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  1. Creative Destinations III: Yeah they're not happening.

    It is fun to think of what if and what might have been. It's fun to create something out of nothing. Most of which, tends to only happen in fantasy baseball or simulator game leagues (or OOTP). I am going to lay out trades that I would like to see happen in Major League Baseball this season. But, the likelihood of any of these deals happening, or anything close to them happening, are far fetched. And I admit that. My point is, there is some logic behind these trades, for at least one team ...
  2. If you're going to call up a guy....

    If you're going to call up a pitcher. For the love of god, let them pitch for god's sakes. I'm sick and tired of management worrying about another Kerry Wood or Mark Prior sighting. That same line of thinking messed up Brandon Morrow and Joba Chamberlain. Pitch counts? Sure, just leave the pitcher in the minors then. He's at the top level, an adult, should be able to take care of HIS OWN body. If you have to put him on a damn pitch count, he's not fully ready. If he can't handle the load of pitching ...
  3. Futbol: still the only team sport not to have been overrun by stat nerds

    Rejoice. No, really. Now, I'm with most of you when it comes to stats. The more the merrier. The more advanced they get, the better you can gauge the player's value to a team. But every once in while, you want to be surprised by the statistical anomalies, which the statheads chalk it up to variation at first, and then if the pattern persists they wave their hand and attribute it to the human element. Sometimes you just have to throw the book out on certain players. To quote Michael Lewis' account ...
  4. Impossible Situation

    It's easy to criticize officiating in all major sports. Sometimes we enjoy it. Sometimes we are purely pissed off cause we feel our team was screwed. It's fair to say since 1980, we've probably had one unforgettable officiating GAFF each year, regardless of the sport. I've seen teams I cheer for be screwed. I've seen my team benefit from a bad call. It happens, it does, every sporting day. No one person and no system will ever be perfect. We have to live with that. And then post or tweet ...
  5. Home Run Derby: Who Should Participate? has a poll up asking fans to vote for who they'd like to see in the annual Home Run Derby, with results "in no way" determining which players actually take part in the event. It's a start, I guess, that they let us vote for this, seeing that we can't even vote for pitchers in the All-Star game.

    Now if you want to vote for the .176-hitting Carlos Pena, go right ahead. If you want to vote for the ...
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