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Thread: For Toronto and anyone else unsure about the DL

  1. #1
    RIP Cyan 2000 - 2017 Providence A's's Avatar
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    For Toronto and anyone else unsure about the DL

    This is primarily for Impossibles. I don't see an "attach file" button on PMs so I decided to make a thread. Players stay on the DL even when their time runs out. In other words: If you put a player on the 15 day DL and the sim is for 18 games, then they'll still be on the DL when the sim is over...they just won't have any time left as the sim was for more than 15 days.

    See attached screen shot (click once to view and then double click to see full-size). You have 3 options really.

    1) They can continue to sit there.
    2) You can put them back on the DL with more time (15 or 60 day DL).
    3) You can put them back on the active roster if you want, but will need to send a player down if your roster is at 25 already.

    The game will only let you do option 2 if your roster is less than 25. Basically, I have to move them off the DL to put them back on if you want to add the days (15 or 60). You can just leave them there and they stay there until you make a move with them.

    As a reminder, the game won't allow you to demote an injured player from MLB to the minors or from the DL to the minors. It just won't allow it. It does allow you to promote injured players (DL to MLB or AA to AAA for example). It also allows you to promote/demote injured players within the minors. It's just how the game works. I didn't design it. You really can learn a lot by owning the game and playing around with it though.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails For Toronto and anyone else unsure about the DL-toronto-roster-jpg  

  2. #2
    RIP Cyan 2000 - 2017 Providence A's's Avatar
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    Re: For Toronto and anyone else unsure about the DL

    And in this example: For Toronto Colton and Gallien are now healed. His roster is at 25. If he wants to put them on the active roster, then he has to demote 2 players. He could just send Colton and Gallien to AAA if he wanted though. The MLB roster is maxed out currently. If it were September, then he could just add them to the MLB roster.

    Any questions at all?

  3. #3
    Administrator HollywoodLeo's Avatar
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    Re: For Toronto and anyone else unsure about the DL

    I wouldn't think one would have to understand the inner workings of the game to know they can't just add somebody to the 25 man roster off the DL without first demoting somebody.
    LeagueTeamyearsRecordWild CardDivisionPennantsTitles
    MSLSan Diego Padres2034-20592,217-1,9951631
    TBLArizona Diamondbacks2005-20181,216-1,0531963
    TSSLSan Diego Padres2015-2021, 2024-20281,017-9280732
    TSSLTexas Rangers2029-2033396-4140000

  4. #4

    Re: For Toronto and anyone else unsure about the DL

    Quote Originally Posted by HollywoodLeo View Post
    I wouldn't think one would have to understand the inner workings of the game to know they can't just add somebody to the 25 man roster off the DL without first demoting somebody.
    The confusion was I didn't know Colton and Gaillen were on the DL as I had never put them there and they have always had "time left on DL" at 0 days for me as the 15 days expires from the start of one sim to the end. I thought they were just listed as injured but not DL.

  5. #5
    RIP Cyan 2000 - 2017 Providence A's's Avatar
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    Re: For Toronto and anyone else unsure about the DL

    They were on the DL throughout the off-season (as soon as the season rolled over). They both had phantom season-enders. I always edit those down to 14 weeks instead. I immediately put them on the 60-day DL. They still had 10 days left on opening day. I had to make more changes for opening day because I didn't receive changes from you.

  6. #6

    Re: For Toronto and anyone else unsure about the DL

    Quote Originally Posted by Providence A's View Post
    They were on the DL throughout the off-season (as soon as the season rolled over). They both had phantom season-enders. I always edit those down to 14 weeks instead. I immediately put them on the 60-day DL. They still had 10 days left on opening day. I had to make more changes for opening day because I didn't receive changes from you.
    Yep and I have no complaints at all about it, just was confused. If I took the 10 seconds to count out the roster spots I would have figured it out.

  7. #7
    RIP Cyan 2000 - 2017 Providence A's's Avatar
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    Re: For Toronto and anyone else unsure about the DL

    No problem. I just meant if you had seen the page before the opening day sim, it would have shown them as still having 10 days on the DL as opposed to seeing them before the 2nd sim when it showed they had 0 days on the sim (but still injured). Now they're no longer injured, but still sitting on the DL waiting to be activated.

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