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Thread: Yanks at Devil Rays 7/7-7/9

  1. #1
    Hall of Famer nyjunc's Avatar
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    May 2005

    Rays Yanks at Devil Rays 7/7-7/9

    The final series before the AS break got underway last night w/ a nice 1-0 victory. Wright bounced back from his horrid performance against the Mets and pitched 6 shutout innings and the pen took it from there. Click the link for the box:

    The pitching matchups for the rst of the series are:

    Wang vs. Kazmir Tonight
    Kris Wilson vs. Fossum on Sunday

    I don't know much about Kris but the pen should be rady as they'll get 3 days off after the game.

  2. #2
    Hall of Famer nyjunc's Avatar
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    Yesterday wasa rough way to end the 1st half. We could have ben 2 back and riding a 5 game win streak but instead we blew a 5-0 lead and head into the break on a bad note but at least Boston lost to keep us 3 out going into the break. We have a big series w/ Chi after the break so we better get some rest and take that series so it can give us a leg up on the WC race just in case.

  3. #3
    Well once again we fail to sweep a series when we have it by the balls, but i'll take 2 of 3 considering how well TB was playing coming into this series. The deficit is 3 at the break.

    Time to pick up a pitcher and a reliver !
    What is the worst source of diarrhea ?
    A)A bowl of chili, or
    B)Curt Schilling's mouth

  4. #4
    Hall of Famer nyjunc's Avatar
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by yhova
    Well once again we fail to sweep a series when we have it by the balls, but i'll take 2 of 3 considering how well TB was playing coming into this series. The deficit is 3 at the break.

    Time to pick up a pitcher and a reliver !
    I think we need a bat and a reliever and hopefully it will be coming off the DL w/ Dotel, Cano and Sheff/Matsui.

    I read a blurb in the paper today saying a rumor at the ASG is that the Yanks are going to re-acquire Tom Gordon.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by nyjunc
    I think we need a bat and a reliever and hopefully it will be coming off the DL w/ Dotel, Cano and Sheff/Matsui.

    I read a blurb in the paper today saying a rumor at the ASG is that the Yanks are going to re-acquire Tom Gordon.
    Interesting. I don't think we can bank on Dotel personally so acquiring Gordon depending on who for would not be a bad move. You have to wonder then if a deal for Gordon also means a deal for Abreu.
    What is the worst source of diarrhea ?
    A)A bowl of chili, or
    B)Curt Schilling's mouth

  6. #6

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