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My apologies, Jose Bautista.

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I did not believe in you. I saw Aaron Hill and Adam Lind, and thought you were a 15 minutes of fame fluke. I saw a horrendous K:BB ratio and thought.. he soon shall crash land on Earth. I did not have faith you would last, I did not believe in the idea, I did not foresee you actually.. improving.

Now, you are on the verge of 50 (or more) HOMERUNS, 110 (or more) RBI, and 100 (or more) WALKS. In fact, you only have 14 more strikeouts than walks. You have a very acceptable K:BB ratio, one that would make Adam Dunn blush. If you were playing on a contending team, you would be up there with Josh Hamilton, Robinson Cano, and Miguel Cabrera in MVP discussion. I was 100% wrong about you, at least on this season.

But I ask, what changed at such a late age in your career? You have transformed from the Bill Hall utility man with moderate power, to this player I do not know how to describe. You do not appear to be a man juiced on every steroid or performance enhancer. In the OOTP terms, Jose Bautista has taken his talent to the next level. I cannot comprehend this man, I cannot figure it out. If he's truly clean, I am more in awe and even more bewildered.

Are you Brady Anderson without the stolen bases? I hope not, this feeling of sheer confusion is enjoyable. Disappointment would not be.
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  1. missionhockey21's Avatar
    Let us not forget, that its not like he went from a doubles hitter to a homerun hitter. He still has 31 doubles and 3 triples on the year, giving him 80 XBH on the year already.

    Plus the man rocks a mean beard:
  2. DirtyKash's Avatar
    Over/under 30.5 home runs for Bautista in 2011?
  3. Kingdom's Avatar
    I'm going under, even without an injury. As awesome as he has been this season, I want back to back years before I kneel before Jose.