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Thread: Hot Seat Answers #45 - brewersfan19

  1. #1
    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    Hot Seat Answers #45 - brewersfan19

    brewersfan19, your Hot Seat questions have been asked in this thread. You have up to 7 days in which to answer these questions, should you choose to do so. Once you have done that, please select the next Hot Seat participant, should you choose to do so. Thank you for participating. The next Hot Seat (#46) will begin on Friday, November 10th, 2006.

  2. #2
    Hero ball. Kingdom's Avatar
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    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    I am in the process of working on my responses. I will get as many of the answers posted as I can by Friday's deadline. Thanks for the information and help. What if I choose someone who has already been on the hot seat? Can they do it again?

  5. #5
    59 W, 678 2/3 IP, GOAT Dry1313's Avatar
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    Yes, I can

  6. #6
    Who knew we could win? Porter's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Brewers/Steelers Fan!!!
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    Ok, here it goes, I hope I am doing this correctly. My fingers are crossed! Drum roll please.....

    Answers to Post #1 (Kingdom_of_Zito)
    1.) Still disappointed with the overall performance of Mench. But to his defense, I feel that the Rangers and Brewers didn"t give him a legitimate opportunity to prove himself either. He sort of reminds me of a right-handed Junkins, very streaky, whne he is hot, he is smokin', and when he is cold, he is in a deep freeze.

    2.) Does Bambi count? just kidding! On the serious side, the only sentimental movie that I could think of was Field of Dreams. The meaning behind that movie was deep and powerful to me. In fact Baseball means much more to me than just a sport. I love the game, yes, but the atmosphere and the fact that it seems to be a family orientated sport and activity is what it means to me also! The memories that I have accumulated from childhood to the present are cherished moments!

    3.) Petitte-(maybe, probably too much $$$ for us), Loretta or Graffinino to replace Cirillo's role, always liked Trot Nixon, He is a gamer and I love to watch those kinds of players, Zito, C. Lee, and of course Sorianio, DUH!-(which I know none of whom will be a Brewer, but we all can dream can't we!), Edmonds-(1-2 year deal to mentor the youngsters), Suppan and Woody Williams to be in the rotation, Guardado or Borowski to strengthen the pen and be insurance for Cordero, David Weathers back to be a set-up guy, and maybe a Benji Molina, Miller is about ready to become a backup IMO. Great game callers, just more potential offense from Molina, and finally, maybe a Gil meche to be our #4 or #5 and/or our long reliever.

    Answers to post #3-(redsrbetter)

    1.) 10 is my actual favorite number, and 19 is my #1a favorite number, because Robin Yount is my all-time favorite player in baseball. And his number-19! Plus it is an unusual favorite number.

    2.) I stumble on to S3F when creating a MyYahoo! Page and was searching for baseball information and sites. I clicked on to view, created an account and have not regretted it yet! I love the passion that the members have for their team and the sport and life in general. I know we don't always agree, but that is one of the best aspects, cause most of the topics are opinion based. I just enjoying reading other's views and thought's. I can't tell you all how many times since I have joined that you have put a different spin on an opinion I had or visioned in my head prior to S3F membership. Just keep an open-mind and try to take everyone's opinion and form an opinion of my own, sometimes I agree and sometimes I don't, but that is the beauty of this forum.

    3.) 70 Mil, huh? 1st- Take care of all my family, 2nd- Donate to the church and charity, and third buy or invest in the Brewers of course!

    Answers to post #3-(General)

    1.) Robin Yount. He is Mr. Brewer, just like ernie Banks is Mr. Cub. When anyone thinks of the Brewers, most of the time, Yount name is associated with the Brewers. Just loved his approach and attitude towards the game. He was a 5 tool player! Just my idol, could ramble on forever about him, but got more answers to get too.

    2.) Probably the Jeter play in the playoffs against the A's. When I saw that, I was like, what the hell is he doing there, and wow what a play at the same time. Still baffled that he was there in the first place. ANd a close second was Manny being a cut off man in mid-leftfield, what a slacker, and an incredible hitter at the same time!

    3.) Cal-Stanford play when the kickoff return went smashing into the band, still get a good laugh when I see the highlights. And the Immaculate Reception by Franco Harris in the playoffs!

    Answers to post #4-(DirtyKash)

    1.) I am a physical education teacher. I teach at an elementary school. Most days are really enjoyable. If I could go back and change my careers, I could possibly see myself as a FBI agent, always a little fascinated by them. Back of my mind I would love to be a scout for a pro baseball team or maybe an athletic director-(but I would be a clean and fair and do it legally).

    2.) 2 words-Yes Dear! I am sort ot joking and sort of serious about that. Just depends on the situation. Most women and caring individuals. My wife is one of the most caring people that I know or have encountered. She, like most women, have a way of handling situations in a mature, nurturing, and positive manner. Working in an elementary building and having most of your colleagues as women, they get their point across in an effective manner. They seem to use the correct verbage and attitude for others to understand. Speaking from the male, husband, and teacher side, women do an awesome job at handling sitautions correctly, and not impulsively, like myself and many more males that i know. In most cases, I have found that this information is true than not! I hope that helps!

    3.) I don't know... that is a stumper for me. I get grossed out really easily. I can't watch Survivor or any those kinds of shows where they have to do that. My stomach is feeling like a roller coaster as I type this. YUCK! So, to answer the question, chocolate covered ants maybe. I guess, I would have to see what it is first and make that decision then!!

    Answers to post #5-(Dry1313)

    1.) 39

    2.) Beer-(Miller Lite, MGD, Heiniken-spelling there, Corona, with or without the lime, and even Bud Lite if it is the only choice there is.)

    3.) Gary Ward-just cause when the Brewers were in the AL, i went to a game to see them play your Yankees, and we were sitting in the first row of the bleachers and severely drunk, heckling and I believe a few peanuts were tossed in his general direction from a few of my section mates, that I didn't know, but were in on our heckling. And he was a great sport about the heckling. Just took it as a bunch of drunk Brewers fans that in their home park rooting for their team. He was awesome about it!

    Answers to post #6-(Porter99)

    1.) Juan Nieves is one moment when he pitched the only no-no in Brewer history, Yont's game saving catch in the 9th of that game, or his 2 MVP awards, but hinestly, even though they lost a heart breaked series to the Cardinals in 1982, their one and only World Series appearance. Still think it is one of the most memorable and exciting World Series ever, or at least since I have been around. Side note-Twins/Braves was a great Series IMO also.

    2.) I went to Western Illinois. I am proud to say that I am a Leatherneck!

    3.) I listen to progressive rock-(Dream Theater is my favorite group), classic and hard rock-(Rush and the Stones are 2 of my favorites also), blues, jazz, pretty much anything but rap and country!

    Answers to post #7-(DiamondDave)

    1.) Selig can resign any time he wants. Other than creating interleague play and the wild card playoff format, he hasn't impressed me at all as commish. And with my luck, they will change the home field advantage and make it more difficult for the wild-card, and we all know that the Brewers will be the first team to have this disadvantage and once again he will stick it to the Brewers, and we will have more misery!!! Plus, I feel he is getting pressure from the media and big market teams because of the low ratings. Come America, there is more to baseball than Red Sox/Yankees and Cubs/Dodgers. Lets face it, baseball is baseball. If you truly are a fan and your team is NOT in it, support it anyways. I watch the Series every year. I miss an inning here and there, but I love it, cause it is the best teams for that year, and the level of play is intense and if good quality usually. See Detroit's pitching staff struggle with their defense may go against my theory, but still is exciting to watch! So IMO, don't fix anything that is going good! No one told the teams that win the divisions not to take it easy down the stretch. Wild card teams excel usually, cause they have to play playoff baseball for 4-6 weeks down the stretch. Or in the Cardinals case this year, win the division that way too! So, I sincerely hope the don't change that aspect of the playoffs.

    2.)Hmmmmm... lets see, probably Stevie Ray Vaughn, man could play teh guitar and he was just starting to hit his prime. Or Walter Payton, even though I am not a Bear's fan, I just admired his attitude about the game and most importantly, life!

    Well members, thanks. I really enjoyed this. Hope to chat with you all soon and look forward to hearing your opinions, thoughts, and information about baseball and life in the near future. I look forward to opening day and also this off-season. I always have enjoyed watching who goes where for who or what or how. Trade or as a FA.

    Talk to you all soon!!!!



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    Future PGA Tour Golfer DirtyKash's Avatar
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    I think the gym teacher picked catman. But we'll wait for confirmation...

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