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      • Our New Frontpage

        This weekend we added vB Advanced to the forums, a portal system to act as our frontpage. There is still tweaking to be done but we hope this in the end will be a valuable addition to Strike 3 Forums. If you notice any bugs, please report them here or in the Members Association.

        Also, I hope to add a module in which there will be links to all the forums so you can quickly access your favorite forum from the homepage.

        Here it is if you have yet to check it out:

        As of right now the plan is to assemble a writing team (more on that later), so essentially only admins and those who get added to the writing team can start new threads. That isn't too say we won't allow others to write articles, they'll just have to get in contact with me or Ted and submit whatever they wrote.
        This article was originally published in forum thread: Our new frontpage started by missionhockey21 View original post