Why fix what isn't broke?
March 12
Toronto Sun: "It was once the rage in Boston and later the south side of Chicago. Now Frank Thomas is all that's left in the major leagues of the Walt Hriniak style of hitting. "
Thomas' generosity is hard to picture
March 12
South Florida Sun-Sentinel columnist Mike Berardino: "Now here was a large-scale Wells original showing Overbay, the Blue Jays' first baseman, in full swing with his two young sons in the foreground. In the background you could see Overbay giving a high five to new teammate Frank Thomas. Turns out this was the Big Hurt's way of showing appreciation to Overbay for surrendering his No. 35."
Halladay: a master of detail
March 12
Toronto Star: "On a recent day, the shirt draped over the chair in front of Roy Halladay's locker reads, 'Exercise Your Inner Demons.' The message works on a couple of levels."
Doc works four perfect innings
March 12
Toronto Sun: "Roy Halladay simply was perfect. In four scoreless innings yesterday against the Minnesota Twins, Halladay retired all 12 batters he faced, striking out two. And it took the 'ace' of the Blue Jays staff just 36 pitches -- 23 for strikes -- to accomplish the deed. "