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Thread: Yankees Clear Cut Winners Of the Deadline

  1. #1
    59 W, 678 2/3 IP, GOAT Dry1313's Avatar
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    Yankees Clear Cut Winners Of the Deadline

    Yankees Trade Away:
    CJ Henry
    Matt Smith
    2 A Ball Guys
    Shawn Chacon

    Yankees Acquire:
    Bobby Abreu
    Cory Lidle
    Craig Wilson

    Yeah they take on a shitload of salary, and yeah, Abreu has sucked since last year's ASG, but they acquired 2 very solid Major League hitters, guys who work counts and get on base, and drive in runs. And they acquired a pitcher who has only gone less then 7 once according to YES Network. And what did they give up? A good prospect, a lefty reliever who at best will be a good setup man, and someone who was relegated to Mop-Up duty.

    Now I am anticipating the obligatory "well if my team had the money we'd do the same thing." But the Yankees, for their salary class, definetly got some bang for their buck. I'm not gonna lie, it's nice to add an overpaid Outfielder with a .400 OBP, especially when you don't need him. I get it, I get it, the Yankees are rich, OK. But they got excellent value trades, and now have greatly improved their bench.

    I dislike how this team has turned back into the "All-Star Gang," but hitting is vital, and we got hitting.

    Lidle is my key, he provides quality innings, and we can have 3 good pitchers and 2 decent ones, I can't see us folding. Look out Red Sox? You let me know...

  2. #2
    Red Sox shoulda given away their future for Druw.
    "Players can't get better over time." -GiantsFanatic

  3. #3
    Brewers/Steelers Fan!!!
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    Brewers Can you say DUH!!!!

    As usual the Yankees just spend,spend, spend. Cashman makes it sound like it was such an effort to get George to give him the o.k. to spend $$$$... Please..... Hey George here is an idea for ya... why don't you just buy all the franchises.

  4. #4
    59 W, 678 2/3 IP, GOAT Dry1313's Avatar
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    Yeah, well they didn't, and stood still, now it's time for them to blink, lose the division to the Yanks, and the WC to the Twins.

  5. #5
    59 W, 678 2/3 IP, GOAT Dry1313's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brewersfan19
    As usual the Yankees just spend,spend, spend. Cashman makes it sound like it was such an effort to get George to give him the o.k. to spend $$$$... Please..... Hey George here is an idea for ya... why don't you just buy all the franchises.
    Did you read what I wrote or did you just read the title and spout?

    They got value deal, which help significantly, and leave little or no hurt to the Top Specs or Big Club. That's a great deadline...

  6. #6
    Brewers/Steelers Fan!!!
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    Jun 2006

    Brewers I am not going to deny the Yankees have.

    a butt load of talent. They are loaded, but what my point, or opinion is, the Yankees just go out and buy whoever they want and the players know that. Hey maybe I should send them a resume and become the highest paid equipment manager or something. I don't blame teams like the Yankees, Red Sox, whoever for spending. I know that is the purpose of the luxury tax.

    I agree with you about the trade, I just get frustrated cause the Yankees always just spend. But I am just bitter, cause as we have seen in the past few years, money doesn't always buy you happiness.....

    I do like a lot of the players on the Yankees, they are fun to watch. Hell, if they weren't playing the Brewers, I may even root for them a little harder, but I just can't when they just don't build their team the right in my opinion... Sorry, I am just a frustrated, bitter, but LOYAL Brewers fan... ALways have been and always will!!! And Yes, I KNOW that is my problem!!!!!

    It is just hard to root for a team that just goes out and buys whoever they want, whenever they want, and just give up low-level prospects.... I just don't get why teams fall for that year in and year out... I know it has to do with dumping $$$$ on their current payroll.

    Don't take it personally, Remember, I am a Brewer's fan...

    I think that says it all.... Can you say Selig. YUCK!!!!

  7. #7
    Team Leader Hammer's Avatar
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    what do you mean steinbrenner doesnt build his team the right way? thats a horrendous statement. the fact that steinbrenner puts 200 million dollars into his team, and doesnt recoup 8 houses, 8 cars and 8 top notch hookers, is an admirable trait, that shows hes committed to winning, and not just committed to being some douche who looks at his team like a business. just because hes a genius, who made the yankees a billion dollar operation, doesnt mean he should be restricted in how much of HIS money he puts into HIS team.

  8. #8
    Team Leader Hammer's Avatar
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    as for the deadline...

    i think we did really well. we turned a bunch of parts that would not pay dividends any time soon if ever (i think henry will be a solid ball player 4-5 years down the road), into parts that fill our holes. wilson is gonna back up at both corner outfield spots, and probably be the 1st baseman with giambi at dh... abreu is gonna start in right, and lidle is gonna be our 4th starter. i think tampa bay turning julio lugo into joel guzman was a COUP. pittsburgh selling off a ton of unneeded parts for young ball players was relatively smart... not sure about them parting with oliver just yet though. and texas won a couple days ago by getting carlos lee. id rate those 4 teams as the successes.

  9. #9
    Furcals Designated Driver realmofotalk's Avatar
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    Take it from a frustrated fan of another large market team. For the most part the Yankees buy the right players. They acquired Abreu for spare parts while another team mortgaged its best farmhand for Julio Lugo.

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