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Thread: World Trade Center

  1. #1
    59 W, 678 2/3 IP, GOAT Dry1313's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    World Trade Center

    I'm not sure if any of you have seen this movie, but it is probably in the Top 5 of the best movies I have ever seen.

    First, let me give you some background: Although I myself did not lose family, I am very entwined with the attack. A few of my parents very good friends worked there, and I had classmates with parents there, and my sister had classmates on some of the planes. The closest I cam to having someone there was my uncle, a Port Authority Cop just like these guys, but one who could span anywhere from the actual Trade Center to out in Jersey. Luckily for us, my uncle was in Jersey that day, but he knew many of the 83 men and women of the Port Authority who died that day. Anyway, after 9/11 my uncle was pat of the cleanup crew, but he undertook one of the more dangerous jobs down there, opening u the subway tunnel which was full of intense heat and mangled metal which could collapse n him at any time. He survived though and was honored for his service at that concert they had. But being someone close, someone relatively connected soon grew fivefold. My uncle is a Chairperson on a board for a Foundation that holds an event every year, honering FF Steven Siller, an off-duty firemen that ran through the 2 miles of the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel and lost his life saving countless people. He was last seen running up the steps trying to save more. Anyway, they hold a race in his honor every year that finishes at the site, and not only have I ran in it every year, but I have raised almost a thousand dollars for the foundation. Any way you look at it, I'm connected now.

    But this movie was something else. It does depict down to a T stories I've heard from the hundreds of Firemen who did live that day, and it shows the horror and shock only a New Yorker or someone who lost a love one that day ould experience. I encourage you all to see it, it is one of the most moving films i have ever watched, and it brings my already budding patriotism even more to the forefront. This movie is one of the few on that subject which places no blame, has no motive, involves no poilitics, and I encourage you all to objectively watch it.

    May all our fallen brothers and sister and all the fallen heroes rest in peace.

  2. #2
    Fan Favorite Hardy Blonde's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Very cool, I can't wait to see this movie!

  3. #3
    Hall of Famer
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    Apr 2005
    Kingsport, TN
    I saw it and it is fantastic! Dry laid it out nicely here as it helps you remember a time when the nation stood as one. Maybe the first and last time we all come together as one. The movie depicts that part as well as the turmoil in peoples lives on that day.

    Great one and I recommend it to anyone.

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