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Thread: Ranking Game....

  1. #1

    Ranking Game....

    Rank the following people for who you like worst to best: It should be fun!

    Rich Aurilia
    Danny Graves
    George Grande
    Carl Lidner
    Dave Miley
    Dan O'Brian
    Eric Milton
    Don Gullet


    Here's mine....

    Danny Graves
    George Grande
    Carl Lindner
    Rich Aurilia
    Dave Miley
    Eric Milton
    Dan O'Brian
    Don Gullet

  2. #2
    YO YO YO griffeyfan3's Avatar
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    dan obrien
    carl lindner
    dave miley
    rich aurilia
    don gulitt
    eric milton
    danny graves
    george grande

  3. #3
    MVP NFLman2033's Avatar
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    Danny Graves
    Carl Lidner
    Dan O'Brian
    John Allen
    Don Gullet
    Dave Miley
    George Grande
    Rich Aurilia
    Eric Milton

  4. #4
    Guess Who's Back missionhockey21's Avatar
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    I've added one to the game.

    Dan O'Brien

    This is his sinking ship. His free agent signings on the whole have been unimpressive and the players he resigned have been terrible to say the least. Other than a few picks, his drafts haven't looked so hot either. I do admit I liked a few of the moves he made quite a bit (others not so much, but I kept hope) I am not the General Manager though, he is. I've said it once and I'll say it, we got an amateur in a professional's job.
    John Allen
    The puppetmaster. His power remains unknown for the most part thus his ranking behind O'Brien, he could be ranked higher if we knew just how much he controlled. We can also thank the hiring of O'Brien (who was unqualified for this job in comparison to the other canidates) to him.
    Danny Graves
    His attitude, his salary and his pay all stink. Enough said.
    Dave Miley
    I think he is one of baseball's "good guys" but again, he seems to mishandle this team and it's players. Lineup excution, when to pull starters, how to handle the BP have all been poor. We don't know how much influence O'Brien has had on him but I know I would rather go with the choice I FEEL is right rather than one I do not. Yeah, O'Brien is the boss, but I am sure if his name as a coach wasn't damaged to some sdegree like it is now, he would of found no trouble getting at least a bench coach job on some other team eventually.
    Carl Lidner
    He has been a bastard in the past with the team, but he made an effort by opening the pocketbook, the front office was the one's who screwed up. He has is up because he helps out the community and most people who meet him, say he is a great man who loves his city.
    Eric Milton
    He is a terrible pitcher but I can't blame him for the front office giving him a ludicris contract.
    Rich Aurilia
    Aurilia just isn't the player he once was. Unlike Milton he isn't a finacial burden and I can't blame him for Miley/O'Brien/Whatever making him the starter.
    George Grande
    Grande isn't the best announcer but he is tolerable. And as cheesy as it sounds, he is a nice guy. He doesn't really impact my viewing of the Reds or sour it in anyway, they do that all by themselves.
    Don Gullet
    Ah, Gully. Maybe one of the most overrated coaches in the game due to a few successful projects of retreads. But he was a Red in the golden era and one hell of a pitcher, I love watching tape of him pitch. It's a shame that his career couldn't of gone on longer since the science of baseball surgery with pitchers was limited at that time.

  5. #5
    Yeah I meant to put Allen on the list, but I forgot him by mistake.

  6. #6
    Hall of Famer CincyRedsFan30's Avatar
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    Dan O'Brien
    Danny Graves
    John Allen
    Carl Lindner
    Rich Aurilia
    Eric Milton
    Dave Miley
    Don Gullett
    George Grande
    The Simpson family gathers around, as Homer places Bart's passed test on the fridge.)

    Homer: We're proud of you, boy.

    Bart: Thanks, Dad. But part of this D-minus belongs to God.

  7. #7
    MVP NFLman2033's Avatar
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    edited my list to add allen

    i must say must of us are pretty close in our rankings.. Graves makes the top of mine because he is not only a horrible pitcher/player, and not only a terrible burden on our teams pocketbook and what seems to be permanetly sloted in a key position for us... but his attiude is just plain horrible... which is why i have Aurilia and Milton toward the bottom of my list, even though they suck, at least they haven't gotten bad attiudes.. Aurilia will ***** about not starting when he comes back, which will make me put him higher than milton, I don't like Milton's salary, but you really have to blame other people for that.

    Linders decision to spend more money this year is probably a saving grace, but we were suposed to have fielded a winning team in 2003, but he didn't increase the payroll when he said he would.. it is still a business for him, and we don't need a business man to run our team, we need someone with a passion for baseball.. becuase if you think of owning a team as a business you either set your self up for failure, or you become the most hated man in the city.

    Don Gullet is up there because he really hasn't shown the ability to help young pitchers.. sure he has had his moments rebuilding old players. the Smiley's, Schoerek's(sp)Harnish's and Villone's of the MLB, but what about the Rob Bell's Brett Tomko's, Jose Acevado's, and the Brandon Claussen's.. he hasn't done squat.. the nearest I can figure Aaron Harang must be ignoring everything the guy says, because he is managing to do well when everyone else is failing terribly.

    Miley is pretty high on my hate list, but he has proven he can manage well even with crap, like he did last year, I think he has made some questionalble decisions. but really like most experts say Managers are over rated in terms of their impact on a teams performance

    and finally that leaves George Grande, the guy is a plain idiot, I swear he doesn't seem to know half of the crap that comes out of his mouth sometimes.. he just sounds like a moron who has no business being an announcer.. Chris Welsh really isn't much better.. Tell me why oh Why can't Marty do TV... it would be so much better.. if nothing I would love to see Tracy Jones take Chris Welsh's spot just to give me some reason to listen to the TV.. I hate turning the sound off and watching the game due to the horrendous delay

  8. #8
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    Allen - I have know clue what this guy thinks or does for the organization. He just seems to have too much influence to not allow certain things to happen. He has not done anything remotely positive for this team and may have even complained about the pay raise Lindner was gracious enough to finally give.

    O'Brien - May be the one in control of the bad lineups and takes far too long to make deciaions that can help put this team in the right place.

    Aurilia - I think he has found some way to start over Lopez and it stinks.

    Graves - Has no clue that he sucks. A waste of space and money.

    Miley - Would be higher on this list if I did not believe that DanO was behind most of his bad moves. But he still has to be a lot more aggressive. Say screw you to DanO and watch him excel.

    Lindner - last year he would have been at the top of this list, but he did finally open his wallet.

    Gullett - The argument is that he has no talent to work with. But can he at least get something going this year?

    Milton - I have no clue what is wrong with this guy. I just hope he turns it around.

    Grande - He has no way of effective a game's turn out whatsoever, so I cannot blame him. Plus, I have not listened to him that much. But for him to be on this list, I bet he has talked a lot of crap. Then again, so have I and this team really deserves it.

  9. #9
    Hall of Famer CincyRedsFan30's Avatar
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    No, some just don't like Grande's overly "nice" on-the-air personality and they think some of his comments show a lack of knowledge about the game.
    The Simpson family gathers around, as Homer places Bart's passed test on the fridge.)

    Homer: We're proud of you, boy.

    Bart: Thanks, Dad. But part of this D-minus belongs to God.

  10. #10
    MVP NFLman2033's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CincyRedsFan30
    No, some just don't like Grande's overly "nice" on-the-air personality and they think some of his comments show a lack of knowledge about the game.
    i am more like the 2nd half of tha statment

  11. #11
    good idea with this thread.

    Dave Miley- i have to blame Miley for all of the terrible lineups this year, we'd be in much better shape if he would hav eused the talent we have correctly. maybe someone was telling him who to play and where to play them, but does a good manager listen to that crap? He's at best a company stooge, and at worst a miserable idiot. d'angelo never should have hit leadoff, aurillia never should have played, casey shouldn't have hit third, on and on and on.

    Dan O'Brien- spent what little money we had terribly, we all saw it coming. D'angelo shouldn't have been signed (clearly) milton was too much money and a bad fit for us. He's made some decent aquisitions, but seems pretty clueless in general.

    Don Gullett- danny graves, eric milton, todd coffey, paul wilson, all have lost velocity and control, and all say that they can't come up with any answers. Just a coincidence? I hate how ullet always gets away with bs like this, isn't that what a coach is supposed to do? All these guys sound desperate, where is the leadership, where is the coaching? It shouldn't be up to Milton alone to figure this out, that's why we have coaches. Gullet just says "throw strikes," well duh. anything else skip?

    Rich Aurilia- always hated him. I'm convinced he was juicing in 2001, and he has a crappy attitude.

    John Allen- barry larkin should be a part of this team in some way, and it's john allen's fault that he's not and that hurts us. also, i thin he calls more shots than we know.

    Danny Graves- crappy attitude of late, but generally a good guy. His contract is too big, but is that his fault? He needs to turn things around, but with this coaching staff, it's all on him to do. It's too bad things have done this way, cincy used to love the baby faced assassin.

    Carl Lindner- i don't like how he runs chiquita and all the other things he own, but as far as being a baseball owner, he did his job this year. The reds should have been able to field a winning team with all the money he gave them, they just spent it like idiots. This team is not his fault at all. FOr the money we gave milton, ortiz, and jiminez we could have signed millwood and lieber, started freel all year and kept a decent prospect.

    Eric Milton- makes too much money, but again, is that his fault? He seems genuinely sorry that he sucks, and maybe a better coach could help him stop sucking. If he was juicing to get that velocity he used to have, then he goes way up this list.

    George Grande- got no problem with grande, i think he makes as many good comments as most anouncers, and he isn't terribly biased. He gives credit to other teams and will criticize the reds, which i like when it's true.
    Reds MVP Race

    6: Arroyo, Harang
    5: Kearns
    4: Phillips
    3: Dunn, Felo, Freel, Milton
    2: Claussen, EdE, Griffey, Valentin
    1: Aurilia, Hatteberg, Lizard, Larue, Shackelford

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Cincy
    Rank the following people for who you like worst to best: It should be fun!

    Rich Aurilia
    Danny Graves
    George Grande
    Carl Lidner
    Dave Miley
    Dan O'Brian
    Eric Milton
    Don Gullett


  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by NFLman2033
    Danny Graves
    Carl Lidner
    Dan O'Brian
    John Allen
    Don Gullet
    Dave Miley
    George Grande
    Rich Aurilia
    Eric Milton
    How did John Allen get on this list?

  14. #14
    MVP NFLman2033's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sea Ray
    How did John Allen get on this list?
    maybe you should read other posts before you post
    Quote Originally Posted by missionhockey21
    I've added one to the game.

    Dan O'Brien

    This is his sinking ship. His free agent signings on the whole have been unimpressive and the players he resigned have been terrible to say the least. Other than a few picks, his drafts haven't looked so hot either. I do admit I liked a few of the moves he made quite a bit (others not so much, but I kept hope) I am not the General Manager though, he is. I've said it once and I'll say it, we got an amateur in a professional's job.
    John Allen
    The puppetmaster. His power remains unknown for the most part thus his ranking behind O'Brien, he could be ranked higher if we knew just how much he controlled. We can also thank the hiring of O'Brien (who was unqualified for this job in comparison to the other canidates) to him.
    Danny Graves
    His attitude, his salary and his pay all stink. Enough said.
    Dave Miley
    I think he is one of baseball's "good guys" but again, he seems to mishandle this team and it's players. Lineup excution, when to pull starters, how to handle the BP have all been poor. We don't know how much influence O'Brien has had on him but I know I would rather go with the choice I FEEL is right rather than one I do not. Yeah, O'Brien is the boss, but I am sure if his name as a coach wasn't damaged to some sdegree like it is now, he would of found no trouble getting at least a bench coach job on some other team eventually.
    Carl Lidner
    He has been a bastard in the past with the team, but he made an effort by opening the pocketbook, the front office was the one's who screwed up. He has is up because he helps out the community and most people who meet him, say he is a great man who loves his city.
    Eric Milton
    He is a terrible pitcher but I can't blame him for the front office giving him a ludicris contract.
    Rich Aurilia
    Aurilia just isn't the player he once was. Unlike Milton he isn't a finacial burden and I can't blame him for Miley/O'Brien/Whatever making him the starter.
    George Grande
    Grande isn't the best announcer but he is tolerable. And as cheesy as it sounds, he is a nice guy. He doesn't really impact my viewing of the Reds or sour it in anyway, they do that all by themselves.
    Don Gullet
    Ah, Gully. Maybe one of the most overrated coaches in the game due to a few successful projects of retreads. But he was a Red in the golden era and one hell of a pitcher, I love watching tape of him pitch. It's a shame that his career couldn't of gone on longer since the science of baseball surgery with pitchers was limited at that time.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by NFLman2033
    maybe you should read other posts before you post
    No way! In a poll like this you should in no way read others posts first because then you may be basing your opinion on what others said. This poll is what we think, not how someone else's opinion altered yours.

    If Allen was subsequently added then the originator of this thread should have edited his original post to include him.

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