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Thread: Strike 3 Forums - Hot Seat Answers #38 - Dry1313

  1. #1
    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    Strike 3 Forums - Hot Seat Answers #38 - Dry1313

    Dry1313, your questions have been asked in this thread. You have a maximum of 5 days in which to answer those questions here, and after you have done that, you must choose the next person for the Hot Seat. Good luck.

  2. #2
    59 W, 678 2/3 IP, GOAT Dry1313's Avatar
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    Answers Biatches

    Wow, we're really running out of options, huh.

    1.) What's your favorite fast food joint and why?

    2.) If you could spend a day with one person from the Braves, who would it be and why?

    3.) The Braves offer the Yanks Andruw for A-Rod, straight up. Do you do it?
    My favorite fast food joint is Wendy’s, because I think the girl is hot. Not really, in fact I like it because by my house it’s the cleanest one.

    I would spend it with either John Smoltz or Chipper Jones. Smoltz because, as you’ve seen, I’m obsessed with pitching, Chipper, because ever since this weird smashing video in the early 90’s that I saw, I’ve always wanted to ask him about his approach to hitting, and of course, “When I grow up, I wanna be just like Chipper Jones!:

    Nope. A-Rod is still the best player at his position, whether Andruw is could be debated. Not to mention, A-Rod has show consistent dominance in all aspects of his game, whereas until last year, Andruw had only mastered defense. And Andruw still hit .252 last year I believe?

    1 - If you could live anywhere in Africa, where would you live and why?
    2 - Would you shave your head completely bald if I gave you $20?
    3 - If you had to take a bullet for anyone, who would it be and why?
    I would live in Egypt, because it has all that cool history, and theres a lot to do.

    Well considering I’m about 85% of the way there after my haircut on Saturday, Yes, I would.

    Well besides the obvious family, I’ll answer this in terms of one major non-baseball figure, and one major baseball figure. My non-baseball figure would be Bill Gates, because with all his money, he’d be forever indebted to my family. My baseball figure would be Barry Bonds…not! No I think I’d save Mariano River, since I have a man-crush on him and like Gates, he’s loaded.

    1.) Are you a fan of the NFL and if so who is your favorite team?

    2.) What's your favorite type of music?

    3.) If I give you $20 would you shave DirtyKash' head?
    Yes, I am an NFL fan, and I love the Dallas Cowboys.

    It would be stupid and annoying if I said I like all music, but I do. I’ll just name a few bands: Lynard Skynard, Classic Bruce Springsteen, Buddy Holly, and of course, Bob Dylan and the Beatles.

    I would shave Dirty’s head for free.

    What would you do if you won $365 million?

    Rate Carrie Underwood: Not just her singing talents, but her overall appearance.
    If I won 365 million, I would lead a group that bought the Devil Rays, open up Coldstones near highly visited areas, and build this super cool hi tech mansion. Or pay off a hitman to murder Jason Varitek…lol

    Carrie Underwood is singing-wise an 8, and I guess she’s pretty hot. I don’t really like AI, so I didn’t see her much.

    1] Who's the best defensive player currently in baseball, period.

    2] Which game show would you rather be on: Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, Family Feud, Double Dare, or Who Wants to be a Millionaire? and why.

    3] I'll let you deal Randy Johnson to any team other than the A's, Cubs, Marlins, Twins, and Blue Jays... who would you deal him to and why? I'll let you deal Jason Giambi to any team in the A.L. except for Boston and Texas, who do you deal him to and for?
    Best defensive player hands down is Bubba Crosby. Now for my unbiased answer: Omar Vizquel.
    I’m not entirely sure. I know a lot of useless info so I’d be good @ Jeopardy, I’m pretty good at crossword puzzles so I’d be good @ W.O.F., and I always know more then the Millionaire people, so I’d be good at that too. I guess I’d have to say Jeopardy because you have a lot of chances to do well, and 1 mistake doesn’t kill you.

    I would deal him to the Tigers. Just because I’d make sure I’d get back Verlander or some other amazing spec and I’d love to see him pout while they wallowed in Last. I’d deal Giambi to Tampa for Kazmir and Delmon, because they’re both pretty much can’t miss specs, and Tampa’s front office is stupid.

    (Do) You get Twenty Dollars to make me holler, (do) you get paid to do the wild thing? (Say what?)

    Whats love got to do, got to do with it? Whats love, but a second hand emotion?

    Plane A leaves Los Angeles for New York @ 500 mph, at the same time that Plane B leaves from New York for Los Angeles @650mph. Assume the distance from Los Angeles to New York is 3000 miles, find how long it will take them to meet.
    Since I have no idea what this means, I’ll give my most cryptic answer: Perhaps.

    To find the true meaning of love, one should ask the almighty right hand, Jackie.

    It would take roughly 2.7 Hours.

    And I'll choose HafDawg2003 to go next.

  3. #3
    Woo, Haf!
    "Players can't get better over time." -GiantsFanatic

  4. #4
    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    Dry, thank you for your prompt answers, it is very appreciated.

    Egypt though, wtf? Aside from visiting the Pyramids, once you've done that, I don't see much else that there is to do there. Maybe I'm wrong.

  5. #5
    59 W, 678 2/3 IP, GOAT Dry1313's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    It's on the Nile, not to mention Egyptian women.

  6. #6
    wat...??? HafDawg2003's Avatar
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    Yeah but... you'd get your ass abducted and your head cut off.


    That being said, it's an honor to go next.
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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Dry1313
    I would deal him to the Tigers. Just because I’d make sure I’d get back Verlander or some other amazing spec and I’d love to see him pout while they wallowed in Last.
    Wallowed in last? Doubtful. People still consider the Tigers to be horrible, then they'll surely be surprised this year.

    Verlander for old man RJ, please I hope you're being sarcastic.

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