Matt Murphy, the 21-year-old Mets fan who caught #756, seems to have returned from Australia with different aspirations than when he left. Because he's now hawking everything he has in existence from that fateful night on eBay.

Murphy has yet to announce whether he will sell #756 - he's supposed to do that today at 2pm PST at MoMo's restaurant here in SF - but he's already got his ketchup stained Jose Reyes jersey up on eBay, as you can see below. And he says he hasn't cleaned it. Nice.

And for the collector who wants everything, you can also bid on his sweat filled Mets cap.

The starting bid for both items is $100. Only one person has bid so far on the jersey and no one has bid on the cap. Surprising, since Murphy appears to be the model of cleanliness. Anyway, the lack of bids is pretty bad, considering eBay indicates the items went up on August 15th.

I don't think I'd be going out on a limb by saying I fully expect Murphy to sell the ball now and take full advantage of the horrors of capitalism. That ball will likely pull in a bit more than the jersey and cap.
100% Injury Rate: It seems like Matt Murphy is going to sell #756

How can someone honestly want to buy his jersey and cap? This just flat out sick but if I was him I wouldn't know what to do cause he could make alot of money off of it but then again he has one of the most historic pieces in sports history.