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Thread: Around the Horn (10/17)

  1. #1

    Around the Horn (10/17)

    Alright alright alright..welcome back to the show of competitive banter. We've been bumped off the air due to baseball, football, Girls Gone Wild and the cursed World Series of Poker reruns. Lets say hello to our national panel:
    "Players can't get better over time." -GiantsFanatic

  2. #2
    Our resident Raiders fan, Slyder, who is the all-time ATH Wins leader.
    "Players can't get better over time." -GiantsFanatic

  3. #3
    Hall of Famer Slyder's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Belle, WV
    The King of the Mountain is Here and ready to repeal assaults like the 30th Maine at the Battle of Gettysburg.... Ah crap History Overload Purge Purge!!!!

    *Looks Around*
    Where am i?
    HollywoodLeo: You and Kingdom always annoy me
    "Oh, don't mind me, I'm rebuilding now" then you win at least 80 games

    RIP S3SL Minnesota Twins.

    RIP HSL Anaheim Angels

    Rebuilding the Dodger Blues
    Renewed Start back in the land of 10,000 lakes

  4. #4
    A disgruntled Yankees fan who doesn't like Joeks, BWitty.
    "Players can't get better over time." -GiantsFanatic

  5. #5
    It's been a late couple of nights coming off that WS victory but I am ready to go

  6. #6
    Well, due to almost nobody being on, this will be a head to head. Best of 7. Do that thing I like...HORN!
    "Players can't get better over time." -GiantsFanatic

  7. #7
    First topic: In the past week, the Braves, Red s0x, and Yankees were all eliminated from the post season. Who was the biggest disappointment of those 3? Around the Horn to Slyder.
    "Players can't get better over time." -GiantsFanatic

  8. #8
    Hall of Famer Slyder's Avatar
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    Belle, WV
    just a number....


    that is how much the payroll of the New York Yankees was. By far the most of any team in the league. Only Boston, Anaheim, and maybe the Mets are able to get within HALF of that.

    They Bring in Randy Johnson, that was suppose to be the final piece to the puzzle, cancel out the Curt Schilling Effect. Well they got him (Randy) and he shows glimpse of his greatness but still has an ERA 3.79 but that was far from the Big Unit they thought they were getting.

    Yanks by far most disappointing.
    HollywoodLeo: You and Kingdom always annoy me
    "Oh, don't mind me, I'm rebuilding now" then you win at least 80 games

    RIP S3SL Minnesota Twins.

    RIP HSL Anaheim Angels

    Rebuilding the Dodger Blues
    Renewed Start back in the land of 10,000 lakes

  9. #9
    Boston half of NY? Not really Sly, but I see what point you're tying to make.

    "Players can't get better over time." -GiantsFanatic

  10. #10
    I agree with Slyder. The yankees come into the playoffs winning 16 of their last 21 games (the last one not reall counting since they were already in the playoffs). Then to see your top 3 hitters Matsui, Sheffield, and ARod only know in a combined like 5 rbis is just disappointing. Not to mention matsui stranding 8 RISP.

    Also the yankees have to be disappointed in their 25 million dollar man, AROD, who blew the game for them in game 3, by committing that very costly error.

    The yankees are always a disappointment if the don't win the WS.

  11. #11
    Point to Slyder..Witty, tighten up the grammar, eh?

    Next up..with the 3 teams still alive, White s0x, Astros and Cardinals, who is the best team, series scores nonstanding? Bwitty, what say you?
    "Players can't get better over time." -GiantsFanatic

  12. #12
    I believe the astros have the best chance at winning the world series. With Clemens, Pettite, and Oswalt, I don't see how they could lose. Yes CWS have contreras, buehrle, and garland but I don't see them being able to conquer the killer Stros.

  13. #13
    Slyder, enlighten us.
    "Players can't get better over time." -GiantsFanatic

  14. #14
    Hall of Famer Slyder's Avatar
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    Belle, WV
    Did you not watch the ALCS? The White Sox with their screwball manager just showed the world who had as good of a rotation as both the Astros and Cards. The White Sox completed a feat that hasnt been done in some 40+ years by having 4 complete games from their starters.

    The White Sox play NL better than most NATIONAL LEAGUE teams. They cancel out any advantage Astros Park brings by having Konerko, Dye, and whats that Boras 3b who didnt choke name? Oh ya Joe Crede. They held down Anaheim as well as anyone has this year.

    Pettitte got absolutely crushed by the Cards in game 1 vs St. Louis, Clemens cant go 7 as often now. Plus they STILL cant score a lot of runs, Chicago has the most complete team RIGHT NOW. And it will show as not the Cubs but the White Sox will end Chicago's suffering in the World Series.
    HollywoodLeo: You and Kingdom always annoy me
    "Oh, don't mind me, I'm rebuilding now" then you win at least 80 games

    RIP S3SL Minnesota Twins.

    RIP HSL Anaheim Angels

    Rebuilding the Dodger Blues
    Renewed Start back in the land of 10,000 lakes

  15. #15
    Another point to Slyder.

    Next topic...the Patriots are at .500, the Vikings have 1 win, the Raiders are awful. Who has beem the most disappointing NFL team so far this season? Around the Horn to Slyder.
    "Players can't get better over time." -GiantsFanatic

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