Can we entertain most of the bullpen mistakes on Narron? If not, what seems to be the problem. Is it flat out good hitting late in the game by the opposing offense? Or is it mistake pitches left over the plate? I think it is a misture of both of those and some control issues right now.

Coffey is definitely the culprit of bad control right now. He is beaning everyone. Cormier should never pitch against a righty, and Weathers is going to get hit from time to time. Coutlangus should never pitch in a tight game either. Add that all up with Narron's disability to use these guys in the right situations at times and you see a disaster. The first week in the season our bullpen was unhittable. Now they have imploded.

So what is the answer? Do we wait for Majewski and Bray to come in and take Corimer and Coutlangus' spots? Or do we go after what is available on the trade market? Pitchers like Lidge or Cordero would be a welcome addition to the pen. But at what cost? I believe both of them would demand far too great of a return. Especially with Bowden holding the trade reigns for Cordero. But is it an option that should be considered? Or should we expect our bullpen to falter a bit at times but hope for them to pick it up soon?

What should Krivsky do here?