86-76 Regular Season, 15.0 Games out of First Place in AL Central, 1.0 Games out of the Wild Card

86-76 is one game under the best DET record in the leagues history of 87-75 and is tied for the highest divisional placing in DET league history, Second Place. An improvement of 14 games from a season before.

Batting AVG: .282 (9th)
Homeruns: 168 (11th)
Walks: 490 (23rd)
Stolen Bases: 77 (26th)
Runs Scored: 820 (19th)

Pitching ERA: 4.56 (13th)
Opponents AVG: .287 (27th)
HRs Allowed: 98 (2nd)
Walks Allowed: 506 (12th)
Runs Allowed: 826 (17th)

Good young core coming back next year and the entire lineup will stay in tact.

Offseason priorities:
Maybe a third outfielder or first baseman, although Kelly is close to ready
Maybe another SP
A top of the lineup guy

Next year should be a good go-round with Minny and KC.

Good luck to everyone in the playoffs.