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Thread: Strike 3 Forums - Hot Seat Answers #11 - Cardinal Optimist

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    I'm gunnin' for ya! Lynch's Avatar
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    Strike 3 Forums - Hot Seat Answers #11 - Cardinal Optimist

    Cardinal Optimist:

    Your questions are here. You have until Wednesday afternoon to answer the questions and choose the next Hot Seat victim.

  2. #2

    White Sox

    1) If you had a coworker and you found out that he/she does drugs, would you rat him/her out and send him/her to the funny farm?

    2) How often do you spend time on a computer?

    3) What's your #1 pet peeve?
    1.) Unless it was affecting his/her work then no i wouldn't. I don't do drugs, but I'm not against them
    2.) Too much, probably an 2 hours average
    3.) People who act like they know all this stuff about sports and end up sounding stupid.

    Do you agree with MTV is just trying to brainwash and control what gets played all over the damn nation?

    Is there too much censorship in America? Why or Why Not.
    I hate MTV. It really does, it makes kids think something is popular and tries to make them like it.

    Yes there is, and I think the censorship is in the wrong areas also. As if somebody couldn't tell if on the radio it's like "i'm gonna beat the **** outta that guy" and some stuff isn't even censored. You can rap all you want about beating *****es, being in a gang etc.

    Do you consider yourself a music elitist?

    If you were in charge of this country, what would you change first?

    I don't dig too deeply into politics so I'm not going to answer this question, my answer would probably be ignorant.

    What is your favorite TV show?

    What college are you wanting to attend/do attend/did attend?

    What empire would you like to live in at any point in time?
    I don't watch many TV Shows, I watch baseball tonight and games but I don't watch sitcoms or anything.

    I would like to play baseball for ASU, But I think what I'm going to try and do, is play Junior College for 2 years then transfer to a University and play baseball there.

    Roman's definitly.

    If you could be any age, what age would it be and why? (We had to write an essay, but a sentence will do for this )
    4th grade again, that was so much fun.

    will our D-Backs finish 2nd or 3rd?
    Now that i've seen us play for a month I'd say we finish in second place. Which is a significant upgrade over 4th place which i thought before.

    Who you got to have a better career, Brian Bruney or Tony(Adriano Rosario) Pena?

    In that same idea, Josh Kroeger or Luis Terrero?
    Pena easily, I would usually take the Starter over the reliever. I think Pena's chances of making are worse but He has some electric stuff.

    Josh Kroeger, Luis Terrero is just too mcuh of a problem maker, he has been described as the '5 Tool Player without a toolbox'. And it doesn't help that Kroeger mashes.

    1) Love - Is it forever or not?
    2) What is your greatest fear?
    3) What, in your opinion, is the most significant song or composition writen thoughout the history of man?
    1.) Judging by how many divorces there are, i'd say not.
    2.) Of coming down with the same illness that my mother went through and dying from it.
    3.) Lets see, i'll base this on greatness and affect on culture. Agh this is tough. I'll say Pink Floyd-Money, but I really can't think of any one song that has had such a huge affect.

    1. Ten years from now who will be considered the better receiver, Larry Fitzgerald or Anquan Boldin?

    2. What is your fondest memory as a child?

    3. Which in your opinion is the biggest downfall to man: Greed or the quest for power?
    1.) Very good question. I'd go with Fitzgerald, there both very close, but Fitzgerald is bigger more jumping and better body control.
    2.) Playing indoor baseball at my house in 3rd-5th grade. We would break so much stuff in my house.
    3.) The quest for power.

    1. Do you like stand-up comedy? If so, what is the best show you've ever seen?

    2. Name one actor you would like to punch in the nose.

    3. What is your favorite car?
    I do, I have yet to see anyone live but I see a lot on Comedy Central and from downloads. My top 4 Favorite (odd number yes) are
    1.) Dave Chappelle
    2.) Mitch Hedberg
    3.) Dane Cook
    4.) Frank Caliendo

    I don't really dislike any actors mcuh at all, maybe Ben Afflek (sp) for his endless ranting of the redsox.

    For some reason I really like the Acura RSX.

    1) How does Ronald Belizario have perfect ratings for a pitcher (10,10,10) but is still only 4 stars in the Strike 3 Sim League.... is the OOTP god's smiting him?
    2) Who would be in your dream rock band?
    3) Do you believe in the five second rule when it comes to dropped food?
    1.) Too much depth at the starting pitching position.
    2.) I doubt they would make good music together, but my ultimate band of musiscians would be
    Vocals: Maynard James Keenen
    Guitar: John Pettrucci
    Guitar: Adam Jones
    Bass: Les Claypool
    Drums: Danny Carey Or Neil Pert

    3.) Depends where it's dropped, in a cafateria no thanks, on a table sure.

    1) Football: Randy Moss or Jerry Rice. At the peak of their careers, who would you rather have playing for your team. I'm not talking about considering the defenses on the other side of the ball, the QB's throwing to them, etc. Just assume you have the best available QB throwing either one the ball, who would you rather have on your squad (also, personalities (or lackthereof)) are not to be taken into account. Just pure football alone. Who do you want, and why?

    2) Fast Food: If you were on death row and your last meal could be anything you wanted, but had to come from a Fast Food joint, what do you order and from where?

    3) Games: If you could have one arcade game in your home (pinball, table games or standup arcade style), from any time period, what would you like to have?
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    Randy Moss, just on football playing ability i woudl take him over anyone. He can make any catch any play when he wants to. His vertical leap is unmatched and he has amazing hands. Oh, yeah, he also has some nice speed to go with it.

    2.) Eh, fastfood. I'll take some Popcorn Chicken from KFC.

    3.) Area 51

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