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  1. OOTP, let's alter the sim league landscape (just a little)

    I once posted a blog about how sim leagues are being taken too seriously, fun is being zapped from the life of leagues, etc. and well, it's still that way. The bickering and nonsense has escalated, treaties have been broken, wars amongst counties have broken out, you name it. It's probably happening. So I come to you all with fantastical ideas that will likely never be taken seriously, but maybe should be considered for upping the worthwhile of our fun little pseudo-fantasy leagues. Let's walk. ...
  2. My apologies, Jose Bautista.

    I did not believe in you. I saw Aaron Hill and Adam Lind, and thought you were a 15 minutes of fame fluke. I saw a horrendous K:BB ratio and thought.. he soon shall crash land on Earth. I did not have faith you would last, I did not believe in the idea, I did not foresee you actually.. improving.

    Now, you are on the verge of 50 (or more) HOMERUNS, 110 (or more) RBI, and 100 (or more) WALKS. In fact, you only have 14 more strikeouts than walks. You have a very acceptable K:BB ratio, ...
  3. Most Valuable What If?

    Let's consider, with everything being one big hypothetical, a baseball scenario in the National League. We have the Triple Crown watch in effect for not one, not two, but THREE players. It's a scary thought, considering we have given 2010 the Year of the Pitcher tag.

    What if.. Albert Pujols wins the triple crown, Joey Votto finishes 2nd or lower in the 3 categories, but the Reds make the playoffs and the Cardinals do not. Who's the MVP? A guy who's accomplished something we haven't ...
  4. 2/3rd's of the AL Season Awards

    Sorry, I was distracted by the number of good starting pitchers being dealt lately. So with DK Olney's picks up for the AL, it is turn to counter with my own (and therefore he has to do the NL). Free corn chips all around!

    Rookie of the Year
    While the NL is loaded, the AL is just not exactly oozing with sex appeal. There's no starting pitching candidate, there's no big name story making waves, there's really not much crying out for attention. There is, however, ...
  5. 2/3rd's of the NL Season Awards

    July is nearing its end, leaving August and September for players and teams to jockey for awards and playoff positioning. When we hit the proverbial half way point, we were ready to give Ubaldo Jimenez the Cy Young, Joey Votto the MVP, and Jason Heyward the Rookie of the Year. Things do change in a month's time.

    Rookie of the Year
    It's a loaded field. Heyward is back, healthy, and had a big series against the NL West leading Padres. Starlin Castro is currently ...
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