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Thread: Strike 3 Forums - Hot Seat Answers #16 - Killah Sith

  1. #1
    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    Strike 3 Forums - Hot Seat Answers #16 - Killah Sith

    Killah Sith, your questions have been asked here. Please answer them in this thread and proceed to select the next Hot Seat victim. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Diamond Dave

    1) Which Stars Wars character do you most resemble in personality?
    That's a tough one and I've been thinking a lot about it. According to an online test I'm Luke. Which being a person who has read many Star Wars books I can somewhat see. But I think I'm more of a cross between Boba Fett and R2-D2. I'm Fett because I'm a loner, misunderstood, and somewhat mysterious to others. He's also a thinker and almost always has a plan. I'm like R2 in that he is sarcastic and a joker, like I often am.

    2) What would you do with a snide little 5 year old, insulting, neighborhood kid, if he/she insults you?
    I'd hire the neighborhood bully to beat her up.

    Seriously though, I'd probably just ignore her. Though if it was constant I could see myself having fun with her by playing along turning her meaness to a ongoing joke between the two of us. I seem to have a way with kids so this works for me.

    3) What is your opinion of the old saying "Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate"?
    I suspect that everyone has a unique situation with this. With me, my three main friends are the same as they were 25 years ago. I've had many other friends come and go since, I've had many enemies come and go since. Most of my enemies have tried to take advantage of me or hurt me for their own gain. Who knows why people do that. I know people, past and present, who may not consider me their enemy, but their actions have showed differently. Most get pissed because I've seen through their chilidish games. For those in the past, I have no idea nor do I care if they still are against me, I doubt most are since they either work somewhere else or it was some stupid teenage hatred of me because my dad was a cop. I can honestly say that many of my so called enemies and I eventually became allies or friends as well. I guess the answer for me is both come and go.


    1- Wasn't this supposed to be Zack Greinke's coming out year? He has been disappointing lately. Do you expect a big second half of the season from him? When will he turn into the All-Star pitcher that everyone projects him to be
    I'm not too worried about him. Other than the last month, he has pitched well for the most part this year. His record hasn't shown it but like last year, he's gotten little run support. I expected him to catch a few more lumps this year, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. He's only been pitching for like 5 years so he is still learning as well. He's been getting hit hard of late though but I expect him to turn it around. Hopefully Buddy Bell, unlike Tony Pena, actually lets him pitch into the 7th, 8th, or 9th inning when he is going well. I expect him in the All Star Game within the next couple of seasons, especially if the team improves.

    2- I have always been intrigued by the little stick figures that compose your avatar. Can you explain what this is? I'm thinking that it's a bunch of Cuban guerrillas, but I'm not sure.

    That is my favorite band, Public Enemy. The 2 on the left and the one on the far right are the S1W's, who are the security and dancers. The other four from left to right are, backup vocalist and S1W leader Professor Griff, hypeman and vocalist Flavor Flav, lead vocalist Chuck D, and DJ Terminator X. There was a site that had this and a bunch of others, I only wish I knew what it was of if it still existed.


    1) What's your overall feeling on Alex Gordon? Will he be in the majors soon?
    I have a very good feeling about him and the more I read and see of him, it intensifies. He is a tremendous talent and seems to have a lot of intensity, though he needs to learn when to stop arguing with the umps. I'm actually hoping Nebraska wins the College World Series now. Are you going? I was at the zoo across the street just today.


    1. How's Huston Street gonna do?
    I gotta be honest with you. Though the named sounded familar I didn't know who he was so I had to look him up. I don't know how he has looked, but his numbers look very solid for a bad A's team. I'm just glad he didn't emerge like this last year before the Beltran trade.

    2. Your opinion on A-Rod.
    I've never been a big A-Rod fan nor have I disliked him. A lot of that may be because before he was a Yankee, I hardly saw him play on tv. I've always recognized him as a great player and respected and liked his game. I even purposely went to a Rangers game in KC just to see him play. I think he has a great shot of being considered a top 3 player of all time. With all of that said, I have him on my fantasy team this year so of course I love him this year. It helps too that he is doing well and the Yankees aren't winning.


    What is your favorite game? I mean board game or whatever.
    Spades. Monopoly is my favorite board game. I also love a game called Aggravation because my grandmother and I played it a lot when I was a kid.

    Do you like ot read if so what kind of books?
    I like to read but I don't get to a lot now that I have four kids. I tend to play my playstation when free time exists. I like Star Wars books and non fiction books. Especially dealing with sports, history, or biographies.


    1) Who do you think will win the NBA championship, and in how many games?
    I had the Spurs over the Pistons in my preplayoff pool, but I have a feeling the Pistons will win it in 7 so I'll go with them.

    2) Who will be playing for the Super Bowl Championship, who will win, what will their records be, and what is the final score?
    The 12-4 Colts will beat the 12-4 Eagles, 27-24.

    3) Who will play in the World Series, who will win, in how many games, and who is the MVP of the Series
    As of right now I'll say the Cardinals will win the World Series with Albert Pujols winning MVP of the series. They will beat the Red Sox in 7. I do hope it's reversed though. But I just bought a Cardinals hat and well, last year I purchased a Red Sox hat and see what happened? Though I have to say it did nothing for the Pirates and Giants.


    Whos your most influential rap MC?
    Chuck D of Public Enemy

    Is Buddy Bell the right fit for the Royals?
    At first I was unsure but I'm really liking him, and have even before he managed his first game. He's worked with young players before and is known to expect his players to work hard, play hard, and minimize mistakes. Pena lacked all of that.

    Do the Royals miss Carlos Beltran at all?
    Not really because the Royals wouldn't be any better, have a higher payroll, and be without three young and promising players. Mike Wood has been our best bullpen option this year and John Buck, while struggling at the plate, has done a nice job catching. Mark Teahan is coming around as well. So long term this may have been better for us. But having to trade Beltran really sucked. Besides, as much as I liked Beltran and wish he was a Royal, he never reached his full potential with us.


    1. I'm going to see Public Enemy in concert this Sunday. Jealous?
    Yes I am and I am only because I HAVE YET TO CATCH THEM. So how did you like them? That live band they have now just further blows the stage away. The DVD I just got with them is amazing.

    2. It Takes A Nation Of Millions or Fear of a Black Planet?
    An age old question and easily my two favorite albums. "Night of the Living Baseheads" from the "Nations" album first got me interested in PE and "Nation's" has more hits, but "Fear" was the first PE album I bought and it just blows me away to this day. I think it flows better as an album and is less dated. Besides it has "Welcome To The Terrordome" which is my favorite song.

    3. Bigger impact on the music industry: Run DMC or Public Enemy?

    Without a doubt it is Run DMC. These are the two biggest rap groups of all time with all the barriers they've broken, but even Chuck D will tell you it's Run DMC. Though DMC may tell you it's PE since Chuck is his favorite rapper. If Run DMC doesn't break through, there is no Public Enemy. PE has done a lot of great things for rap and even the music industry in general, but Run DMC brought Rap to the mainstream and knocked down all the doors.

    Kearn's Krew

    1. do you consider yourself sexy? if so, please list why
    Not really, but I never really thought about it either. My wife likes me so that's all that is really important.

    2. if you could break one law (excluding theft) and get away with it, what would you do?
    This is another one that I've been thinking a lot about because I had no answer or a desire, but it came to me today while at the Omaha Zoo. Though I'm sure it wouldn't work, I'd like to take some ignorant people and slap some sense into them. Like the pregnant lady I saw smoking. She would have to wait until after she gave birth, and an ass kicking she needs. Or the idiot that took up two parking spots when me and about 25 other cars where driving and driving looking for one. Actually I joked to my wife that I wanted to key his car......though I would never actually do that. And then there was the fool who SAW me and my two daughters getting a table from another family who was done eating and he took one of our three chairs to save for his group....of adults. Who by the way were still not all there when we were done eating. That wouldn't have been so bad but it was blantant and I still had my wife and two sons coming over to the table. I took the chair back and looked right at him and he didn't say a damn thing to me because he knew.

    So that's what I'll pick. Assault and battery on some inconsiderate people who deserve it.

    3. were you a fan of joe randa's when he was with the royals?
    Yes and I was elated to see him get off to a great start for the Reds with the walkoff homerun on opening day and the grand slam the next game. He is a team player, he plays hard every day, and is a solid all around player. But what I'll respect about him the most, besides him being a solid and generous citizen, was that he twice took less to play for the Royals. He is one of the true good guys in sports.


    What is your favorite TV show?
    Seinfeld..........followed closely by Cheers.

    What college are you wanting to attend/do attend/did attend?
    I attended Indian Hills Community College. I played baseball there for a year, I just wish I had a better opportunity before I got there or I may have went to a bigger college. There has been numerous big leaguers play there.

    What empire would you like to live in at any point in time?
    Wow, I'm not really sure. I'm attached to modern day technology. Assuming it has to be an actual empire in history, I go with the Roman Empire just so I can join the People's Front of Judea. Besides, what have the Romans ever done for us?

    More from 777rak

    What is your favorite video game
    Madden Football

    Non sports I'll with a Grand Theft Auto game.

    What is your favorite book

    "Fight The Power: Rap, Race, and Reality"

    and I like I said earlier, I have a ton of Star Wars novels.


    1) Do you have any faith in Allard Baird leading the Royals to success?
    Yes, but it does get shaky at times. A lot of his moves haven't worked out, but his failures are magnified more because of the small market restrictions. I think he's made mistakes, acknowledges them, and has learned from them. He did a tremdendous job adding pieces in 2003 as we stayed in contention. And while the Royals fell flat on their faces last year, not too many people criticsized the moves made as they were being made. I do like are core of young players and hopefully they can continue to improve. I do wonder abot the Royals organization as a whole sometimes and that starts with the owner and him, but I think they are back on the right track compared to a few years ago and a lot of that has to to with Baird. My biggest complaint would be they sign too many has been vets for big contracts, at least in KC's market, to fill in when that money could be spent better elsewhere. Obviously a guy like Chuck Knoblauch, as good as he once was, is only playing in KC for 4 million dollars because nobody else wants him.

    2) Will Dick Vermeil win a Super Bowl in KC?
    If they are going to do it, it'll have to be this year. But I don't think it will happen. The Chiefs will find a way to screw it up. The defense will be improved, but they are still questionable up front against the run and rushing the passer. As Fin fans we know how good Surtain is, but he won't have JT and Ogun rushing the passer this year. They still have no proven receivers, which hasn't stopped them yet, but the youngsters they're counting on are all coming off major leg injuries. I just have a bad feeling their offense will slip some this year with age, injuries, and the rest of the league catching up with them.

    3) Do you think the Dolphins are in great shape with Saban and Mueller running the show?
    Yes, I like what they've done so far. While a Super Bowl may be a reach, there is no reason to believe that the Dolphins can't compete for a playoff spot. A lot of Fin fans are disappointed because I think they expected a large turnover in personel and youth movement like when JJ took over. It's happening but it won't happen as quickly. I won't be surprised to have the team improve this year only to take a step back in 2006 as more youth gets put into the system. Long term though I think Saban will do the job. But I have to admit I'm more cautious with my hopes after letting them fly too high like most Fin fans when JJ was hired.

  3. #3
    And Generalissimo can go next.

  4. #4
    Hall of Famer awefullspellare's Avatar
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    Great answers. Few things I want to say.

    If I remeber right, Houston Street couldnt't emerge last year because at this point he was still pitching for Texas . Correct me if I'm wrong someone.

    Where is Indian Hills CC? Good choice on TV and the empire!

    Pax! (Latin for peace)
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  5. #5
    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    Great answers, Killah Sith. Though I don't understand why Generalissimo is going to be in the Hot Seat answering questions when there's already an "Ask Generalissimo" thread. Oh well . . .

  6. #6
    The Clubhouse Co-Mod HuskerFan2002's Avatar
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    Killah Sith: It was a shame to see Gordon ejected in his last home game. Heh, the crowd gave him a standing ovation when he went to the locker room. He mentioned that he said some things to the umpire that were inappropriate, but that was his first time being ejected in baseball. He's a good guy. I have an autographed baseball from him. Whoo!

    I am going to the College World Series. I have a booklet of 10 tickets to 5 games and as long as Nebraska hangs in there, I'll go to every game. They have a shot at winning it-the pitching is outstanding!

  7. #7
    The Clubhouse Co-Mod HuskerFan2002's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by awefullspellare
    Great answers. Few things I want to say.

    If I remeber right, Houston Street couldnt't emerge last year because at this point he was still pitching for Texas . Correct me if I'm wrong someone.
    That's right. He went to Texas. I saw him pitch last year at the CWS.

  8. #8
    Indian Hills is in Centerville, IA. There is also a campus in Ottumwa, IA where the basketball team is.

  9. #9
    Hall of Famer awefullspellare's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HuskerFan2002
    That's right. He went to Texas. I saw him pitch last year at the CWS.
    I knew he went to Texas, just couldn't remeber if he was still there last year .

    Quote Originally Posted by Killah Sith
    Indian Hills is in Centerville, IA. There is also a campus in Ottumwa, IA where the basketball team is.
    Cool thanks. So many Indian Hills lol.
    I aim to try
    "Nothing is what rocks dream of."-Aristotle

  10. #10
    I can't believe you didn't know who Huston Street was...

    (Neither did I up until a couple months ago, don't feel bad)
    "Players can't get better over time." -GiantsFanatic

  11. #11
    I'm gunnin' for ya! Lynch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Killah Sith
    I'm Fett because I'm a loner, misunderstood, and somewhat mysterious to others.

    He's also a thinker and almost always has a plan.
    too bad he went out like a b!tch, eh?

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