Answers were as follows:

Quote Originally Posted by HuskerFan2002
1) Plastic
2) Off
3) Pizza Hut

77 Az-Dbacks:
1) Red
2) Um, chicken fingers

1) Will Smith

1) Robot
3) Texas

1) That’s tough…Crouch by a hair
2) Regular
3) a few years

1) It’s not Oklahoma because we don’t play them every year so my answer is Colorado.
2) Grilled
3) Favorite: Rock and Classical. Cannot stand: Rap and Blues

1) I think Nebraska will have a winning record next year. 5 home games in a row to start off the season, 4 road games(Baylor, Mizzou, Kansas, and Colorado). It’s a pretty favorable schedule if you ask me.
2) Considering I’ve been to a CWS game last year but never to a MLB WS, I’d say MLB WS by a nose.
3) I plan on going to a community college here in town next July then after a year and half there, plan on transferring to University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

1) Walt Jocketty has done a good job as GM. Even though we weren’t able to resign Renteria, one batter shouldn’t ruin our hopes to contend for the Central next year.
2) Fall

1) Home Improvement
2) Canada
3) Family Guy(Is it me or is the Simpsons a big disappointment the past few years?)

2) EA Sports
3) Army

1) Pedro

1) If anyone remembers this, a guy had a tattoo but couldn’t afford two more letters and it said “I (heart-shape) Don.” But it was suppose to say “I (heart-shape) Donna” so his girlfriend was all pissed off.
2) Football
3) QB: Peyton Manning, K: Mike Vanderjagt. I think it’s obvious why I picked Peyton(Him + consistency = Touchdown) and Vanderjagt is one of the most accurate kickers in the league today.

1) Christmas
2) My laptop
3) Oh boy, uh.. Kahlil Green

1) He does not cut out to be a great QB in the WCO. Now if we were still running the option, then he would’ve turned out to be a God.

Quote Originally Posted by HuskerFan2002
Next up in the Hotseat is....Awefullspellare