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Thread: Fire Sale? So Soon?

  1. #1
    Hall of Famer
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    Fire Sale? So Soon?

    So we are the worst team in baseball right now as far as trying to win a ballgame. DanO may have it in his mind to start over and call it "starting fresh." Are we looking at a possible riddance of Griffey, Casey, Wilson, for prospects? Could be a thought in DanO's head right about now. Out with the old and in with someone new.

  2. #2
    Minor Leaguer Krazyredsfanguy's Avatar
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    Bring It On !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    It is something that should have been done long ago. You can only stink it up for so many years before even The Mayor can't convince you to come to the ballpark. I say get rid of the following players:

    SEAN CASEY - there are cheaper first basement out there just as good, and certainly with more power and a "fire in their belly". I'm tired of Sean's fraternizing. Sorry, Sean, I'm glad you're enjoying the game, but we pay to watch the Reds pummel people, not get pummeled.

    DANNY GRAVES - again, this "nice guy" stuff is killing the Reds organization. Danny's another guy who could care less whether he wins or loses. Well, maybe that has changed after it was proven to him that the fans are more important than the players. Danny used to be great, when his sinker was working. Anymore, he has no control over his pitches (hence the walks) and relies on trying to keep the ball down (hence pitching to contact). When he leaves the ball hanging, it lands in the upper deck. He has no velocity. I want every player to be great forever (the longer they are great, the less old I feel, LOL!), but it's time to move on.

    KEN GRIFFEY, JR. - I know everyone's tired of talking about this one, but he's been reduced to "warning track power" (if he manages to get a hold of it), and that's it. He can no longer chase down balls deep to the outfield if he has to turn around. His throwing is inaccurate, he fumbles with the ball (anyone that watched today's game could see that). He hasn't run to first base in years.

    PAUL WILSON - he's been exposed. For years he has been hovering around "Paul Wilson average", but now age is showing, and if you thought he was mediocre at best before, just wait....some are saying that he's hurt, but if you're really hurt, then you will show it. What he showed today was a total lack of velocity (age can do that) and unwillingness to try and strike batters out. It is almost as if he wanted out of the game. Rarely does a team's ace deserve to be canned, but tis the truth with the Reds.

    JASON LARUE - he has a decent arm behind the plate, but that's it. He allows more passed balls than any other catcher I can remember. He strikes out a ton, and looks everytime doing it. He gets nailed by pitches more than ANY other player I can remember, but I think he does it on purpose just to cover up the fact that he should be starring in a whiffle-ball league. Sometimes the beans are so obvious, it appears that Larue paid off the pitcher. Jason, you're a hard worker, but the Reds need to win. You're not part of the solution.

    EVERYBODY IN THE BULLPEN, EXCEPT Ryan Wagner and Matt Belisle - all the others are completely washed up and don't fool anyone. They're not even good clowns. They have no fire, are there just to pick up a paycheck. Move on without them. Introduce the bullpen sitting in the minors, but first....

    FIRE Don Gullet and Dave Miley. Neither of these sorry souls are effective working with younger players. They don't know how to set lineups, don't know the strengths and weaknesses of their players, and provide no motivation to these kids to succeed. Please, Dan O'Brien, don't let Miley and Gullet destroy the talent that is left in the minors.

  4. #4
    Minor Leaguer Krazyredsfanguy's Avatar
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    you forgot jiminez, the most worthless of all of them. i think all our problems would be solved if we let valentin catch everynight (kidding!)

  5. #5
    C you there
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    Casey is a good hitter and after what i seen with PAUL WILSON, I just want him out Not today not yesterday i want him out like months ago he's proven that he no longer has it in him, the first inning was just pathetic I can't believe that crap

  6. #6
    Hall of Famer
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    Good analysis on Graves and Griffey Quiet! It hurts to agree with you on Griffey because I still love to feel like he was the greatest player of all time. But I have also seen that he is just too slow in center these days. The warning track power thing, I need to see a little more of him this year to declare it. But so far it is a fact.

    But I really am not hoping for a fire sale at all, at least not yet. But there are still some players that we could afford to deal.

    Jiminez (Freel is better)
    Graves (whole bullpen is better)
    Aurilia (Lopez is better)
    Weber (whole bullpen not named Graves is better)

    Just to name a few.

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