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My turn!

Rate this Entry This is instead me following the trend and posting my picks. Because life isn't always about what three men in Miami do together.

Cincinnati vs. Philadelphia, Philadelphia in 4

Roy Halladay's classic performance not withstanding, I would say that the magical journey for the reds this season was going to end shortly. I do not understand why you would throw out your least healthy pitcher in game 1, knowing you were facing the potentially eventual NL Cy Young. It's easy to say that after the fact, but going into the series, would you rather open up with a veteran in Arroyo, a pitcher who had the best overall season of the reds in Cueto, or the flash in the pan Woods? Don't they all make a little more sense? But it will be moot, because there really isn't much that can go on par with Halladay-Oswalt-and if you get the 2nd half of the season Hamels. Dusty Baker was due for a screw up, right?

Atlanta vs. San Francisco, San Francisco in 4

Am I anti-homer because I'm a realist or am I anti-homer because I'm shooting for a jinx? Either way, my honest opinion is that it'll be hard to overcome such a poor stretch of play the Braves endured, whether it was poor pitching one night or absolutely no offense the next. And it will be extremely difficult to be consistent when you have to face Cain, Lincecum, Sanchez, Casilla, Wilson, Bumgarner and company. It's only appropriate that Jason Heyward and Buster Posey, your 1a and 1b rookie of the year candidates get the square off one another. It's entirely possible that which ever rookie does the best in the series, that team will win. Not having Chipper Jones hurts, and not having a lot of power past Heyward or McCann also hurts. Could this series be three or four 1-0 games?

New York vs. Minnesota, New York in 3

I think last night was just a portrait of what typically happens when these two teams collide in the postseason. Most of us want to root for the small market team that primarily spends all of its money on keeping its homegrown stars to beat the team that bought a Cy Young, a gold glove 1B, and a couple of charismatic outfielders (Granderson, Swisher). But the reality is, it's almost impossible to shut down Cano, Teixeira, ARod, Granderson, Swisher, Jeter, and the annoyingly pesky at the plate Gardner for 4-5 nights. There's too much offense, too much plate discipline, and too much depth for a team that might be lacking in the rotation past Liriano and Pavano. Now you're looking at Pavano to save your season, which I think he can because at this point since he is no longer Glass Carl. Godo thing AJ Burnett has made the Empire fans forget about Pavano. Right?

Texas vs. Tampa, Tampa in 4

I'm going to tell you my original prediction before the series began and why I prefer to stick with it. I want Tampa to win, maybe more than I think they can win, because I do not feel Texas will amount to much of a threat against the Empire. Yes, they have Cliff Lee and he can beat NYY. But that might be all they have, despite the talented roster. Now, with Texas holding a 1-0 lead and facing Tampa's worst starting pitcher of the year and a guy who serves up the long ball at an alarming rate, it's not looking good for Tampa. If James Shields can prove me and many many many doubters wrong, it's going to be a fantastic series. But that means he keeps the ball on the infield against Hamilton, Cruz, Murphy, Kinsler, Guerrero, Young and.. Bengie Molina?
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  1. missionhockey21's Avatar
    I think the logic behind Volquez in game one was that even if a blowup could happen, out of all the starters, he has the potential on his best night to faceoff with Halladay and shut a team down. It was a gamble, it didn't pay off, but I do sort of understand it.

    As for the Rays, I absolutely agree. Its not looking promising at all, but I want the Rays to win and it isn't because I dislike the Rangers. Not only that, but I think the Rays need to win and convert another handful of people in Tampa and St. Pete to baseball fans.