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Thread: Hot Seat Answers #49 - GiantsFan83

  1. #1
    Administrator HollywoodLeo's Avatar
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    Hot Seat Answers #49 - GiantsFan83

    GiantsFan83, your Hot Seat questions have been asked in this thread. You have up to 7 days in which to answer these questions, should you choose to do so. Once you have done that, please select the next Hot Seat participant. Thank you for participating. The next Hot Seat (#50) will begin on Sunday, February 17th, 2008.
    LeagueTeamyearsRecordWild CardDivisionPennantsTitles
    MSLSan Diego Padres2034-20592,217-1,9951631
    TBLArizona Diamondbacks2005-20181,216-1,0531963
    TSSLSan Diego Padres2015-2021, 2024-20281,017-9280732
    TSSLTexas Rangers2029-2033396-4140000

  2. #2
    Hall of Famer GiantsFanatic's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #49 - GiantsFan83

    Guys all the questions have been answered, I been trying to copy and paste them from word, but I'm getting this text error, can anyone help me on that?

  3. #3
    Hall of Famer GiantsFanatic's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #49 - GiantsFan83


    Would you rather see the Giants win the World Series in 2008 and then finish in the basement from 2009 until 2020 or see them make the playoffs every year from 2008-2020 but never, ever win the World Series in that timeframe?
    As I cried when I saw my Giants lose in the 2002 world series, I would without hesitating see the Giants finally win a world series in 2008.

    Frank Gore or Roger Craig. Who do you want as your feature back in their prime?
    Unfortunately I never got a chance to see Craig play, and I have/I’m seeing Gore in his prime right now, I would go with Craig, just because he was the first running back to rush and receive for a 1,000 yards in NFL history.

    Barry Bonds signs with the Padres. What are your feelings?
    My feelings wouldn’t change, the greatest players in the history of MLB goes to the Padres to help them win a World Series! I’ll be rooting for Bonds.


    Give us a prediction for Aaron Rowand's 2008 numbers.
    24 Hrs, 85 rbi, .283 avg, .429 obp .504 slug.

    Favorite movie and why?
    TMNT, been a die hard TMNT fan, this brought Turtles to life!

    Who is your least favorite San Francisco Giant of all time?
    Probably Jeff Kent, since the fight between him Bonds in 01 I believe happened, everyone blamed it on Bonds and everyone started calling Bonds a bad teammate when Bonds intent was to defend Rich Aurilla I believe because he was getting all kinds of crap from Kent.


    If Barry Bonds loses his perjury case, and it's all but assured he took steroids, will you renege your undying defense finally?
    Nope, never, I will always defend Bonds, I’m probably going to be defending for a long ass time now, even if Bonds loses his perjury case, my opinions about him will never change, because if he’s found guilty, he’s no different then Ruth, Cobb and Aaron.

    Why are you so awesome on TNFLF and so abrasive on's basically the same posters.
    Haha I don’t think I’m awesome or anything on TNFLF, why am I so different in both of these forums, here some factors that I think why, football has been my first love, my first sport I have played, I know allot about the history of that sport. Baseball is a bit different I never played it as much when I was growing up, only played football, I didn’t get a chance to follow it as much until I was in HS because we didn’t have cable. Also another factor is Bonds, the whole steroid thing I defend Bonds, and I admit the way I first defended him I probably got a negative impression to everyone on this board, you know how they say “first impression is the last impression.” That’s another reason why on TNFLF I decided to be a bit different not like the changing my personality or anything, just learning from my mistakes that I made on here.

    If you have to pick one poster from the Reds forum, Padres forum, and Yankees forum, to kick off the site, which SOBs would you trash. Keep in mind, you HAVE to kick someone off (no "I love every poster here, lets all hold hands hippy garbage )
    Reds forum I have no vendetta against anyone on there, Padres forum DK since he’s “now” somehow magically a Padre fan also I have had my difference with that person since day one, Yankee forum NYJunc since he loves to think/blame Arod for the Yankees failing in the playoffs

  4. #4
    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #49 - GiantsFan83

    Quote Originally Posted by GiantsFan83 View Post
    Reds forum I have no vendetta against anyone on there, Padres forum DK since he’s “now” somehow magically a Padre fan also I have had my difference with that person since day one, Yankee forum NYJunc since he loves to think/blame Arod for the Yankees failing in the playoffs
    I've said this before, but I started supporting the Padres only because the Expos packed their bags and moved to Washington and there was no way I was going to be a fan of the Nationals after all that mess went down. Plus, my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins all live in San Diego and I visit the city once every year anyways, so it was the logical team to follow. That's my story.

  5. #5
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #49 - GiantsFan83


    Do you think the Giants will finish higher than last place in the tough NL West? If so, state your defense/reasoning for this to be at all possible. (Next to being a LOYAL Brewers' fan, my next two teams that I follow rather closely are the Giants and Pirates.)
    I think they can, if we can solve our bullpen issues from last year then yes I think we can and I will go out on a limb and say IF our bullpen is better, with our SP we can contend for the west even the wildcard, the best example was AZ from last year, they did with pitching, the only significant offensive player they had Byrnes and they won the NL-West. Then again that is a BIG IF.

    Do you believe in GOD, and if so, are you a regular church patron, and how important is your belief in GOD in your life?
    I do believe in God, I’m not a church person, I have gone to a church before, my religion is Hinduism and if my city had a Mandir(church in Hinduism) I would definitely attend it weekly. Belief of God is not as important as oppose to life itself, if you understand what I mean by that?

    What are your predictions for the upcoming 2008 baseball season? Who are division champs and wild card teams, who do you think will be in the World Series and win it? Who do you think will be the MVP's? ROY's? Managers of the Year?
    Dam man, Spring training hasn’t even started yet haha, here goes nothing
    NLE- Atl, NLC- Milw, NLW- LAD, WC- NYM, MOY- Yost!, ROY- I don’t know, MVP-Fielder, CY- Santana
    ALE- Bos, ALC- DET, ALW- Sea, WC- Clev, MOY- Sea manager I forgot his name, ROY- Jones, MVP- Ortiz, CY- Bedard


    What are your thoughts on local product Tim Lineceum?
    Lincecum has allot of positional, the only concern I has is his delivery form, especially for his frame.

    Who is most likely going to be the 2008 President?
    Oooh, tough call man, it’s basically a virtual tie between Obama and Clinton. I do however like Obama.

    Why do you feel that candidate will win?
    It has nothing to do with him being black, just the way he talks and represents himself than Clinton.

    Buck foston

    1. Are you married? If so, how long have you been married for?
    I’m not married.

    2. If you had to elect one person from S3F to run for president of the USA, who would it be?
    Probably redsrbetter, just the way he communicates/interacts with all members on this board, the way he can get along just about anyone on this board.

    3. Whats one crazy/weird talent that no one knows you have?
    That I have worked four different jobs at once, I was working about 75 hours week in dec 04-jan 05.


    1. Who would you like to punch in the face the most from And

    2. Realistically, who would you deal Matt Cain or Tim Lincecum for, if you had to.
    Lincecum, because of his pitching formation which could lead to potentional injury in the future.

    3. Who do you want the 49ers to draft the most, if they still had their pick? What's been the biggest mistake under the Nolan era thus far?
    Probably a WR, like a Malcom Kelly or a Jackson. The biggest mistake I can think of was/is the stability in the OC position, which has confused, and almost made Alex Smith look like a bust.


    1. What is your favorite word for "vagina"?
    Fudi, that’s what you what you call vagina in my language

    2. Do you think Tupac is alive or dead or even care?
    Don’t give a ****.

    3. Who is your favorite member to spar with on this here forum?
    Probably PFF since he easily gets so worked up and accuses Giants fans for running off Padre fans off of this board, LOL!

    Mr. D

    1. What Movie in '08 are you looking forward to seeing whether it being in theaters or on DVD?
    Dark Knight, I have been a huge Batman fan growing up, glad to see the Batman back on the big screen

    2. What's You're Favorite 49er of all Time?
    Jerry Rice I grew up idolizing him, he was the reason why I played wide receiver in Pop Warner.

    3. How Many Football/Baseball Games have you been to?
    Four total, three football and one baseball, first was in 95 when University Nevada played Louisiana St, second was in 03 when Nevada played UNLV, third was in 05 when Nevada played UNLV again(big rivalry).

    My first and only baseball game was in Sept of 04, in SF when the Giants played the Astros as both teams were fighting to for the wild card. Bonds hit a triple in his first AB, then he was intentionally walked four straight times! (MLB Record)

  6. #6
    Hall of Famer GiantsFanatic's Avatar
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #49 - GiantsFan83

    I will nominate DMBZeppelin

  7. #7
    Brewers/Steelers Fan!!!
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    Brewers Re: Hot Seat Answers #49 - GiantsFan83

    Good Job Giantsfan83!!! Some tough questions there and you did a pretty fatn good job in your responses!

  8. #8
    C you there
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    Re: Hot Seat Answers #49 - GiantsFan83

    I always loved Jerry Rice

    he was great to watch, except when he helped the Niners beat the Bengals in Super Bowl XVI

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