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Thread: Strike 3 Forums - Hot Seat Answers #23 - missionhockey21

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    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    Strike 3 Forums - Hot Seat Answers #23 - missionhockey21

    missionhockey21, your Hot Seat Questions have been asked here. You have 5 days to answer them and proceed to select the next Hot Seat Victim. Good luck.

  2. #2
    Hero ball. Kingdom's Avatar
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    The excitement builds.
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    : Wait, I can get this. Mothers I'd like to sleep with and never call again.
    Barney: Circle gets the square!

    The 2074 MSL NL Gold Glove Recipient at Third Base.

  3. #3
    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    2 days left to answer the questions. Ahem ahem.

  4. #4
    RIP Cyan 2000 - 2017 Providence A's's Avatar
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    PVD for now.
    He's probably busy...does he even know he was picked?

  5. #5
    Guess Who's Back missionhockey21's Avatar
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    Q. Why do you think it took so long for someone to finally pick you when you're the most repped (see popular) poster on the board?
    A. Maybe some were scared that I would show wrath for being selected since I have never volunteered on my own. Either that or everyone wanted to hear from the more interesting members.

    Q. What would you do for a Klondike bar...would you kill a man?
    A. No way. I mean it's an adequate treat, you got your chocolate and your ice cream but a snack has to go over the top for me to murder for it. Now Choco Taco, that's the kind of treat I would kill for; food that looks like other food, snacks for kings surely. I would though punch a man (or a rough looking gal) in the face for a Heath Klondike bar.

    Q. What popular show is question 2 referencing? (I'll lose some respect for you if you don't get this one right)
    A. Family Guy.

    Q. If you had to take a bullet for anyone, who would it be and why?
    A. Wow, that's a tough one. There's a few paths I could take I suppose. I could jump in front of one for my girlfriend which would obviously has the makings of a romantic tragedy... why someone would be trying take her out, I don’t know. Or I could take a bullet for one of my parents, making me forever the golden son of the family (and again, I don't know why a gun would be pointed at either one of them.) Or I could take the road to fame and glory (and a possible TV movie) and take a bullet for a celebrity, politician or athlete. I guess I would have to go with that road, nothing else I do in life would ever give me that kind of fame and if I died, I would probably have a lot of people come to my funeral and act like they really cared me about who I probably didn't even know. As for the person, Paul McCartney. Why? He's famous, it would make sense given the fanatics of The Beatles and would almost guarantee me a TV movie (likely the sniper/shooter would also be prominently featured, but I could live with that.)

    Q. If you had to rank your top 10 Simpsons characters, what would this list look like? And on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you like Kent Brockman, with 1 being lowest and 10 being highest.
    10. Apu
    9. Chief Wiggum
    8. Lionel Hutz
    7. Comic Book Guy
    6. Grampa Simpson
    5. Groundskeeper Willie
    4. Bart Simpson
    3. Moe Szyslak
    2. Montgomery Burns
    1. Homer Simpson

    9/10 for Kent Brockman. The Eye on Springfield intro is one of my favorite clips (the music fits it great) and he has a lot of memorable quotes. But I like about all the characters a lot.

    Q. If you could play one position for an unnamed ML club, which would it be and why? This includes actual positions, C, 3B, SS, SP, CL...but also GM, bat boy, Manager..etc.
    A. Damn, you had to include the last part which makes this about a lot more difficult. Like most of you here, I always wanted to take the mound at a game but then again, the thought of being a team's GM is very intriguing. As a Reds fan, you learn how you might likely be superior to whatever GM they currently have. Anyway, as cool as it sounds to be in on the decision making for a team, playing a position just dwarfs it. Taking the 9th inning as a closer would be my choice. It's a night game, the lights are barring down, the crowd is cheering in anticipation, and assuming that I am playing for my hometown team Guns N Roses "Welcome To The Jungle" would start up when I come running out (about 30 seconds into the song though).... that would just be amazing.

    Q. What is your opinion of TC?

    A. A foolish man. I have no personal resentment towards him but even in my short life as an admin, I have realized that it's important that I help to keep all forum leaders happy and well informed, he failed to do both and it ended up hurting him. The downfall of his sites rests solely upon on the way he treated others and the decisions he made.

    Q. What is your second-favorite ML team? Third?
    A. Florida Marlins, I have been a casual Marlins fan for quite a long time now. As for a third, I guess the Indians. Not really a fan or anything but I enjoy watching them play and going up to see a game at the Jake when I can.

    Geki Ace
    Q. Are you going to pick meeeee to do the next hot seat?
    A. We'll just have to see, huh?

    Q. If you could spend a day with one active athlete, who would it be and why?
    A. Easy, Mario Lemieux. In addition to being my childhood idol and what I always tried to model my game around, he's a dynamic person who I would be fascinated to learn more about. He's overcame so many struggles and obstacles in his life, he really defines what hard work and dedication is. He loves the game with a passion and you can just tell that he lives for hockey. When he first came into the league he was aloof from the media, spoke little to no English and over time became the 2nd most recognizable figure in the game. Not to mention not allowing chronic back pains or cancer to get in his way. Truly a remarkable person that I think I could learn about the game, business and life from.

    Q. Which baseball player do you despise more than any other and why?
    A. I really don't have any one player that stands out for being more despised than any other. I guess it would have to be Bonds though and it really doesn’t have anything to do with the steroid speculation, I just don't like his attitude when playing and he comes off like a jerk on a continuous basis. He's a tremendous player though.

    Q. whats your favorite place in the tri-state area?
    A. The Cincinnati Zoo. I love animals and just zoo's in general. I have been to a lot all over the country and none are quite as special or unique as the one in Cincy. It really is just such a unique place and something I don't grow tired of really.

    Q. whats the process you go through for those sweet sigs, write a tut man or sumfin!!
    A. To be completely honest, I have no process. I was considering when I was in high school to pursue a career in art (my first three years all had art courses) but as things grew more complex, I struggled. Not because of my talent level but because I really have a hard time for getting the vision of my work in my head from there to whatever I am working on. Essentially no matter what I produce, it just doesn’t live up to what I had envision. Where as in Photoshop I can just go with whatever style I am feeling and let one thing lead to the next given the depth of the program. Not to mention if I hate what I created, likely that can be fixed by just hitting undo a few times (a lot easier than if I was working on a sketch or whatnot.)

    Q. this or that-a life with money or a life with love?
    A. A life with love and I know that's cliché. No material possession that you can purchase will give you the kind of long sustaining feelings of happiness that love will. It's like when you're a child at Christmas time, at the time all you care about is the gifts and the toys. But if it was a happy holiday, that's likely going to bring you joy whenever you think about that Christmas much longer than the gifts that you don't even care about then. Possessions are fleeting.

    Q. Last meal on earth. For whatever fictional situation, you are about to be "put to sleep" and you are granted one last meal. Anything you can think of. What is your "dream meal" (be specific)?
    A. That's a pretty tough choice actually. But here goes and since it's my last meal, might as well clog a few arteries:

    A high quality cesar salad to start things off. Then my Grandmother's soup which my family has been making for years, it's really a more of a broth with just noodles but it has the most incredible flavor that you just can't find elsewhere. A nice large piece of filet mignon cooked medium rare. Mashed potatoes with real butter. Roasted asparagus (with some garlic) as the vegetable. And a piece of New York style cheesecake with some berries and whip cream to the side. As for a drink with the meal, a big glass of really cold milk... I'll get liquored up right before they flip the switch so to say.

    Q. If there was one person on earth (doesn't have to be famous but fame definitely makes the answer more interesting) that you could meet, have dinner with, enjoy an evening, conversation, whatever out on the town, who would it be and why? (the person has to be alive at the present time)
    A. Sandy Koufax. Despite being more skilled at hockey than baseball, baseball has obviously been my #1 passion. And like many forum members here, I wanted to grow up to be a big league pitcher more than anything else. Growing up I would hear stories of Koufax from my grandpa who was really the one to teach me about the great game of baseball. And hearing these recaps of how dominating he was in his prime, it really helped me to decide that I wanted to be a pitcher. And as I got older, Koufax was really part of the inspiration I had to further learn about statistics and do research to determine (at least in my eyes) what made him so dominating since obviously I do not have much access to footage of him. I would just really like to talk to him on baseball in general and how the game has changed. What's better and what's worse. I would be fascinated to hear one of the greats and his honest to god thoughts on that.

    Q. What do you think is the worst thing about the state of TV and Theater coming out of Hollywood today?
    A. Lack of original concepts with the addition of reality television. I will be the first to admit that I do indeed enjoy some reality shows but half of the programs networks are putting out just seem so damn familiar. Either they make a TV show based off a popular movie which then becomes a hit and later on they make a reality show that despite having it's differences, is just that same concept AGAIN. We all know TV has been guilty of making essential rehashes of movies or other TV shows for years but with the addition of reality TV, it just gives them another outlet to regurgitate the same concept to us again and then let other networks try their hand at it only with a "great" twist. It gets old. Then again, you truly appreciate the quality, original programming you do watch.

    Q. Saddest sports moment for you?
    A. Michael Jordan playing baseball. That was just wrong on so many levels.

    Q. Toaster, Microwave, Instant Mashed Potatoes, Sporks, or Mechanical Pencils; which invention sucks the most to you?
    A. Instant mashed potatoes. I mean really, what the hell? I guess I have been spoiled by having home cooked meals growing out, I just can't see the appeal in them. I would choose another side over them because when you have had the real thing, why settle for a cheap imitation that fails to imitate?

    Q. What impact on society would have there been by Fox cancelling The Simpsons after the first or second seasons?
    A. As much as I love The Simpsons, I don't think there would be that much of an impact on society, at least in terms of important stuff. But as for all the shows which try to capture it's humor and all the kids sitting around in their dorms watching downloaded episodes, then I suppose there is the impact. It would of certainly had a lot of people miss out on laughter. Whenever I feel down, I usually turn to one of my favorite comedies like The Simpsons and I imagine a lot of other people do the same.

    Q. If you know it, what the heck is CrazyEights' favorite mlb team?
    A. The Mariners? I really don't know to be honest.

    Q. Was there a past trade that buried the S3SL Tampa Bay Devil Rays like trading Cliff Lee by Vancouver and Chicago of SBSL?
    A. Considering how long this sim has been going, I really can't recall. The biggest thing that has crippled Tampa is that a GM never stays in place long enough to do anything of significance.

    Q. Which player would you rather pick in the S3SL draft: Dwain McNeil or John Burdette?
    A. No question about it, Burdette. Even though McNeil has the potential to be a tremendous offensive source at SS (or 2B/2B), he's still raw ratings wise. Burdette is only 21 and already has a 9 in contact, not to mention he's fully developed at everything except power. Basically he's a sure bet and since some prospects don't pan out to their ratings, you have to go with the sure bet (especially since they have about the same offensive ceiling.)

    Wally Mo Pena
    Q. who's your favorite sports writer?
    A. I have a lot of sports writers that I really enjoy but if I had to say one, I guess Will Carroll of Baseball Prospectus. He’s a good overall writer and provides a lot of insight.

    Q. who's your favorite non-sports writer?
    A. To be honest, I really don't read much opinion pieces outside of sports related stuff to have a favorite.

    Q. when will the reds win the series?
    A. That's too hard to predict given our middle of the pack farm (with the real gems being FAR away) so I'll add a hypothetical element to this, when the Reds can acquire at least 3 solid MLB starters and a proven MLB closer, without damaging the offensive core, I truly believe they would then have the talent to go all the way. But and again this is a hypothetical, if the Reds current farm develops and at least the big chips we have live up to expectations, I would say 2009. And that is assuming we don't trash the entire current lineup via firesale in the future. Really all it comes down to is getting arms to support the bats.

    Q. Who is your favorite rapper?
    A. I have a tie between Slug of Atmosphere and Nasir Jones. And I really enjoy Murs and also Aesop Rock.

    Q. Who is the Reds best prospect?
    A. Reds first round pick from last season, pitcher Homer Bailey. He has his youth, a mid 90's fastball, a frame which he still has some weight to add on to and he's already shown great promise talent wise at this young age. I wouldn't expect Bailey to be ready anytime soon but if he continues to refine his control and further develop his off-speed pitches, he'll fit the mold of some of the recent stud pitchers to come out from the lonestar state.

    Q. Who will win the Stanley Cup this year?
    A. Here's my homer pick right here, the Penguins. This team is so improved and Mario no longer has to carry a bunch of young guys on his shoulders. We gained several key components and overall this team is solid. I don't expect them to be the top in the Eastern Conference but given both their youth and vet talent, I can see them rocking in the playoffs. It's going to be an exciting year for Penguins hockey.

    Q. How the hell do I have 3 rep levels already?
    A. The rep gods must look down on you kindly I suppose.

    Q. What's your third favorite sport and why?
    A. Tennis. I have been playing tennis for quite a while and it's just an overall great sport. It's a beautiful blend of athleticism and technique. Plus it translates to TV quite nicely. Basketball is a close 3rd but I just really don't have the time to follow a team heavily during the season due to hockey.

    Q. How many glasses of water do you drink a day?
    A. Between 5-7, sometimes more during the summer.

    Q. Mechanical pencil or the good ole #2 pencil: Which do you prefer?
    A. I'm probably outnumbered on this one, but give me the mechanical pencil. Finding a pencil sharpener can be a chore and since with #2 pencils I just stick them in a compartment on my bookbag, they almost always get the tips broken off. With mechanical pencils I can clip them to a notebook and as long as I keep enough lead in there, I am good to go.

    Q. If it don't make dollars, does it still make sense?
    A. No, because I don't even understand what that means. >_>

    Q. What is one thing you would do more often if every day had one hour added on to it?
    A. I know a lot of people might say bullshit stuff like write poetry, learn how to parasail, help out at retirement homes.... whatever. Honestly, I would use that extra hour to sleep. Will it change the world? Nope, but I'll be much happier (and well rested to boot) overall.

    Q. Will Adam Dunn beat Aaron's HR record?
    A. It's too early to call but playing it on the safe side since there are a lot of things that would need to be constant for Dunn to hit about 600 more (ie health, playing in a park where the ball flies, etc). I am not saying he can't do it but there is a reason that it's such a prestigious record. I will say that if Dunn remains on the pace and continues to improve, he's definitely one of the players who I believe can do it.

  6. #6
    Guess Who's Back missionhockey21's Avatar
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    Q. What is your favorite TV show?
    A. I have watch so many shows that this is about damn near impossible to answer. I guess I would have to say my favorite all-time show is The Simpsons and my favorite current show is Arrested Development. Although The Simpsons made strong strides last season and look to be getting at least a little back on track after a completely miserable season 15. That is my favorite not only due to the comedy fits me perfectly but because it has tremendous replayability. Lost is close but it doesn't have that same quality.

    Q. What college are you wanting to attend/do attend/did attend?
    A. I attend the college that I always wanted to attend, the University of Dayton. I am in my second year now.

    Q. What empire would you like to live in at any point in time?
    A. The Macedonian Epoch (part of the Byzantine Empire.) Intellectual advances, a time of creativity and artistry, a great time for Politics and even territory conquest. Just seems like a cool time to live.

    Q. Do you think earning a WIN for his team, is the most important thing a player can do in any single game?
    A. No because no one player singlehandly wins a game, it's a team effort. If a pitcher pitches 7 innings of shutout baseball with a flat offense who fails to provide run support and a bullpen who gives the opposing team the lead, it's not the pitcher's fault that he did not receive a W. If another pitcher pitched 6 innings of 5 run baseball but his offense got him the lead and his bullpen kept it, I wouldn't value his performance over the previously mentioned pitcher who received a no-decision. Winning is obviously the most important thing a team can do but like mentioned, I don't believe that is the result of one players performance but several elements working in harmony (adequate starting pitching to keep the team in a game, bats to produce the runs to attain the lead and a bullpen who keeps the lead through the rest of a game.)

    Q. What are your thoughts on the man made statistic of a players plus or minus individual rating as to how many games he means to a team if traded or becoming a free agent?
    A. Are you referring to Win Shares? If so, I think it's a wonderful statistic by Mr. Bill James. It's a complicated but yet fairly accurate stat showing what a player means to a team with his performance. For people wanting to argue the contribution a player makes a team and it's success it takes all those stats and puts them into a handy total.

    Q. Knowing that Alex Rodriquez’s individual plus minus rating was one of the highest in baseball, what excuse would the stat users come up with in defending their rating of Arod, seeing that the YANKEES have not won as many games since Arod’s existence on the team in the past two seasons?
    A. The Yankee dynasty from a few years ago, is it still in place? Or has it change considerably? A lot of players have come and gone from those teams that won. I would be willing to argue if you had put Alex Rodriguez on those teams during their seasons with postseason glory, that the result would of been the same. Alex Rodriguez has produced but he is not responsible for what the Yankees front office does in terms of moves, the injuries other players suffer or the emergence or the Boston Red Sox putting it all together so to speak and becoming the World Champs last season. A lot of factors have to come together for a team to win and frankly I don't think anyone could ask ARod to do much more than he has this season.

  7. #7
    Guess Who's Back missionhockey21's Avatar
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    Damn, that seat was hot. Thanks for picking me and taking the time to ask me questions.

    The next victim is.... Geki Ace.

  8. #8
    Furcals Designated Driver realmofotalk's Avatar
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    I knew I should've asked McSpadden or Cuevas. Burdette is now off my list.

  9. #9
    Yeah, cause I told you I'm taking him first overall.
    "Players can't get better over time." -GiantsFanatic

  10. #10
    Hall of Famer Halladay_is_God's Avatar
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    pens for the SC, boooo!!!
    S3SL: Toronto Blue Jays' GM - rebuilding to division winner

  11. #11
    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    Hah, great detailed answers, missionhockey. A lot of questions this time around in the "who would you choose between" type. Thanks for participating. Geki Ace will be up next and his questioning will commence shortly. And when I say shortly, I mean not today.

  12. #12
    Hall of Famer ATLien's Avatar
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    Good call on Murs and Aesop Rock, gotta dig that underground scene.

  13. #13
    Banned joek's Avatar
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    Thank you for responding to my questions.

  14. #14
    Banned Geki Ace's Avatar
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    Oh yay, I got picked. ^5 Mission.

  15. #15
    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    Someone needs to pick joek to the Hot Seat sometime. Guaranteed comedy.

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