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Thread: Reds are terrible in a number of ways

  1. #16
    Hall of Famer CincyRedsFan30's Avatar
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    They do.
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  2. #17
    Banned NEILYNG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuietAcre
    No, Slyder, they don't play with heart. Junior has NEVER (at least not with the Reds) given 100% in the game. Don't believe all the media hype "Junior loves to play the game, he's THE KID!". The media will say anything, anytime, about anything that can make them money, anytime. When you have most of your guys running out grounders to first, and then you have Junior (oh, Freel has started acting like Junior lately, a blind man could see it) watching who fields the ball as he is jogging to first base, or admires his long hits to right field (as if he just hit a homerun) instead of doing what he is supposed to be doing (running the bases until told to stop), then you KNOW there is a problem. This team has dissention (read between the lines in interviews and you will see it), and I feel that the team is as frustrated with the way they're being managed, as they are with the way they're playing.
    I've seen two game son this most recent road trip.

    Junior is having fun. He is chatting it up with fans while in the on deck circle; he is smiling and joking and talking to the umpires; he is neddling his teammates. AND -- most importantly -- he is swinging the bat quite well right now.

  3. #18
    Hall of Famer Slyder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slyder
    Okay prove this, many of the players came up with Miley and like Miley, I want to see where you see dissension within the team.
    Still waiting.
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  4. #19
    And you can wait your entire life for all I care. Pay attention to the comments of the players, that ought to be your first clue. Not some sports writer that claims to have the latest news on something that's been old-hat for months.

  5. #20
    i have to say that the team's chemistry has taken a hit this year. Loosing Larkin was guaranteed to be a big deal, we all knew that. But there's more to it than that i think.

    The FeLo/Aurilia situation for one, that just can't be good for a team. I have no idea what must be going through Felipe's head now, but i can tell you this, it ain't good. He was humiliated in his first stint with the reds and almost quit the game. He went to the minors and really proved himself, and made his way back up. He outplayed aurilia in ST, and he's outplayed him in the season, and he's on the bench every day. I don't think a team does well with as many platoon situations as the reds have in general, and it only gets worse if the platoons aren't being done fairly or intelligently. Players get pissed off about being benched for worse talent, and they should.

    Also the pen being as bad as it is, that takes it's toll on a team, same as last year, because a lead is never safe and it's demoralizing to loose in comebacks al the time.

    Suggestions to the reds:
    bench aurillia and jiminez and sit griffey more often to get kearns and wily mo in. Make a few moves with the pen, if for nothing else to shake things up and show the pitchers that they have to perform to keep their jobs. Bat people where they should bat, and don't take any of the players crap if they complain. Like say if someone is batting .244 and has an OPS below .700, they probably shouldn't be batting second.

    i know i post this almost everyday but...

    wily mo
    Reds MVP Race

    6: Arroyo, Harang
    5: Kearns
    4: Phillips
    3: Dunn, Felo, Freel, Milton
    2: Claussen, EdE, Griffey, Valentin
    1: Aurilia, Hatteberg, Lizard, Larue, Shackelford

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