Went 3/4, 3 homeruns, only 4 RBI. After the first game getting drubbed, braves rebounded to win the next two (last night, rallied to win). He's up to 13 homeruns, 55 RBI.

McCann homered too, his 14th. Gotta love allstar catchers.

Tim Hudson actually won his first game against the AL since being with Atlanta. Weird.
Tim Hudson (8-5) allowed four hits in seven scoreless innings to lower his ERA to 2.96 and finally win an interleague game with Atlanta. Before Sunday, Hudson was 0-10 with a 7.82 ERA in 12 interleague starts with the Braves. He was 0-3 with an 11.25 ERA against AL West teams.
Absolutely sucked against his old league.