The Joba Rules are about to change, The Post has learned.

And after watching Kyle Farnsworth almost flush a Yankees win last night, the alterations can't be made soon enough.

Joe Torre and minor-league pitching coordinator Nardi Contreras, the creator of the Joba Rules, talked yesterday via phone about altering the way 21-year-old right-hander Joba Chamberlain will be used out of the bullpen.

Since arriving in the big leagues Aug. 7, Chamberlain has been tethered to the following program: One inning pitched requires one day off. Two innings requires two days of rest. Three innings of work means three days on the pine. And he needs two days off before being asked to throw two innings.

Nevertheless, because Chamberlain's pitch counts have been very low (he is averaging 14.3 pitches an inning in his past six outings), and he is in the third week of being a major-league reliever after starting for the majority of the season in the minors, the Joba Rules will be altered.

"It may happen next week or so with more information and conversation," Torre told The Post during batting practice last night at the Stadium, where the Yankees beat the Red Sox, 4-3, despite Farnsworth giving up a two-run homer in the eighth.

When the Joba Rules change, Chamberlain's availability will depend on the pitch count in the previous outing.

"That's what we are talking about now," Torre said. "We haven't had any definitive change yet."

More of Chamberlain will be a big boost for the Yankees. He likely won't continue to dominate hitters the way he has in the first eight outings (10 innings, 4 hits, 17 strikeouts, 3 walks). However, Torre could use him in consecutive games depending on how many pitches were thrown.

When the creator of the Joba Rules was asked about them being changed, Contreras danced around the topic.

"I have talked to [minor-league head] Mark Newman and [GM] Brian Cashman and I will talk to Joe Torre," Contreras said. "We will talk about different things."

Yankees fans can expect to see more of Chamberlain's 100 mph fastball and filthy slider. And possibly never set eyes on Farnsworth in the eighth again.

If asked to drag the infield and do the idiotic YMCA dance during games, Chamberlain would be fine with the assignment. Asked about an increased workload, Chamberlain embraced it.

"I am willing to do anything to help this team win," said Chamberlain, who worked two innings in each of his first two outings and one inning in the following six.

Though Torre knows more of Chamberlain is good for his bullpen, he said he understands one of the reasons for Chamberlain's early dominance is the way he has been handled.

"It's pretty tough to alter something that is working," Torre said. "You would like to have him more often, but maybe the reason he has been successful is because of what we have done."

I was very happy to see this article, more Joba obviously will be pretty darn good for this team. Farnsworth has just kind of struggled lately and so its actually going to be really relieving to see more of Joba in the eith. Once Mo retires though do you think that he won't be the set up man any more? Do you think that he will be given the role of closer? He is obviously the best fit and choice right now for that....Things could change though he could take a bad dip and just lose all of his skills and then there is the injury bug that could haunt him. This kid is going to be dominate for a long time though, that slider is just filthy. I did like seeing him get tossed tonight though.