"short and sweet with nothing but feet."

SP Daniel Cabrera - He's in his last year and he's not performing the way I thought he would. I'm not going to say he's cheap because no player really is cheap but I will say that he's not hard to get. His ratings are 10-6-8 with high endurance. He's got the stuff.

SP Adam Loewen - He's pitched to one batter this year and struck him out. That's fantastic, an ERA of 0.00. He did get injured which caused me to joggle my rotation and when he came back, there was just nowhere to put him. His ratings are 8-7-8 with high endurance and holds runners well. He's a lefty too if it matters.

(please keep in mind, if one goes; chances are the other stays)

RF Ryan Langerhans - He's pissed because I don't give him proper playing time which says to me that he's not a team player. He's cheap!

C Jeff Fiorentino - Good catcher. Could easily start for any team except us because we have Wieter who will last a good 4 years. His ratings are 8-6-9-8-5 and can also play the outfield corners pretty well.

DH Jack Cust - Good power bat. This is what a DH does: Hits it out of the park. His ratings our 7-8-10-9-3 and can play 1B/LF/RF. The reason we're putting him on is because we might not be able to bring him back next season. If you need a power piece, look no further.

AAA guys:

CF Dante Canabal - Was drafted in the 2nd round, 40th overall in 2011. They call him stretch. Don't ask why. His ratings are 7-6-5-4-7 and can play the OF with ease. He also has speed which can come in handy for Utility needs. He hasn't seen the majors but he's hitting pretty well in AAA. You got to get guys who are on the hot-streak.

SP Hayden Penn - I'm tired of typing but his ratings are 8-7-7 and hasn't started a major league game since 2008. Bring him back to the light!

And that's pretty much it. There are others but you have to blow me away in order to get them or I'll have to blow you away to get your ace pitcher/superstar batter but either way, let's not blow ourselves out of proportion. (hAhA) These are the guys.

We're looking for speed and relief pitching. We're not opposed to older players just as long as they still have some upside to them. AIM is BostonBaySockers but PM is just as good. I check often.