Alright gang, today's the day we celebrate the holiday Frank created for the rest of us. But the legend of Festivus is just as important as the traditions that come with it.

Frank : Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way.
What happened to the doll?
It was destroyed. But out of that a new holiday was born: a Festivus for the rest of us!
That must've been some kind of doll.
She was.

From gathering around the Festivus' pole, which is to remain plain in opposition to the highly commercialized Christmas tree, with it's distracting tinsel. To the airing of grievances, where we all gather around the table to tell all our friends and loved ones how much they disappointed us during the year, while sharing a meal of non-holiday food. And finally, the feats of strength. Festivus isn't over until the head of the house is pinned down from the person they choose to challenge them in the feats of strength, so my only question is who is ready to wrassle?

Kramer: Is there a tree?
No, instead, there's a pole. It requires no decoration. I find tinsel distracting.
It's made from aluminum. Very high strength-to-weight ratio.

Frank: I got a lot of problems with you people! And now, you're gonna hear about it. Kruger! My son tells me your company STINKS!
Oh, God.
Frank: Quiet. You'll get yours in a minute. Kruger. You couldn't smooth a silk sheet if you had a hot date with a babe.... I lost my train of thought.

Jerry: And wasn't there a Feats of Strength that always ended up with you crying?
I can't take it anymore! I'm going to work! Are you happy now?!
Frank (on a tape recorder):
All right, George. It's time for the Festivus Feats of Strength!
No! No! Turn it off! No feats of strength! I hate Festivus!