Quote Originally Posted by Kingdom_of_Zito View Post
Considering what Texas has these days, it's every much filling a need as it is for Cincy. And Volquez is no sure thing, especially at the Great American TeeBall Park. So no one wins until we see what these guys can do in new organizations.
I can sorta agree with that sentiment. I think as it stands they probably did win. However Law doesn't get into what-ifs so much. I think no matter how good Hamilton becomes (and it's going to kill me to see it but I can't wish ill will on the kid) it won't make a bit of difference if Volquez does the same.

And Volquez was coming around late last season on his command issues so if he keeps that up he can reach his ceiling and his ceiling is high. And quality pitching is always in high demand due to lack of supply. So I don't really care if Hammy breaks Hank Aaron's HR record (I still consider it unbroken) if Volquez can just be a Jose Rijo (with a longer career preferably) for us it was worth it.

He's a potential #1 so that only adds to the odds that we eventually have a future ACE after Harangutang. How we looking over the next 10 yrs if we get some luck and have these arms pan out.

Bailey (A true #1 ACE)
Volquez (A #1 pitching in the 2 hole)
Cueto (A #2 pitching in the 3 hole)
Wood (A #3 pitching in the 4 hole)
Maloney (A #3-4 pitching in the 5 hole)

Kyle Lotzkar - a #1-2 in the pipeline and close to the majors in '10 perhaps.

That's 6 guys who could easily be front of the rotation starters, just off the top of my head. Those are just the guys who project to be FORS's. and from here on out we can focus a bit more on continuing that, but building our offensive core which is already solid. The near future isn't so bad either, so it's a good time to be a Reds fan.