear it would of bounced right off of wagner's head

  3. #3
    A very simple observation regarding ABs. The Cardinals were taking Harang's pitches which were comfortably out of the strike zone while the Reds were flailing away at those same pitches. That makes all the difference in the world and that explains why the Reds strike out 10 times a game and the Cardinals do not.

  4. #4
    My theory on why the Reds are flailing away at balls and taking strikes is that they really don't give a crap about what is happening. These are professionals, at least they're supposed to be. At this level you don't, as a whole freaking team, become confused on what is a strike and what isn't. That indicates to me that the club has bagged it, and is swinging shit's sake instead of trying to win ballclubs. That, or the whole freaking management and coaching staff sucks, which I think we can all agree is part of the problem.

  5. #5
    Old Style Drinker
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    actually carpenter the past two years is that good.
    The art of being an engineer: packing 10 lbs of crap into a 5 lb box.

    "If Hooter's fell, for all practical purposes the world was lost." Von Neumann's War

  6. #6
    Guess Who's Back missionhockey21's Avatar
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    Carpenter was a guy who I thought was a bit of a fluke last season. Not that he wasn't good but jus that he wasn't THAT good. Got to hand it to Jocketty on that, what a sweet signing. Anyway, I do agree with Quiet that this offense can be frustrating but we do have a lot of guys who make their job's to capitalize on pitcher's mistakes. With a guy who has a well located breakingball, well, that is just trouble.

  7. #7
    On the ESPN broadcast last night they talked extensively about how Pujols never EVER gives an AB away. He is always focused and concentrates and always makes the pitcher do their best work to get him out. Now granted, Pujols is better than anyone we have...

    But i have never seen a team give up as many ABs. It's like they grow on trees or something with this club. Dunn, Pena, Griffey, Larue and Aurilia are the worst offenders. They go up and start hacking, and guessing, they never change their approach, they never swing defensively, they never spoil pitches, and they give the AB away. If the pitcher makes a mistake early MAYBE they tag it, but for the most part, they strike out.

    Did you see that HR that Pujols hit last night? Opposite field after fighting off pitches. When was the last time Dunn or griffey went the other way? They don't go with that pitch (even though dunn at least could take it out) they still try to yank it into the river, and they strike out.
    Reds MVP Race

    6: Arroyo, Harang
    5: Kearns
    4: Phillips
    3: Dunn, Felo, Freel, Milton
    2: Claussen, EdE, Griffey, Valentin
    1: Aurilia, Hatteberg, Lizard, Larue, Shackelford

  8. #8
    Hall of Famer CincyRedsFan30's Avatar
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    Chris Carpenter is stellar. He is that good, Quiet.

    I knew that would be a genius signing by the genius himself.
    The Simpson family gathers around, as Homer places Bart's passed test on the fridge.)

    Homer: We're proud of you, boy.

    Bart: Thanks, Dad. But part of this D-minus belongs to God.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Wally Mo Pena
    On the ESPN broadcast last night they talked extensively about how Pujols never EVER gives an AB away. He is always focused and concentrates and always makes the pitcher do their best work to get him out. Now granted, Pujols is better than anyone we have...

    But i have never seen a team give up as many ABs. It's like they grow on trees or something with this club. Dunn, Pena, Griffey, Larue and Aurilia are the worst offenders. They go up and start hacking, and guessing, they never change their approach, they never swing defensively, they never spoil pitches, and they give the AB away. If the pitcher makes a mistake early MAYBE they tag it, but for the most part, they strike out.

    Did you see that HR that Pujols hit last night? Opposite field after fighting off pitches. When was the last time Dunn or griffey went the other way? They don't go with that pitch (even though dunn at least could take it out) they still try to yank it into the river, and they strike out.
    Last time it was evident to me that the team didn't give a dump. They were hitting against one of the better pitchers (well, EVERY pitcher has a legitimate chance at the Cy Young award against the Reds, LOL!), so "we'll just go get'em tomorrow!". If this team didn't hit so many homeruns, I wonder how bad their record would be then. If the team didn't have Felipe Lopez, I shudder to think of the "what if". Hell, if the team didn't have Miley making out lineup cards (thank God he is GONE, along with Gullet!) things *might* have been better.

    I will really be something if the team comes out fired up to play tonight, that will speak volumes about what they thought of their manager and pitching coach.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by CincyRedsFan30
    Chris Carpenter is stellar. He is that good, Quiet.

    I knew that would be a genius signing by the genius himself.
    He is also greatly benefited by Cardinals management. They have a manager that is one of the best ever, IMO, a great pitching coach, and a GM with a winning philosophy and gameplan. The Reds pitching isn't as bad as Gullet made it out to be, just wait and see.

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