On 1st and 10, or is it Cold Pizza? Whatever ESPNs mish mash morning show goes by, they were discussing where Roy Halladay could end up if he's dealt.

Jackie Mac was going with the rumor to the phillies for their entire farm system. Bayliss said they should do that plus throw in Jimmy Rollins. But for his real idea, he suggested a bidding war once again between the Empire and the Nation. For the yankees, they give up Joba Chamberlain, Phil Hughes, and prospects. But for the red sox, Clay Buchholz, prospects..... AND Kevin Youkilis.

Jackie Mac countered that he was undervaluing Youkilis worth (I begrudingly agreed). I couldn't see them dealing Youk plus a package, could you? I doubt the Nation would want to see Youkilis go anyways and with Lowell's health always a question mark, they'd then lose the versatility of a gold glove 1B and probably a gold glove 3B if he was again a full time 3B. (not to mention an MVP candidate). I couldn't even see that deal if Scott Rolen was involved too (would anyone be comfortable having Nick Green at SS and Lowell or Rolen at 1B when Lowell is back? And with Lowell's health and Ortiz breaking down, plus JD Drew always due for an injury or DL stint, do you even consider Youk ever?). But if you are Toronto, what;re you accepting with prospects and Buchholz? It's great for them if they got Youkilis, but what sense does it make if you're openly willing to deal all of the veterans?

I still don't think he gets traded but if NYY or Boston had strong interest, the other will follow suit on principle.