Minaya also said Jose Reyes will remain with the team this weekend, he will then go to Florida to play in a few minor-league rehab games.
Late next week, Minaya hopes to get Reyes and Alex Cora back, ‘which will help stabilize things a bit.’

The team will continue to be ‘conservative with Reyes, Minaya explained, because the team will need him if it plans to win a Championship.

According to Minaya, he and Jerry Manuel like Ryan Church very much, but Manuel’s way of motivating him, and pushing him, may be perceived by fans and media as harsh.

Lastly, he said, ‘Billy Wagner is coming along good,’ and Minaya believes there is a good chance Wagner pitches for the Mets in September, meaning the team could have Wagner, J.J. Putz, Bobby Parnell and Francisco Rodriguez in the bullpen during the stretch run.
It will be good to get Reyes and Cora back(Cora is coming back early because new reports say he won't need surgery on his thumb). Church is a more interesting case because it's his hamstring. I think he'll be back soon, but the longer F-Mart gets to stay here(as long as he shows something) the better. Wagner coming back would be nice, as our bullpen has already been very good, and adding him cannot hurt.